Category: SportMalta News

Marlon Attard Wins Second Place at European Shooting Championships in Croatia

SportMalta News September 13, 2023 0

The Maltese shooter competed in the European Shotgun Championships in the skeet competition.

Marlon Attard, a Gozitan athlete who was representing Malta in the European Shooting Championships held in Osijek in Croatia, had a great performance that led him to win a silver medal in the skeet event.

Marlon Attard benefits from SportMalta’s Flexi Training Scheme, an initiative which assists athletes to train during working hours with the aim of achieving good results in competitions. He also benefits from the National Development and Social Fund through SportMalta. These athletes are at the top national level and show great potential in their sport.

The shooter opened the tournament with a display indicative of his potential in this competition, as he hit 74 of 75 targets, with a series of 25, 25 and 24. In the second series, he continued to build on this exhibition as he obtained a result of 49 out of 50, with a series of 25 and 24. Thus, he advanced to the final with a total of 123 out of 125 plates.

In the final, Attard continued to record points consistently, as he missed only four shots from the first four series. He finished the final with a total of 54 out of 60 plates, a substantial gap over the 45 of the Italian shooter Tammaro Cassandro, who finished the competition in third place.

However, this performance was not enough to get the gold, as the Greek shooter Charalambos Chaliadakis was in a phenomenal form that led him to take the maximum points, with 60 plates hit out of 60. Thus, he was the Greek who has qualified for the 2024 Olympics to be held in Paris.

Attard’s excellent warning and final result are considered to be the ultimate success ever achieved by a Maltese shooter in skeet, particularly considering the prestige of this competition. This result will certainly not perhaps continue to boost his morale that, in the following competitions, he also manages to obtain a qualification for next year’s Olympics.

Shooters Liam Sciberras and Clive Farrugia were the other Maltese shooters who competed in this competition. However, totals of 69 and 71 respectively were not enough for them to secure a place in the final.

SportMalta communicates with Sports Federations, Associations, and Clubs to participate in the 9th edition of European Week of Sport

SportMalta News September 13, 2023 0

SportMalta reaches out to Sports Federations, Associations, and Clubs, inviting them to join in the excitement of the 9th edition of the European Week of Sport. This event is all about celebrating the joy of physical activity and the many benefits it brings to individuals and communities. SportMalta believes that sports play a vital role in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, and they are eager to unite with various sports organizations to make this celebration memorable.

Through effective communication, SportMalta aims to foster a sense of unity and cooperation among these different sports entities. By coming together, they can showcase the diversity and richness of sports in Malta, and by participating in the European Week of Sport, they can share their passion and enthusiasm with a wider European audience. This not only promotes Malta’s sporting culture but also strengthens the bonds of friendship and collaboration across borders.

In joining this event, Sports Federations, Associations, and Clubs have an excellent opportunity to inspire people of all ages to get involved in sports and physical activities, emphasizing the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle. SportMalta looks forward to a successful partnership with these organizations in making the 9th edition of the European Week of Sport a memorable and impactful experience for all.


Join the Movement and #Beactive

SportMalta Dives into the Future with New Olympic Size Pool at the Cottonera Sports Complex

SportMalta News September 6, 2023 0

Prime Minister Robert Abela unveiled the New Olympic-Size Pool at the Cottonera Sports
Complex on Tuesday 5 th September 2023.
Dr. Abela talked about how this shows that the Government wants to keep spending
money on things that help everyone. He also said that the government is doing projects like
this all over the country.

The ₮14 million investment on this pool is going to be super useful for sports and help
Malta do well in sports.
The location of this one-of-a-kind sports project in the southern part of Malta further
underscores our commitment to building a better Malta and ensuring that progress
reaches every corner of our nation.
The investment for the GSSE extended beyond the Games themselves and sports facilities;
it encompassed millions of euros dedicated to the technical development of our athletes.
This commitment to our athletes will persist, with a ₮5 million allocation from the National
Development and Social Fund dedicated to further enhance their technical preparation.
The Cottonera Sports Complex features state-of-the-art technology and offers a range of
amenities, including multiple dressing rooms for both athletes and officials, dedicated
office spaces, advanced control rooms, spectator stands, and restroom facilities.
The pool, designed to meet all the requirements of World Aquatics, is equipped with
heating systems for the water and features air conditioning. This ensures optimal
conditions for training and competitions.

