Category: News

SportMalta Encourages Physical Activity with Bicycle Giveaway

SportMalta News July 20, 2024 0

SportMalta has taken a proactive step in promoting physical activity among children by distributing a number of bicycles through a recent competition featured in a children’s magazine. The initiative aims to encourage young participants to engage in outdoor activities and embrace a more active lifestyle.

The competition, designed to be both fun and educational, provided an exciting opportunity for children to win bicycles, thereby motivating them to spend more time outdoors. SportMalta’s approach aligns with its ongoing efforts to promote health and fitness within the community.

The organization believes that offering prizes which encourage physical activity can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of young people. By fostering a love for cycling and other physical activities, SportMalta hopes to instill lifelong habits that contribute to overall fitness and wellness.

This initiative is part of SportMalta’s broader mission to inspire and support active lifestyles across all age groups. Through programs and competitions like this, SportMalta continues to play a vital role in nurturing a healthier, more active generation.

Celebrating Sport in Malta 2024

SportMalta News December 20, 2023 0

2024 will be a remarkable year for SportMalta since it will be celebrating its ten years following the transition from the then Kunsill Malti għall-Isport.  In the last press conference of the year SportMalta gave details about the first activities in 2024 and recognised several schools which took part in the SportMalta Schools Sports Day.  A recognition night to celebrate individuals who supported society through sport and physical activity.

Rose Marie Mercieca, Coordinator of the European Week of Sport said that SportMalta would like to recognize the work done in the schools of Malta and Gozo as part of the European Week initiative of Sport.  She said that since its inception ten years ago, the participation within this initiative continued to grow year after year reaching a record participation in 2023.  She congratulated all the schools and stressed on the importance of dissemination in schools and beyond.

Mark Cutajar CEO SportMalta said that in as in the last ten years, SportMalta will keep serving the society at large by providing opportunities to associations, clubs, individuals to practice sport and physical activity.  Her announced that a Conference ‘Celebrating Sport in Malta’ will happen between the 12th and the 13th of January 2024.

The main themes of the conference will be mental wellbeing, parental involvement, sustainability in events and promotion of sport in school.  The three sessions will have a different audience namely teachers and coaches on Friday morning, parents on Friday afternoon and Sport Associations and clubs on Saturday Morning.  For this a high-level international line up will deliver keynote presentations.  Amongst the speakers there will be Barbara Brennan an Irish Mental Health Advocate, Canadian Architect James Thoem, Olivier Goudet from UEFA and from World Rugby Greg Woods and Jason Lewis.

SportMalta Chairman Omar spoke about the successes that SportMalta had in the last ten years and said that the entity is committed to keep on delivering.  Sport is not only measured by medals but is also measured with values inculcated in all participants.

Minister Clifton Grima the public consultation document on the Strategy for Education with the strategy for sport.  He congratulated all the school who took part in the SportMalta Schools Sports Day and highlighted the benefits of such initiatives.  He remarked on the achievement reached by SportMalta and on the success of the local athletes in the Games of Small States of Europe 2023.

Minister Grima together with SportMalta Chairman Omar Farrugia presented sport equipment to participating schools.

Sport Malta Christmas International Tournament press conference

SportMalta News December 20, 2023 0

The Sport Malta Christmas International Tournament press conference held at the Sport Malta Cottonera Sports Complex on Friday, 15th December, at 11:30 am. Speakers included Hon Minister Dr. Clifton Grima, SportMalta Chairperson Omar Farrugia, SportMalta CEO Mark Cutajar, ASA President Karl Izzo, and MTA Representative. The event showcased the upcoming dates between 28th and 30th December 2023 for the National Senior Men’s teams of Malta, France, Italy, and the Netherlands. Secure your tickets at – Block Ticket ₮60 on a first-come-first-served basis.


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Athletes in Small Nations Games awarded Ġieħ ir-Repubblika

SportMalta News December 20, 2023 0

Maltese athletes excelled at the 2023 Games of the Small States of Europe, hosted by Malta, earning a Medal for Service to the Republic. In an outstanding achievement, Malta secured 38 gold, 30 silver, and 29 bronze medals, emerging as the overall winner among nine participating countries. This remarkable performance highlights the commitment of Maltese athletes and showcases the talent present in smaller nations. Eleanor Bezzina led Team Malta as the appointed Team Captain, overseeing their success across various sports, including athletics, basketball, judo, rugby, sailing, shooting, squash, swimming, table-tennis, and tennis.

