Category: News

Schedule for The Maltco Indoor Rowing

sportmt September 10, 2016 0

Click the download bellow to find out the schedule for the Maltco Indoor Rowing Challenge.

Download here

Il-Marsa jirbħu r-Regatta tradizzjonali ta’ Jum il-Vitorja.  Bormla jirbħu Kategorija B.

sportmt September 8, 2016 0

Id-distrett tal-Marsa rebaħ ir-regatta ta’ Jum il-Vitorja wara li għeleb il-kompetizzjoni mid-distrett tal-Isla, bl-aħħar tellieqa tkun dik deċiziva.  Il-Marsa spiċċaw il-ħames tiÄĄrijiet b ‘total ta’ 64 punt, bl-Isla jispiċċaw b’46 punt.  Fit-tielet post spiċċa d-distrett ta’ Bormla bi 28 punt.  Warajhom Marsamxett b’16-il punt, il-Birgu b’14-il punt u id-distrett ta’ BirÅžebbuga b’4 punti.

Id-distrett tal-Marsa spiċċa fl-ewwel post fi tliet itlielaq dik tad-dgħajjes A tal-midalji, u iÅž-Åžewgt itlielaq tad-dgħajjes C tal-pass kemm b’Åžewħ qaddiefa u anke b’4 qaddiefa.  Intant ma għamlu l-ebda pjazzament fiÅž-Åžewgt itlielaq tal-frejgatini u tal-kajjikki.

Id-distrett ta’ Bormla rebaħ kategorija B tar-regatta li saret illum.  Huma temmew il-ħames tigrijiet b’total ta’ 60 punt, erbgħa punti biss fuq id-distrett tal-Marsa li spiċċaw fit-tieni post b’56 punt.  Bid-distrett tal-Isla spiċċa fit-tielet post b’44 punt.  Il-Kalkara temmew din il-kategorija bi 8 punti filwaqt li l-Birgu spiċċaw b’total ta’ 4 punti.


Bormla dahlu l-ewwel fl-ewwel tigrija dik tad-dghajjes C tal-pass b’zewg qaddiefa u dghajjes A tal-midalji.  Filwaqt li spiccaw fit-tieni post fl-ahhar tigrija tad-dghajjes B tal-pass b’4 qaddiefa u it-tielet fit-tellieqa tal-kajjikki.  Bl-uniku tellieqa li ma jiehdu l ebda punt tkun dik tal frejgatini.


sportmt September 7, 2016 0


The capital will join more than 50 European cities which will dance in #BeActive FlashMOVE with one and the same music and choreography

The #BeActive FlashMOVE, a mass dance flashmob will be held on 10 September at 11:00 at the square St. George’s Square in Valletta. Together with the dancers in Malta more than 150 events in 50 cities in 18 countries will bring together thousands of Europeans in one and the same dance. FlashMOVE will open the official European Week of Sport, supported by the European Commission.

FlashMOVE is part of NowWeMOVE campaign, developed by one of the leading European organization in the field of sport for all, recreational sports and physical activity – International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). The initiative aims to strengthen local communities and since 2015 the campaign was recognised and receives financial grants from The Coca-Cola Foundation.

“We want to change the mentality of people not only to be active and stay healthy, but to make sport and physical activity a way of life, because it will strengthen our communities and will make our life easier and happier”, Mark Cutajar, Chief Executive of Sport Malta said. Based on this ideology Mr. Cutajar mentioned that SportMalta has now moved into an era wherby the new mission statement of the entitity “Moving a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and successful Malta” reflects such commitment towards society.

The organisers expect more than 800 participants to join FlashMOVE on September 10. The choreography of the 2016 #BeActive FlashMOVE is easy enough to learn quickly by people of all ages and was developed by ISCA member Slovenian Sport for All (SUS) to the tune “ALE’ O”, provided by SportMalta. FlashMove step-by-step video tutorial may be found on the website of the initiative

About Sport Malta

As an entity under the responsibility of the Secretary Parliamentary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport within the Ministry for Education and Employment, Sport Malta’s core purpose is to inspire Maltese and transform the nation through sport. Through innovative, fun and meaningful sporting experiences, our mission is to reach out and serve communities across the country with passion and pride. Our mandate goes beyond winning medals. Sport Malta uses sport to create greater sporting opportunities and access, more inclusivity and integration as well as broader development of capabilities. At Sport Malta, we work with a vast network of public-private-people sector partners for individuals to live better through sports.