Dr. Clifton Grima, the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation,
expressed his contentment with the addition of this Olympic-size pool. He emphasized that
it presents a significant opportunity for the aquatic sports sector in our country to advance,
potentially leading our athletes to even greater success.

Mark Cutajar, the chief executive of SportMalta, enthusiastically praised the new pool,
describing it as one of the finest sporting facilities in Malta. He emphasized SportMalta’s
dedication to providing athletes with top-notch facilities to help them achieve their best
possible performance on the global stage.
During the inauguration on Tuesday, Jayden Cassar, a member of the Malta U-17 water
polo national team, expressed the gratitude of Maltese athletes for having access to a pool
now considered among the best in the Mediterranean. He believes that this project will not
only attract more young people to aquatic sports but also contribute to better international
results for our country.
The high-quality facilities and opportunities for training and competition are expected to
have a positive impact on the development of aspiring athletes in Malta.
We Promise, We Deliver

Behind the Scenes: The Key to Event Preparations

SportMalta News September 4, 2023 0

SportMalta plays a vital role in making the European Week of Sport a success. Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of hard work and planning that happens to prepare for this exciting event. The key to these preparations is teamwork and dedication.

Firstly, SportMalta collaborates with various partners and organizations to create a dynamic and engaging program for the European Week of Sport. They work together to decide on the sports activities, workshops, and events that will be a part of the week. This requires careful scheduling and coordination to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Secondly, SportMalta focuses on ensuring that the venues and facilities are in top shape. It makes sure that sports fields, gyms, and other locations are ready for action. This involves maintenance, safety checks, and making any necessary improvements.

Additionally, SportMalta works on promoting the event to the public.  Uses social media, advertising, and community outreach to encourage people to participate and get active during the European Week of Sport.

In conclusion, SportMalta’s dedication and behind-the-scenes efforts are the key to the success of the European Week of Sport. Their teamwork and careful planning ensure that everything is in place for a week of sports and fitness that everyone can enjoy.


Join the Movement and #Beactive

Minister Clifton Grima visits the site of the first indoor swimming pool in Cottonera

SportMalta News January 7, 2023 0

The first indoor swimming pool project with an investment of ₮14 million will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. SportMalta’s project of the first indoor swimming pool of an international scale in the Cottonera Sports Complex, with an investment of ₮14 million, will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, while visiting the ongoing works on this project said, “It is gratifying that this state-of-the-art indoor swimming pool will be an excellent opportunity for the aquatic sport sector in our country to continue to push forward and continue to contribute to more successes that have been achieved in recent years. This project is also promised in the electoral manifesto”. It was explained that works have been completed on the roof of the swimming pool which is specially made to complement the ramparts and is also intended to absorb external noise, so there is no sound discomfort for the surrounding neighbors . The construction works on the dressing rooms, offices, control rooms, and rooms for sanitary needs have also been completed. Part of the project included the construction of a plant room and a tunnel under the swimming pool, through which cars pass, part of the ring road of the complex.
The CEO of SportMalta Mark Cutajar said, “This project is part of a series of projects that SportMalta takes care of, and through it we will have one of the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean because the indoor swimming pool will complement the Pavilion facility, and has space for 400 spectators as well as a conference hall and a cafeteria”. With this pool, local athletes will no longer be disadvantaged compared to foreign athletes who used to train in an open pool but compete in an indoor pool. With this project the programs within SportMalta will grow and develop into more opportunities for athletes and school children.

Launch of the SportMalta Awards GħaŞliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

SportMalta News February 17, 2021 0

Press Release

Today 17 February 2021

SportMalta Awards GħaŞliet Sportivi Nazzjonali

The 61st edition will take place on Saturday 13 March 2021

This year’s edition of SportMalta Awards GħaÅžliet Sportivi Nazzjonali will take place on Saturday 13 March 2021. This was announced today during a Press Conference in which the details related to the organization of this edition were given. This year’s edition, due to the present circumstances of COVID-19, will be a restricted one and different from the recent editions.

At the Press Conference it was explained that after the Executive of the Sports Journalists Association took into account the situation of Sport in our country especially from March to December last year, it was wise to ask SportMalta to in spite of everything the 61st edition of this event would take place anyway.