All this marks another positive chapter in the sporting narrative of 2023, highlighting the collaborative contributions of athletes, sports personnel, the Olympic committee, associations, families, government entities, sponsors, sports journalists, organizing committee, ministry, and volunteers. Embracing and supporting sports is a shared commitment for all!

Omar Farrugia appointed as the new Chairperson of SportMalta

SportMalta News December 3, 2023 0

The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima congratulated Omar Farrugia on his appointment as Chairperson of SportMalta. The Minister mentioned the importance of the entity, which continues to grow the culture of sporting excellence and increase participation at every level. Sport plays a crucial role in the physical and mental well-being of citizens and is a key factor in bringing communities together.

SportMalta welcomed this appointment which will continue to strengthen the work within it, while it recognized Prof. Andrew Decelis for the work he carried out during his term. SportMalta also recognizes the invaluable input given by Vice Chair, Matthew Pisani, ensuring a smooth transition.

The Management and the workers of SportMalta wish Omar Farrugia in his new role.

St. Margaret College Verdala Secondary School – SportMalta Schools Sports Day 2023 Event

SportMalta News October 30, 2023 0

SportMalta Schools Sports Day brings Fun and Fitness to St. Margaret College Verdala Secondary School.

Year 9 students at St. Margaret College Verdala Secondary School recently had the exciting opportunity to participate in this event, joining other schools locally and internationally in celebrating the importance of physical activity. The event was all about promoting sport, health, and fitness, while encouraging students to adopt a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

The day kicked off with a brief introduction, where students learned that many schools across Malta were simultaneously taking part in this event, making them part of the #BeActive community. The students then enthusiastically engaged in a variety of activities, including basketball, football, sprinting games, strength challenges, and recreational team-building games, all within a 90-minute action-packed event.

One of the primary goals of the day was to emphasize that sports can be both fun and inclusive. By participating in these activities, students not only had a great time but also gained a deeper understanding of how sports can help them become more competent, confident, and eager to maintain a healthy lifestyle. SportMalta Schools Sports Day was a fantastic way for students to enjoy physical activity while learning valuable lessons about the benefits of staying active.

St. Clare College, Pembroke Secondary School – SportMalta Schools Sports Day 2023 Event

SportMalta News October 26, 2023 0

St. Clare College, Pembroke Secondary School had an exciting opportunity to be part of the SportMalta School Sport Day 2023, a special event organized by SportMalta. On Friday, the 13th of October, the school eagerly joined hands with other local and international schools to celebrate this day of sports and fitness.

This event was not just for the older kids; it was specifically open to the Year 7 students, all twelve classes of them. They had a blast participating in various physical activities. The school’s PE teachers planned a mix of fun activities that tested different fitness skills, like speed, coordination, and reaction. It was a day filled with laughter, competition, and teamwork.

But that’s not all – the day wasn’t just about running and sweating. The students also got to enjoy some traditional games like “Passju,” also known as hopscotch. They tried their hand at target throwing and jumping, making the event a well-rounded celebration of both modern and traditional sports.

It was a memorable day of active fun, where students not only celebrated the joy of sports but also made new friends and cherished the spirit of teamwork. The school thanked SportMalta for organizing such an inspiring event!

Weight Lifting Competition in Marsascala

SportMalta News September 15, 2023 0

The Malta Weightlifting Association, in collaboration with SportMalta and the Marsaskala Local Council, organized the Street Weightlifting event at Marsaskala Promenade on Friday 1st September 2023 at 18:00 as part of the European Week of Sport 2023. The event attracted a significant number of the general public who came to witness the competition. Many young athletes participated in a competition with a unique format where each athlete had 30 seconds to lift the maximum weight in the Snatch and another 30 seconds to lift the maximum weight in the Clean and Jerk. Mixed teams of 6 athletes each competed against each other using the Sinclair point system. The winning team was Pyro Force with 5073 points, followed by Thunder Titans with 4725 points and Iron Claw with 4707 points.

The Best Male Athlete award was earned by Rylee Borg, who lifted 1245 kg in 1 minute and scored 1505 points. Tenishia Thornton emerged as the Women’s category winner by lifting 789 kg in 1 minute and scoring 1042 points.