About the NowWeMOVE campaign

NowWeMOVE is Europe’s largest bottom-up campaign of its kind promoting sport and physical activity. Launched in 2012 by ISCA, it brings stakeholders in the sport for all from a variety of sectors together to tackle the physical inactivity epidemic across Europe. The cross-sector vision of the campaign is to get “100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020.” The overall objectives of the campaign are to raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens; promote opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity; and enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for providers of physical activity initiatives through open-source solutions and advocacy.

For more information about NowWeMOVE campaign please visit

Concrete measures by SportMalta to strengthen the Regatta Tradition

sportmt September 7, 2016 0

This morning SportMalta announced an initiative to expand, strengthen and attract more youths and children towards The Regatta Tradition. This tradition goes back many years and is strongly associated with the Cottonera cities and others in the vicinity. SportMalta seeks to support each and every sport in Malta thus resulting in the introduction of a new scheme in the form of a substantial donation to each club to build a new boat (dgħajsa tal-pass) that will have various use to the clubs and SportMalta.


Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius presents Commitment letters to Regatta Clubs-Cottonera Sports Complex-5-9-16

With the 8th of September Regatta coming up in a few days, SportMalta announced this project during a press conference held at The Cottonera Complex. Through this scheme SportMalta will continue to intensify its collaboration with the Malta Rowing Association and contribute towards the growth of this tradition inherited from our ancestors in the years to come. The boats are going to have SportMalta’s name on them and will start participating in the March and September traditional races but will also be part of any National Activity so as to promote the Regatta on a larger scale and to a wider audience. It is also being planned that in the near future SportMalta launches a training programme together with the clubs to teach young children the techniqies of rowing by using these boats. This will ensure that the tradition is continued and the passion for this sport keeps growing over the coming years. Moreover this will contribute to attract other cities from all over Malta and Gozo to join those that are already part of the Regatta.


Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius presents Commitment letters to Regatta Clubs-Cottonera Sports Complex-5-9-16

Mark Cutajar CEO of SportMalta said that the aim of this initiative is to ensure that such long standing traditions that are unique to our country remain. Furthermore such investment reflects SportMalta’s policy to act concretely through such actions when supporting local sport. Moreover SportMalta is handing more autinomy to the clubs so that they become more sustainable.

On the other hand Professor Joseph Grima, President of The Malta Rowing Association praised this scheme and said that the Association has already welcomed two new clubs that are now registered coming from the University of Malta and the other from Siggiewi.  He mentioned the fact that the Association has sent a number of rowers abroad to gain the necessary experience and it is hoping that with the acquisition of these new boats the Association will now be in a position to welcome foreign rowers to our country.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, Chris Agius said that this is another project in the electoral manifesto  that is being implemented where sports of a smaller scale is being continuously supported by the government.  He mentioned that in the near future an indoor rowing tank is going to be built at the Cottonera Complex so that rowers can train all year round.

Official Program for the EWoS Main Event

sportmt September 7, 2016 0

Click on the link bellow to find out more about next Saturday’s Beach Sports Fest that will be held at Pretty Bay B’Bugia.

Click here


European Fitness Day

sportmt August 29, 2016 0

The European Week of Sport initiative is part of the European Commission’s overall policy aiming at increasing the level of participation in sport and physical activity in the EU. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background or fitness level. With a focus on grassroots initiatives, it aspires to inspire Europeans to #BeActive on a regular basis and create opportunities in people’s everyday lives to exercise more.

The European Week of Sport (EWoS) takes place every year during the month of September all over Europe. This year it will be happening from the 10th – 17th September 2016.

Besides an official opening and flagship event, the European Week of Sport is structured around 4 Focus Themes to appeal to all audiences: Education, Workplace, Outdoors, Sport Clubs & Fitness Centres. These are the main initiatives where people can improve their habits and #BeActive.

Focus Theme “Sport Clubs and Fitness Centres”

Sport clubs and fitness centres play an important role in creating opportunities to get moving by offering safe, fun and engaging spaces to be active in. They support social inclusion and cohesive opportunities to #BeActive at the local level. They also allow people to socialise, whatever their age, gender or socioeconomic background. And having fun together is a key motivation factor!

Now you have the opportunity to provide this unique experience. The most active day in Europe: European Fitness Day will be happening on Thursday 15th September 2016. Don’t miss the chance to promote your fitness centre or club and join the movement. Be part of the biggest wave of dance and fitness clubs, gyms, yoga, Pilates and leisure centre operators working together to combat physical inactivity.

