sportmt September 27, 2016 0

More than 20 000 young Maltese will participate in the European initiative

Malta encourages better physical activity and health to everyone by joining the European School Sport Day. The initiative will be held on 30 September 2016 and will invite 150 schools to participate in different kind of traditional games and movement. The local organiser of the initiative Sport Malta has invited the Minister of Education and Employment Mr. Evarist Bartolo and the Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Mr. Chris Agius to support the initiative and to join many high-profile athletes and EWOS Ambassadors at the flagship event at Cottonera Sports Complex.

Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius gives information about European Sports Day.

Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius gives information about European Sports Day.

European School Sport Day is part of NowWeMOVE campaign, developed by a consortium of European umbrella organizations and aims to promote health and wellbeing for lifelong learning and to develop social competences among students through fun and meaningful experience. In Malta the initiative is supported by Kristal Water represented by GSD Marketing Ltd.

Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius gives information about European Sports Day.

Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius gives information about European Sports Day.

Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius gives information about European Sports Day.

Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sports said that children should be exposed to various activities that contribute to the growth of their agility, balance and coordination that form the basis of all sports disciplines. Moreover sports activities should be made attractive to children so that they do not view sports as an obligation but rather as an endeavour that they enjoy. He stated that his wish is to see that such activities continue to entice children towards sport and cultivate a passion towards an active lifestyle. He sustained that this is indeed a challenge to organise such an activity during the first scholastic week but he believes that such an initiative gives its due importance to physical education.

“We believe that the schools should be the main focal point where the true value of grassroots sport is being delivered and that is why we have invited all schools not only to join the event, but to participate in the dynamic sport programme, organized by us for the children during entire day”, Mark Cutajar, Chief Executive of Sport Malta said.

Kevin Azzopardi, Education Officer for Physical Education stated that this is a unique occasion to unite state, private and church schools to promote together physical education as an enjoyable activity and not just to obtain competitive results in this field. The Ministry of Education has invested in sport facilities so that students have accessibility to sports and it is planned that more are to be developed in the coming months.

Sport Malta expects more than 20 000 young people to join the event using their localities – squares, gardens, alley ways, waterfronts, to play and be active. In order to involve as more participants as possible, the organizers of European Schools Sport Day has provided teachers and students with fresh ideas to plan and prepare their own school sport program outside classes. This useful toolkit is available on the official website of the initiative

About the NowWeMOVE campaign

NowWeMOVE is Europe’s largest bottom-up campaign of its kind promoting sport and physical activity. Launched in 2012 by ISCA, it brings stakeholders in the sport for all from a variety of sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. The cross-sector vision of the campaign is to get “100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.” The overall objectives of the campaign are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.

For more information about NowWeMOVE campaign please visit


sportmt September 26, 2016 0

A major revamp at the Cottonera Sports Complex took place and was presented to the public on Friday 23rd September during an event held at the premises. SportMalta employees have been labouring relentlessly over the past months carrying out extensive embellishment works resulting in an overall appearance that reflects the new branding of the entity. However the most striking innovation is the new flooring of the main hall, an investment of 120,000 euros. The flooring is of the highest quality thus placing SportMalta on the same level as other oversees venues when competing for the hosting of international events and competitions.

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Such an investment is the result of the continuous effort by SportMalta to improve the relationship with the local sport associations by providing them with the best facilities for them to practice and attract people towards their individual sport. This collaboration keeps growing as SportMalta is delivering one project after the other. As a result SportMalta is benefitting from enhanced confidence in its operations as it is being present for the associations so as together they offer the best service possible to the Maltese population.

During the event to celebrate the upgrading of the complex the public were entertained by over 400 SportMalta dance students during a presentation of the show Dance Project. The performanace marked the closing of the Be Active campaign and forms one of the seven main activities that were very successful during the European Week of Sports.

Mark Cutajar, Chief Executive of SportMalta thanked all the employees who contributed to make this dream a reality. He expressed his satisfaction at the increasing number of participatants in the SportMalta summer and winter programmes claiming that this is testimony of the fact that the entity’s message to bring people closer to physical activity is coming across. He encouraged people to apply for the Winter programme now that applications are out so as to avoid disspointment since once more it is being anticipated that the numbers will be again of phenomenal proportions. He concluded by stating that he is proud that SportMalta has not only managed to change its material outlook but also its mentality to be the government’s supreme authority to meet its new mission statement to move a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and succesful Malta.

