Mini Basketball Festival

sportmt October 6, 2021 0

On Saturday 25th October at Maria Regina Middle School, Naxxar Starlites Basketball held its Mini Basketball Open Day and organised a Mini Basketball Festival which brought together children of different ages to play 3 vs 3 games.

During this event which celebrated the European Week of Sport seen a turnout of many children participating in games and fun physically active activities. As part of Starlites BC long term plan, and aligned to the motto of the club, towards an active lifestyle, the last hour was dedicated specifically for children as young as 3 and 4 years of age. These young participants were exposed to micro basketball and games which offered an exposure to movement, exploration of space and shooting hoops in an adapted micro basketball environment.

A dire need to expose young children to movement and activity is an essential target in the Club’s objectives. Starlites BC thanks all coaches and helpers who attended this event and SportMalta for providing gifts to all children who participated.

Signing of SportMalta Collective Agreement

sportmt October 5, 2021 0

SportMalta is pleased to announce that the negotiations on the new collective agreement for the period 2021-2024 were concluded and the agreement was signed on 4th October 2021.

The Entity which has a mission to facilitate inclusion and a healthy lifestyle through sport and physical activity is expanding its facilities with a number of infrastructural projects to create more high level places for the mission targets to be reached. The employees covered by this agreement are crucial in achieving these targets Moreover, they are contributing to move SportMalta to new highs with record participation in its programmes and record number of events to promote physical activity and sport towards a healthy lifestyle.

The agreement puts forward a 2.7% increase in financial package and also addressed some abnormalities in previous agreements. A number of family friendly measures make the agreement more attractive to its employees. Moreover this agreement offers to facilitate career development.

CEO Mark Cutajar thanked all involved including the Industrial Relations Unit within the Office of the Prime Minister, UHM representative, Human Resources Department of the entity and workers representatives for the smooth negotiations in between parties during a particularly challenging moment. He stated that this agreement gives the required tools to one of the best teams of employees on the island to continue to excel.

The agreement was signed by Mark Cutajar CEO and Dr Luciano Busuttil Chairman of SportMalta, Mario Sacco and Isabelle Farrugia on behalf of UHM and Darren Brincat and Michael Micallef representing the employees.

The signing of the agreement was overseen by Hon. Clifton, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport

SportMalta Launches #OnTheMove Programme and #BeActive Campaign

sportmt October 5, 2021 0

Following the success of the Summer On The Move program over the summer, for another year, SportMalta is launching the program for the winter season. During the winter season, the program will be offering more opportunities for children and adults to be physically active and practice their favourite sport. During this program, academies will be strengthened to give more opportunities to all children to reach higher levels in sport.

Robert Portelli, Head of Programmes within SportMalta, pointed out that the aim of SportMalta is for every child to be able to practice sport regardless of the resources of their parents or carers, so that we can ensure a more active and healthy generation.

In addition to the winter program On The Move, SportMalta is also launching a sports and educational campaign for the public. Rose Marie Mercieca, coordinator of the European Week of Sport said that against the background where there is a growing percentage of people across the European Union who do not engage in physical activity or play sports, SportMalta – as part of its mission to lead Malta through the promotion and development of sport for Malta strong, inclusive and successful, and in its position of the National Coordinating Body of the European Week of Sport – launched a special campaign to achieve its goals.

The campaign consists of a number of videos with different themes, which show examples and possibilities of how to be active through sport and education. The aim of this initiative is to create a balance, where the subject is treated from different perspectives, notably that of a coach, teacher, parent, athletes from different backgrounds, and the sports volunteer who has a very specific nature.

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima expressed his satisfaction with the success of the Summer On The Move program and announced that 1,000 applications had already been submitted for the winter program. “This competition and this sporting activism fills us with courage and determination to continue to plan such programs for children and adults of all ages,” the parliamentary secretary continued.

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima launches Winter on the Move

The Chief Executive of SportMalta stressed how this year’s edition of the European Week of Sport was a great success. The activities had a good response from the general public, athletes, clubs and associations. Therefore, as a dynamic entity, SportMalta has launched a media campaign on education and sport and on the need for more volunteers in the field of sports, now that major events have arrived in our country such as the Special Olympics 2022 and the Games of the Small Countries of Europe in 2023.