1st Pyro Force Team (Rodmar Pulis 1502pts, Tenishia Thornton 1042pts, Rheanna Briffa 723pts, Mariah Grima 740pts, Matthias Mifsud 641pts, Roberta Cassar 425pts)

2nd Thunder Titans Team (Rylee Borg 1505pts, Kim Camilleri Lagana 937pts, Nathan Mifsud 817pts, Aaliyah Gatt 734pts, Luca Said 371pts, Sheldon Briffa 360pts)

3rd Iron Claw Team (Vlad Baldacchino 1219pts, Luke Treeby Ward 1019pts, Kaya Curmi Inguanez 903pts, Mariah Bugeja 721pts, Nathan Balzan 473pts, Larson Galea 371pts)

SportMalta Dives into the Future with New Olympic Size Pool at the Cottonera Sports Complex

SportMalta News September 6, 2023 0

Prime Minister Robert Abela unveiled the New Olympic-Size Pool at the Cottonera Sports
Complex on Tuesday 5 th September 2023.
Dr. Abela talked about how this shows that the Government wants to keep spending
money on things that help everyone. He also said that the government is doing projects like
this all over the country.

The ₮14 million investment on this pool is going to be super useful for sports and help
Malta do well in sports.
The location of this one-of-a-kind sports project in the southern part of Malta further
underscores our commitment to building a better Malta and ensuring that progress
reaches every corner of our nation.
The investment for the GSSE extended beyond the Games themselves and sports facilities;
it encompassed millions of euros dedicated to the technical development of our athletes.
This commitment to our athletes will persist, with a ₮5 million allocation from the National
Development and Social Fund dedicated to further enhance their technical preparation.
The Cottonera Sports Complex features state-of-the-art technology and offers a range of
amenities, including multiple dressing rooms for both athletes and officials, dedicated
office spaces, advanced control rooms, spectator stands, and restroom facilities.
The pool, designed to meet all the requirements of World Aquatics, is equipped with
heating systems for the water and features air conditioning. This ensures optimal
conditions for training and competitions.

Dr. Clifton Grima, the Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation,
expressed his contentment with the addition of this Olympic-size pool. He emphasized that
it presents a significant opportunity for the aquatic sports sector in our country to advance,
potentially leading our athletes to even greater success.

Mark Cutajar, the chief executive of SportMalta, enthusiastically praised the new pool,
describing it as one of the finest sporting facilities in Malta. He emphasized SportMalta’s
dedication to providing athletes with top-notch facilities to help them achieve their best
possible performance on the global stage.
During the inauguration on Tuesday, Jayden Cassar, a member of the Malta U-17 water
polo national team, expressed the gratitude of Maltese athletes for having access to a pool
now considered among the best in the Mediterranean. He believes that this project will not
only attract more young people to aquatic sports but also contribute to better international
results for our country.
The high-quality facilities and opportunities for training and competition are expected to
have a positive impact on the development of aspiring athletes in Malta.
We Promise, We Deliver

Minister Clifton Grima visits the site of the first indoor swimming pool in Cottonera

SportMalta News January 7, 2023 0

The first indoor swimming pool project with an investment of ₮14 million will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. SportMalta’s project of the first indoor swimming pool of an international scale in the Cottonera Sports Complex, with an investment of ₮14 million, will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, while visiting the ongoing works on this project said, “It is gratifying that this state-of-the-art indoor swimming pool will be an excellent opportunity for the aquatic sport sector in our country to continue to push forward and continue to contribute to more successes that have been achieved in recent years. This project is also promised in the electoral manifesto”. It was explained that works have been completed on the roof of the swimming pool which is specially made to complement the ramparts and is also intended to absorb external noise, so there is no sound discomfort for the surrounding neighbors . The construction works on the dressing rooms, offices, control rooms, and rooms for sanitary needs have also been completed. Part of the project included the construction of a plant room and a tunnel under the swimming pool, through which cars pass, part of the ring road of the complex.
The CEO of SportMalta Mark Cutajar said, “This project is part of a series of projects that SportMalta takes care of, and through it we will have one of the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean because the indoor swimming pool will complement the Pavilion facility, and has space for 400 spectators as well as a conference hall and a cafeteria”. With this pool, local athletes will no longer be disadvantaged compared to foreign athletes who used to train in an open pool but compete in an indoor pool. With this project the programs within SportMalta will grow and develop into more opportunities for athletes and school children.