Luciano Busuttil,  Chairman of SportMalta declared that this investment reflects the entity’s policy to continously support sports associations,  providing them with the necessary backing to expand their sport and ensure that they will find backing from the goverment’s sport entity.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, Chris Agius said that this investment is just a part of the upgrading of the Cottonera Complex in the southern part of our country. He confirmed that there are already all the applications in place with The Planning Authority for the building of an indoor pool. Works are envisaged to commence in the beginning of next year. He also mentioned the waterpolo pitch in Birzebbuga that will be completed in a few weeks, the current study being carried out for a new pitch in M’skala and the possibility of another indoor pool in Hal Kirkop.

Success for the First Edition of Gozo Summer on The Move

sportmt September 14, 2016 0

The first edition of the Summer on the Move Programme in Gozo comes to an end. The programme was organised by SportMalta in collaboration with the Gozo Sports Board. For this edition 80 children participated in the various sports disciplines organised during the Summer months. During the closing event The Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, Chris Agius stated that this is another service being offered to Gozitans especially those craving physically activity. He said that SportMalta together with the Gozo Sports Board are working relentlessly to provide the best service led by qualified and professional coaches. He sustained that through sports children learn values such as teamwork which will be beneficial to them throughout their life.

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Photos from this weekend’s Beach Sports Fest

sportmt September 14, 2016 0

Some cool photos from this weekend’s Beach Sports Fest at Pretty Bay B’Bugia.






More photos CLICK HERE


European Fitness Day – Participating Fitness Centres

sportmt September 12, 2016 0

Have you ever wondered if there was one day entirely dedicated to fitness and physical activity, where anybody could choose an activity that suits their needs?

Next Thursday is your opportunity to get fit and #BeActive!

Hereunder you can find a number of Fitness centres that are taking part in this cool initiative.

Contact the fitness centres directly to see how next Thursday can be the start of a new healthy and active life style.


  • Westin Workout Fitness Studio – St. Julians

10% off on memberships booked during the day

Free nutritional advice from the in house nutritionist who will be their between 2pm-8pm

Free body composition test to all those attending

  • D.N.G. Fitness and Personal Training

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • The Spotter Fitness Studio – Luqa

3 Free Classes

30 – 10.15am: Mobility Class for over 50’s

15 – 7.00pm: Circuit Training Class

15 – 8.00pm: Kettlebells & TRX Class


  • Pathways Method – Bahar Ic-Caghaq

Opening Hours: 06.00 – 22.00

Personal Training 1 on 1 / Small Group Activities


  • Malta Self Defence Academy – Fleur De Lys

Free classes in Kung Fu / Self Defence to beginners all ages (From 6 upwards)


  • Spartan Kettlebells – St. Julians

Free training the whole day


  • WI Zumba – San Gwann Primary School

Free Zumba Classes


  • 24/7 Fitness Club San Gwann and  Mellieha

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • S Fitness Studio St. Paul’s Bay

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • Ta Qali Health & Fitness Center

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • Free My Me

Free sessions during the whole day.

  • WSK Club

Free Kickboxersice sessions during the whole day.


  • Reflex Total Fitness (Fortina Spa Resort)

Free sessions during the whole day.

Schedule for The Maltco Indoor Rowing

sportmt September 10, 2016 0

Click the download bellow to find out the schedule for the Maltco Indoor Rowing Challenge.

Download here

Il-Marsa jirbħu r-Regatta tradizzjonali ta’ Jum il-Vitorja.  Bormla jirbħu Kategorija B.

sportmt September 8, 2016 0

Id-distrett tal-Marsa rebaħ ir-regatta ta’ Jum il-Vitorja wara li għeleb il-kompetizzjoni mid-distrett tal-Isla, bl-aħħar tellieqa tkun dik deċiziva.  Il-Marsa spiċċaw il-ħames tiÄĄrijiet b ‘total ta’ 64 punt, bl-Isla jispiċċaw b’46 punt.  Fit-tielet post spiċċa d-distrett ta’ Bormla bi 28 punt.  Warajhom Marsamxett b’16-il punt, il-Birgu b’14-il punt u id-distrett ta’ BirÅžebbuga b’4 punti.