Eventually, after the request of the Sports Journalists Association was accepted by both SportMalta and the Parliamentary Secretariat, preparations began immediately to organize another edition that rewards the best results of the year 2020.

The Organizing Committee composed of officials from SportMalta and the Sports Journalists Association has agreed that this year’s edition will take place anyway. The decision was taken even with respect to those Associations and Federations that made every effort and despite the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic, they strove to see that their athletes remain active and even where they could organize the respective National Championships.

It was explained at the Press Conference that the evening will be organized by complying with all COVID-19 mitigation measures as issued by the Health Authorities including that only 90 people will be invited to the event, including the finalists and a small representation of officials along with sponsors and journalists.


sportmt January 22, 2021 0

Gvern għan-nies – Il-gvern permezz ta’ SportMalta jgħaddi 1,338 metru kwadru ta’ art fiÅž-Åŧona Industrijali ta’ Kordin lill-Hibernians Basketball Club biex tiÄĄi Åžviluppata f’padiljun tal-basketball ÄĄdid

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, ir-Rikreazzjoni u l-Għaqdiet Volontarji Clifton Grima indirizza konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fejn ħabbar li, wara numru ta’ snin ta’ stennija, il-gvern permezz ta’ SportMalta għadda art fiÅž-Åŧona Industrijali ta’ Kordin, b’qies ta’ 1,338 metru kwadru u b’ċens ta’ 45 sena, sabiex tiÄĄi Åžviluppata f’padiljun ÄĄdid u faċilitajiet anċillari.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima spjega li permezz ta’ dan it-trasferiment, il-Hibernians Basketball Club se jkollu klabb sportiv kif jixraqlu u li qed ikompli juri l-impenn tal-gvern li jwettaq il-wegħdiet elettorali sportivi tiegħu. Huwa stqarr li dan il-gvern irid irawwem u jsaħħaħ il-kultura sportiva sa mill-etajiet bikrin.

“Bħala gvern, konxji li biex nagħmlu dan irridu ninvestu fil-faċilitajiet sportivi u fl-għaqdiet infushom, u dak huwa li qed nagħmlu llum. Aħna nemmnu li rridu nagħtu l-faċilitajiet u l-għajnuna sabiex il-klabbs sportivi jkunu jistgħu jkomplu jikbru u jtejbu s-servizzi tagħhom. Wara kollox, huma uliedna li jgawdu minn dan kollu. Dan il-gvern huwa mpenjat biex jinvesti sabiex flimkien nagħmlu l-qabÅža ta’ kwalità li jmiss. Irridu li kull dixxiplina sportiva tingħata l-opportunità li tiffjorixxi”,  sostna s-segretarju parlamentari.

Iċ-Chairman ta’ SportMalta Dr Luciano Busuttil tkellem fuq il-bÅžonn li aktar klabbs u assoċjazzjonijiet jieħdu l-inizjattiva biex jikbru u jidħlu għall-isfidi kif għamel il-Hibernians Basketball Club. B’dan il-mod, bl-art tagħhom, aktar klabbs jistgħu jsiru aktar awtonomi u jÅžidu l-edukazzjoni sportiva fost it-tfal, ÅžgħaÅžagħ u l-komunità inÄĄenerali.

Dan il-gvern huwa mpenjat li jwettaq diversi proÄĄetti b’risq diversi dixxiplini sportivi differenti, filwaqt li jinċentiva lill-għaqdiet iqumu fuq saqajhom u jissaħħu, u jagħti lill-atleti l-ispazju kollu biex jiÅžviluppaw it-talenti tagħhom lejn l-eċċellenza sportiva.

SportMalta Moves for Hospice Malta

sportmt December 9, 2020 0

SportMalta, the national entity for sport, reaches out to Hospice Malta. Such action emanates from SportMalta’s mission to move a nation though the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive, and successful Malta.

During the month of October, being the awareness month for breast cancer, SportMalta invited all its employees to wear a pink t-shirt and jeans for work against a donation of their choice. This event took place on Friday 23rd October and all the proceedings from this activity went for charity in aid of breast cancer patients.

In this regard, SportMalta organised an outdoor activity for its employees to mark this important initiative and to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity and the value of donating for a good cause.