He also said that these programs, in addition to their main goal being sports activism from a young age, send the message that sport is for everyone regardless of a person’s ages and resources. “The government, together with SportMalta, is looking forward to preparing more programs and a campaigns to have a more active and physically and mentally healthy people”

European Week of Sport ta’ Kandja Event

sportmt October 5, 2021 0

On the occasion of the European Week of Sport on Sunday 26 September 2021 at the National Shooting Complex of Candia, a competition was held for a straight shot shooting competition.

20 shooters participated in the qualifying session on 50 plates, of which six shooters qualify as finalists.

The final was held on 25 plates for which the shooters Joseph Galea, John Gauci, John Mary Camilleri, Gordon Tanti, Keith Portelli and Noel Muscat qualified.

Shooter John Galea took first place with the largest amount with a total of 73 plates, followed by shooter John Gauci with a total of 72 plates, in third place finished John Mary Camilleri with a total of 71 plates.


European Week of Sports – Tennis

sportmt October 5, 2021 0

Zebbug Tennis Club organized an event entitled  a Doubles//Singles Tournament for Beginners and Semi Beginners.

This was held on 24th September 2021 from 7 to 11:30pm whereby 22 players from different walks of life and with different abilities were divided into 3 teams.

Besides the physical aspect and Fun comradeship, there was also an element of competitiveness whereby one did his utmost both physically and tennis wise to win.

Trophies were presented to winners//runner ups and a bag was kindly also donated to each participant by Sport Malta who are always foremost to help us to encourage sportive activity.

Il-komunità ta’ ÄĶal FarruÄĄ se tibbenefika minn ftehim bejn SportMalta u l-Kunsill Lokali ta’ ÄĶal Luqa

sportmt October 1, 2021 0

B’riÅžultat ta’ ftehim bejn SportMalta fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-InkluÅžjoni u l-Kwalità tal-ÄĶajja u l-Kunsill Lokali ta’ ÄĶal Luqa, il-komunità ta’ ÄĶal FarruÄĄ, li tifforma parti mil-lokalità ta’ ÄĶal Luqa u li fiha joqogħdu 580 resident, se tkun tista’ tagħmel uÅžu mill-faċilitajiet għall-eÅžerċizzji fiÅžiċi li SportMalta għandha f’Ta’ Kandja. L-uÅžu ta’ dawn il-faċilitajiet se jkun mingħajr ħlas u se jkunu eliÄĄibbli għalih persuni li l-età tagħhom hija minn 16-il sena ‘l fuq.

Il-Ministru għall-InkluÅžjoni u l-Kwalità tal-ÄĶajja Julia Farrugia Portelli, li kienet preÅženti għall-iffirmar tal-ftehim, iddeskrivietu bħala investiment ieħor li se jtejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja tar-residenti. “Huma diversi l-fatturi li jikkontribwixxu għal x’livell ta’ kwalità ta’ ħajja jkun qed jgħix il-poplu. Ekonomija soda, servizzi edukattivi u ta’ saħħa, drittijiet ċivili, servizzi soċjali, u servizzi u benefiċċji lil persuni b’diÅžabilità huma fost dawn il-fatturi, u li ċertament li l-gvern ta aktar minn prova waħda ta’ kemm mexxa lill-pajjiÅž ‘il quddiem fihom. Xjentifikament u medikament, hu stabbilit li eÅžerċizzju fiÅžiku hu kruċjali għall-benesseri tal-individwu. Qed naħsbu għal dan ukoll. Tista’ tgħid li għandna faċilitajiet sportivi f’kull belt u raħal u qegħdin niÅžviluppaw il-kunċett li nipprovdu apparat għall-eÅžerċizzi fiÅžiċi fil-miftuħ b’kordinazzjoni mal-kunsilli lokali u SportMalta biex ikun jista’ jintuÅža mir-residenti tal-lokalità.”