Id-distrett tal-Marsa spiċċa fl-ewwel post fi tliet itlielaq dik tad-dgħajjes A tal-midalji, u iÅž-Åžewgt itlielaq tad-dgħajjes C tal-pass kemm b’Åžewħ qaddiefa u anke b’4 qaddiefa.  Intant ma għamlu l-ebda pjazzament fiÅž-Åžewgt itlielaq tal-frejgatini u tal-kajjikki.

Id-distrett ta’ Bormla rebaħ kategorija B tar-regatta li saret illum.  Huma temmew il-ħames tigrijiet b’total ta’ 60 punt, erbgħa punti biss fuq id-distrett tal-Marsa li spiċċaw fit-tieni post b’56 punt.  Bid-distrett tal-Isla spiċċa fit-tielet post b’44 punt.  Il-Kalkara temmew din il-kategorija bi 8 punti filwaqt li l-Birgu spiċċaw b’total ta’ 4 punti.


Bormla dahlu l-ewwel fl-ewwel tigrija dik tad-dghajjes C tal-pass b’zewg qaddiefa u dghajjes A tal-midalji.  Filwaqt li spiccaw fit-tieni post fl-ahhar tigrija tad-dghajjes B tal-pass b’4 qaddiefa u it-tielet fit-tellieqa tal-kajjikki.  Bl-uniku tellieqa li ma jiehdu l ebda punt tkun dik tal frejgatini.


sportmt September 7, 2016 0


The capital will join more than 50 European cities which will dance in #BeActive FlashMOVE with one and the same music and choreography

The #BeActive FlashMOVE, a mass dance flashmob will be held on 10 September at 11:00 at the square St. George’s Square in Valletta. Together with the dancers in Malta more than 150 events in 50 cities in 18 countries will bring together thousands of Europeans in one and the same dance. FlashMOVE will open the official European Week of Sport, supported by the European Commission.

FlashMOVE is part of NowWeMOVE campaign, developed by one of the leading European organization in the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity – International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). The initiative aims to strengthen local communities and since 2015 the campaign was recognised and receives financial grants from The Coca-Cola Foundation.

“We want to change the mentality of people not only to be active and stay healthy, but to make sport and physical activity a way of life, because it will strengthen our communities and will make our life easier and happier”, Mark Cutajar, Chief Executive of Sport Malta said. Based on this ideology Mr. Cutajar mentioned that SportMalta has now moved into an era wherby the new mission statement of the entitity “Moving a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and successful Malta” reflects such commitment towards society.

The organisers expect more than 800 participants to join FlashMOVE on September 10. The choreography of the 2016 #BeActive FlashMOVE is easy enough to learn quickly by people of all ages and was developed by ISCA member Slovenian Sport for All (SUS) to the tune “ALE’ O”, provided by SportMalta. FlashMove step-by-step video tutorial may be found on the website of the initiative

About Sport Malta

As an entity under the responsibility of the Secretary Parliamentary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport within the Ministry for Education and Employment, Sport Malta’s core purpose is to inspire Maltese and transform the nation through sport. Through innovative, fun and meaningful sporting experiences, our mission is to reach out and serve communities across the country with passion and pride. Our mandate goes beyond winning medals. Sport Malta uses sport to create greater sporting opportunities and access, more inclusivity and integration as well as broader development of capabilities. At Sport Malta, we work with a vast network of public-private-people sector partners for individuals to live better through sports.

About the NowWeMOVE campaign

NowWeMOVE is Europe’s largest bottom-up campaign of its kind promoting sport and physical activity. Launched in 2012 by ISCA, it brings stakeholders in the sport for all from a variety of sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. The cross-sector vision of the campaign is to get “100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.” The overall objectives of the campaign are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.

For more information about NowWeMOVE campaign please visit