During a day sport clubs and fitness centres can open their doors and invite anyone to come and try their activities.

The Programme

Open your doors and invite everyone to come and try your activities free of charge. Promote awareness through your local media (facebook, website, leaflets).

If you accept to be part of this campaign kindly send us details of your gym so as to register you on our social media pages and website.

Help us make Thursday 15 September the most active day in Europe – with your support we aim to have a record number of Maltese being active.

Get in touch with our national coordinator and see how you can take part in this cool initiative. Send an email to

Watch the official promo of this year’s European Week of Sport.

sportmt August 29, 2016 0

Be the beginning, Be the connection, Be the inspiration, Be the movement that activates a whole continent #BeActive

The European Week of Sport from 10th September 2016


Malta, Let’s #BeActive – EWoS Ambassadors

sportmt August 29, 2016 0

The Maltese ambassadors Karl Izzo, Esther Azzopardi, Gilmour Borg, Jonathan Caruana and Vladyslava Kravchenzo, joined our mission to promote a more active lifestyle through sport and physical activity, have a very simple message for all of us, let’s all #BeActive!


Karl Izzo believes that practicing sports at a competitive level and represent our country at the international stage is an experience of a life time.


As a former PE teacher herself, FIFA referee, Eshter Azzopardi believes that physical activity should be integral part of every day’s life.


Special Olympics athlete Gilmour Borg told us that “children who are active, are more intelligent, health and confident”.


Football national team player Jonathan Caruana has a message to schools “schools can benefit in collaborating with sports organisations”.


Our last message was from para-olympian Vladyslava Kravchenzo. She believes that sports should be accessible to all.

More info about this year’s European Week of Sport go to

Sports Ambassadors announced

sportmt July 25, 2016 0

Past and present sport personalities should act as ambassadors to promote clean sport and physical activity. This is the main message that resulted from the announcement of five sport ambassadors by SportMalta in collaboration with Public Broadcasting Services. The sport ambassadors form part of the campaign #BeActive pertaining to the European Commission that will culminate during the European Week of Sport to be held between the 10th and 17th of September. They will be joining other sports ambassadors hailing from all over Europe, all together forming an integral part of this campaign.


During a press conference held at PBS Creativity Hub, Mark Cutajar, CEO of Sportmalta said that he has just returned from Bratislava where he attended the Directors’ General meeting held during the current Slovak Presidency during which the role of the ambassadors and the messages that they should push to the general public was discussed. Through their popularity and success these ambassadors will promote physical activity by attracting new audiences and draw them towards sports. He stated that SportMalta is working relentlessly on a number of initiatives to get people moving and encourages everyone to work together and participate in such events.


As a matter of fact, Mr. Cutajar listed a number of events where the ambassadors will be present to give their contribution. He thanked PBS for immediately accepting to become partners and collaborate on this project were through the national station and its programmes the ambassadors will be able to pass on the message to a large audience. He further pronounced that this partnership was presented to the 28 member states with the intention of discussing further such initiative during the Maltese Presidency.


Mr. Cutajar also thanked the ambassadors declaring their positive response in accepting to act as role models for inactive people that shy away from physical activity. The five ambassadors nominated are Karl Izzo, National Waterpolo Coach, Esther Azzopardi, International Football Official, Vladislava Kravchenko, Paralympic Swimmer, Jonathan Caruana, National Football Player and Captain of Valletta FC  and Gilmore Borg ,Special Olympics Athlete. Mr. Cutajar remarked that Jonathan Caruana is also an employee of SportMalta and stated that this augers well for the entity as it is part of its strategy to have high level athletes working within its structure.   Additionally he concluded by mentioning the upcoming strong TV media and social media campaign led by SportMalta.


Tonio Portughese, Chairman of the Public Broadcasting Services said that public broadcasting supports such social and educational initiatives as they are part off and in line with their commitment to promote social responsibility campaigns to the community. He sustained that this remit pertaining to PBS has its origins rooted in the direction provided by the European Commission of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.  Moreover this reflects the policies of the European Broadcasting Union. PBS will disseminate these messages through its popular media avenues.


Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport Chris Agius said that the chosen ambassadors are idols for several people and with the help of their new role they can share the values they have earned through sport to society at large.  He said that values gained through sport have been on the agenda of high level EU meetings and thus this initiative will put Malta in a better position to achieve aims that other EU countries inspire to achieve.


More information about the local activities in relation to this campaign can be found on the new website