Il-Ministru Farrugia Portelli Åžiedet tgħid li, “Qegħdin inkomplu niÅžviluppaw il-kunċett li jittejbu l-attivitajiet sportivi u fiÅžiċi fil-komunitajiet, bħalma huwa l-ftehim bejn SportMalta u l-Kunsill Lokali ta’ ÄĶal Luqa, li apparti li huma utli ħafna biex dak li jkun iÅžomm ruħu f’saħħtu, fl-istess ħin iservu wkoll ta’ rilassament mentali, rilassament li jirrendi kwalità ta’ ħajja aħjar. Il-komunità ta’ ÄĶal FarruÄĄ se tkun tista’ tibbenefika mill-faċilitajiet għall-eÅžerċizzji fiÅžiċi li SportMalta għandha f’Ta’ Kandja.”

Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, ir-Rikreazzjoni u l-Għaqdiet Volontarji Clifton Grima rrimarka kif ÄĄimgħa wara oħra, permezz tal-proÄĄetti sportivi fil-komunità, il-gvern qiegħed ikompli juri kemm verament irid itejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajja tal-poplu Malti. Is-Segretarju Parlamentari qal li, “L-għan ħolistiku ta’ dawn il-proÄĄetti komunitarji u sportivi huwa li l-poplu jintegra ma’ xulxin filwaqt li jsib ħin biex jeÅžerċita ruħu u jÅžomm ruħu attiv kemm jista’ jkun”.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Åžied jgħid li, bl-għajnuna tal-kunsill lokali flimkien mar-rieda tal-gvern u SportMalta, aktar nies qed jibbenifikaw minn attivitajiet sportivi bla ħlas biex ikollna poplu b’saħħtu.

Iċ-Chairman ta’ SportMalta Luciano Busuttil qal li SportMalta dejjem tfittex mezzi differenti sabiex tilħaq aktar nies biex jagħmlu attività fiÅžika. Huwa qal li SportMalta akkwistat dan l-apparat għal attivitajiet tal-Ä imgħa Ewropea tal-Isport u poÄĄÄĄiet dan l-apparat għad-dispoÅžizzjoni permanenti tal-pubbliku sabiex jitgawda s-sena kollha.

Is-Sindku ta’ ÄĶal Luqa John Schembri saħaq li din l-inizjattiva hi waħda poÅžittiva li se tkun qed tagħti opportunità lir-residenti ta’ ÄĶal FarruÄĄ biex jagħmlu uÅžu minn din il-faċilità bla ħlas. Is-Sindku ħeÄĄÄĄeÄĄ lir-residenti ta’ ÄĶal FarruÄĄ sabiex japplikaw għall-sħubija mill-Kunsill Lokali.​

Investment in 31 specialised frames for children with disabilities, to be able to play football

sportmt October 1, 2021 0

Minister for Inclusion  and Quality of Life  Julia Farrugia  Portelli  together  with Parliamentary Secretary  for  Sport,  Recreation and Voluntary Organisations  Clifton  Grima  and SportMalta CEO    Mark Cutajar  announced ₮21,000  in financial assistance to  Frame Football Malta,   to purchase  31  specialist  frames  for  disabled  children to be  able  to  play  football.

Frame Football is a suitable football game concept for children who need   a walking frame or crutches  to  play football. This investment is ensuring and ascertaining that every child who needs some kind of  mobile help   and  wants to  play football like the rest of the children  can  do this.

This investment further confirms the government’s policy of having an inclusive society so  that  together, as  one nation,  we improve  our abilities.

The Minister  for Inclusion  and Quality of Life  Julia Farrugia  Portelli  said that the principle of inclusion  contributes  greatly  to a better quality of life.  This investment shows tangibly how the principle of inclusion is not only  one  on   paper. Inclusion  in sport  is  one of the cornerstones  of the  national strategy for  persons  with disabilities. This will be launched in the coming  weeks. 

The Minister  stressed the importance    of continuing  to  create an environment  where  disabled persons  feel  comfortable doing  what  others do, even if in different ways.  The contribution  of  voluntary organisations,  such as  Frame Football Malta,  strengthens our work  in this direction.