The collected donation was presented to Andrew Zammit, Chief Relations Officer at Hospice Malta at Cottonera Sports Complex, by the entity’s representatives. During this brief meeting, both entities exchanged their views about sports and physical activity, both recognizing their benefit for a healthy lifestyle. The need for future collaboration, towards having a more healthy and inclusive society, was expressed by both parties.

Inawgurat il-Padiljun tal-Basketball f’Ta Qali

sportmt December 7, 2020 0

It-Tnejn filgħodu l-Prim Ministru Robert Abela akkumpanjat mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport Clifton Grima, inawgura t-tieni faÅži tal-proÄĄett ta’ aktar minn miljun ewro fil-Padiljun tal-Basketball f’Ta’ Qali.

Ix-xogħlijiet tat-tieni faÅži kienu jinkludu it-twaqqigħ tal-istrutturi interni u bini mill-ÄĄdid ta’ l-istands biex issa din il-facilita’ għandha kapjenza ta` 1100 sit bilqegħda.  Barra a minn hekk saru dressing rooms ĥodda u anke uffiċini ĥodda għall-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Baskitbol.  Dan ikomplimentaw ix-xogħlijiet tal-ewwel faÅži li kienu jinkludu titjib fl-istruttura oriÄĄinali tal-azzar u tal-binja minn barra.

Fid-diskors tiegħu l-Prim Ministru Abela qal kemm huwa mportanti li nrawmu l-valur tal-isport fit-tfal tagħna. Huwa nnota kif dan l-investiment għamel l-arena aċċessibli anke għall-persuni b’diÅžabilità li jistgħu issa jipprattikaw il-baskitbol f’Ta’ Qali.

Dr Abela qal li rridu nemmnu f’dak li nwettqu biex il-livell dejjem jitla’ ‘l quddiem. Semma kif din hija parti mill-viÅžjoni ta’ dan il-Gvern għall-għaxar snin li ÄĄejjin u li ninsabu ffukati li naraw liÅž-ÅžgħaÅžagħ jitilgħu ‘l fuq f’dan il-qasam u kull qasam ieħor.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima qal kif l-isport għandu impatt poÅžittiv fuq il-ħajja u s-soċjetà tagħna. Saħaq kif il-livell għoli ta’ sport f’pajjiÅžna qed iħalli l-frott tiegħu anke f’pajjiÅži barra minn Malta.

Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta, Mark Cutajar semma kif dan il-Gvern jimpurtah mill-isport u dan juruh id-diversi proÄĄetti li qed isiru f’dan il-qasam madwar Malta u Għawdex kollha.  Cutajar radd ħajr lill-ħaddiema ta` SportMalta li għalkemm fl-2020 għaddew minn perjodu diffiċli, xorta laħqu l-miri tagħhom għal din is-sena.  Huwa semma li l-għaqal tal-entita’ għamel possibli li l-proÄĄetti jitkompklew kif ukoll li l-assistenzi mogħtija din is-sena kienu ukoll rekord.  Huwa għamel ringrazzjament speċjali liċ-Ċermen Luciano Busuttil u l-ħaddiema għax-xoghol imprezzabli tagħhom.

Summer On The Move 2020

sportmt July 31, 2020 0

Summer on the Move has opened its doors to the 17th edition.   In somewhat unique circumstances that the entire world faced, it is highly encouraging that over 2000 children and adults will be taking part in a wide variety of activities.  As expected, swimming and other aquatic activities top the list as they remain the most popular year after year.  The programme is offered in SportMalta’s main sport complexes as well as in some schools and sport clubs such as the Vikings Sailing Club where for another year, sailing courses for children and adults will be held.  Children in Gozo will also be served with sessions held in Rabat.

Over the years, many took the opportunity to try out a new sport during Summer on the Move and eventually kept practising ever since.  Indeed, this 8-week programme intends to inspire children and adults to take up sport on a regular basis, as part of the winter programme or by joining a club.  The morning programme offers up to 6 hours of sport and physical activity a day and includes different sports and swimming.  This ensures that all children have a positive experience when participating in sport.  An important outcome of the programme is that of instilling a sense of enthusiasm towards sport and physical activity, encouraging children and adults to understand the health benefits of participating throughout life, which in itself is an important pillar of SportMalta’s mission as part of the #BeActive campaign.