 Parliamentary Secretary  Clifton  Grima  said    that  today  is a historic  day for inclusion in Maltese  sport  and for children with  disabilities . “Sport  unites us,  but to be  able  to  truly  say  that  through  sport  everyone  is  included we need to keep  investing in equipment,  irrispective of a person’s  ability. The Parliamentary Secretary  said  that the government’s mission  is,  that apart from achieving prestigious results,  every individual should have access to practice and participate in sport.

Parliamentary  Secretary  Grima    added  that this investment in frame football equipment, besides having  an impact  on  children  and  young people with  disabilities, will  help them   improve  their   social skills, communication and self-confidence . “These investments  exemplifies the government’s message  that it  really  is a government for the people. We  are committed     to    create opportunities  for  each  individual to improve,”   the Parliamentary Secretary concluded .

  SportMalta    CEO Mark Cutajar  stressed  that this investment is a fundamental  part of SportMalta’s mission  , which helps  to    achieve   a stronger, more inclusive and  successful society.

Frame Football Malta President Rita Darmanin Carbonaro  said  that the investment has provided a necessary  tool  for  these children  and young people  to   further  develop  their love for the football game.    This puts us on  an equal  footing  with  clubs    abroad with  whom they  can  participate  and  compete in tournaments  and  other sporting activities.

Prime Minister Robert Abela announces car and motorcycle racetrack project in Hal Far.

sportmt October 1, 2021 0

Prime Minister Robert Abela announces car and motorcycle racetrack project in Hal Far.

With an investment of ₮ 20 million, this international level racetrack is another promised project which will be enjoyed by everyone.

During a Cabinet meeting held at the Basketball Pavilion in Ta ‘Qali wherein sportsmen were present, Prime Minister Dr. Robert Abela announced this international level racetrack project in ÄĶal Far, with an investment of ₮ 20 million.

“We are placing sport at the top of the government’s agenda and in the coming years we must make achievements which we have never reached before and embark on projects that have been waiting for years,” said Dr Abela.  Besides giving widespread access to sport for all in our schools and in the community, we must also ensure that our children aspire to be professional sport persons.

He mentioned the Games of the Small States of Europe which will take place in Malta in 2023 and the investment that is being done in the facilities to host these games and also towards the athletes, so that Malta will have the best results in history. 

Presently it is the time for the racetrack project in Hal-Far. “The plans are ready and a financial proposal agreed on with the participation of the NDSF”, the Prime Minister said. He also stated that on a design of German experts at the choice of the Malta Motorsport Federation this project will be of the highest level that everyone will enjoy.

Dr Abela said the government has seen to it that it does not take any land which is outside the development zones, this land is currently already being used for a similar activity. He also said that sound studies have been carried out so this will not be an inconvenient to BirÅžebbuÄĄa residents, new systems will be introduced to make this race track a professional one and a quality attraction.

The Prime Minister concluded by saying that this is another wisely planned promise that will lead to 95% of the sporting measures of the electoral manifesto implemented.

Representatives of various sports disciplines were invited to this Cabinet meeting, the Malta Motorsport Federation’s president Mr. Duncan Micallef said that this government will be remembered as the one that carried out the wishes of tens of thousands of people. The former FIA European Drag Racing Champion stressed that the motorsport racetrack is the result of cooperation between the government and sport amateurs, due to this Malta will have a high-level project which will enable us to have international champions in this sport.

Minister for Inclusion and Quality of Life Julia Farrugia Portelli said “There is one element that brings us together, the strong value of sport and that we truly believe in its progress in various forms. We look forward to the coming months with a sense of pride that Malta, a small country, will send a strong message on inclusion while we host the Special Olympics next year “.

Minister Farrugia Portelli added that, “When we talk about inclusion we are talking about inclusion in its broadest sense, a girl, a boy with a disability, can play sports and yes they can compete.  In the last three years investment in the sports sector has been unprecedented. From 2019 until now this has increased by ₮ 6.7 million, to a record sum of more than ₮ 14 million. We must always understand the importance of sport, it is scientifically proven that the quality of life is also measured by physical activity”.

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Dr Clifton Grima said that the National Motorsport Center in AL Far will strengthen the existing drag racing and karting, while building a circuit adjacent to these same facilities. The parliamentary secretary also said that the existing drag racing and karting facilities will be upgraded and due to this investment international events are already committed. Finally, the parliamentary secretary recalled how this government is achieving results that are crucial for all athletes.

Interventions were also made by sports representatives including basketball, football, water polo, water sports, athletics, rugby, snooker the Maltese Olympic Committee. Also present were representatives of Sport Malta and Equestrian Malta.



sportmt January 22, 2021 0

Gvern għan-nies – Il-gvern permezz ta’ SportMalta jgħaddi 1,338 metru kwadru ta’ art fiÅž-Åŧona Industrijali ta’ Kordin lill-Hibernians Basketball Club biex tiÄĄi Åžviluppata f’padiljun tal-basketball ÄĄdid

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, ir-Rikreazzjoni u l-Għaqdiet Volontarji Clifton Grima indirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fejn ħabbar li, wara numru ta’ snin ta’ stennija, il-gvern permezz ta’ SportMalta għadda art fiÅž-Åŧona Industrijali ta’ Kordin, b’qies ta’ 1,338 metru kwadru u b’ċens ta’ 45 sena, sabiex tiÄĄi Åžviluppata f’padiljun ÄĄdid u faċilitajiet anċillari.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima spjega li permezz ta’ dan it-trasferiment, il-Hibernians Basketball Club se jkollu klabb sportiv kif jixraqlu u li qed ikompli juri l-impenn tal-gvern li jwettaq il-wegħdiet elettorali sportivi tiegħu. Huwa stqarr li dan il-gvern irid irawwem u jsaħħaħ il-kultura sportiva sa mill-etajiet bikrin.

“Bħala gvern, konxji li biex nagħmlu dan irridu ninvestu fil-faċilitajiet sportivi u fl-għaqdiet infushom, u dak huwa li qed nagħmlu llum. Aħna nemmnu li rridu nagħtu l-faċilitajiet u l-għajnuna sabiex il-klabbs sportivi jkunu jistgħu jkomplu jikbru u jtejbu s-servizzi tagħhom. Wara kollox, huma uliedna li jgawdu minn dan kollu. Dan il-gvern huwa mpenjat biex jinvesti sabiex flimkien nagħmlu l-qabÅža ta’ kwalità li jmiss. Irridu li kull dixxiplina sportiva tingħata l-opportunità li tiffjorixxi”,  sostna s-segretarju parlamentari.

Iċ-Chairman ta’ SportMalta Dr Luciano Busuttil tkellem fuq il-bÅžonn li aktar klabbs u assoċjazzjonijiet jieħdu l-inizjattiva biex jikbru u jidħlu għall-isfidi kif għamel il-Hibernians Basketball Club. B’dan il-mod, bl-art tagħhom, aktar klabbs jistgħu jsiru aktar awtonomi u jÅžidu l-edukazzjoni sportiva fost it-tfal, ÅžgħaÅžagħ u l-komunità inÄĄenerali.

Dan il-gvern huwa mpenjat li jwettaq diversi proÄĄetti b’risq diversi dixxiplini sportivi differenti, filwaqt li jinċentiva lill-għaqdiet iqumu fuq saqajhom u jissaħħu, u jagħti lill-atleti l-ispazju kollu biex jiÅžviluppaw it-talenti tagħhom lejn l-eċċellenza sportiva.

SportMalta Moves for Hospice Malta

sportmt December 9, 2020 0

SportMalta, the national entity for sport, reaches out to Hospice Malta. Such action emanates from SportMalta’s mission to move a nation though the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive, and successful Malta.

During the month of October, being the awareness month for breast cancer, SportMalta invited all its employees to wear a pink t-shirt and jeans for work against a donation of their choice. This event took place on Friday 23rd October and all the proceedings from this activity went for charity in aid of breast cancer patients.

In this regard, SportMalta organised an outdoor activity for its employees to mark this important initiative and to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity and the value of donating for a good cause.

The collected donation was presented to Andrew Zammit, Chief Relations Officer at Hospice Malta at Cottonera Sports Complex, by the entity’s representatives. During this brief meeting, both entities exchanged their views about sports and physical activity, both recognizing their benefit for a healthy lifestyle. The need for future collaboration, towards having a more healthy and inclusive society, was expressed by both parties.