Category: News

Summer On the Move kicks off with a bang

sportmt July 22, 2016 0

A two month campaign promoting sport and physical education in all Maltese and Gozitan schools reached its climax as the programme ‘summer on the Move’ opened its doors in the last few days. The programme will end in September.

The main objective of this programme is to attract as many children, youth and adults as possible towards physical activity during the summer months where normally most have some more extra free time during this period.

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This programme is an extension to the campaigns Be Active and Move that started some months ago so as to continue increasing participation and influence people’s perception in viewing sports as a means to live a better life.

For the first time the programme Summer on the Move reached its maximum capacity weeks prior to its starting date due to the fact that the sports activities are being offered at numerous centres spread around Malta and Gozo thus making the programme even more accessible.

Moreover the increase in the financial backing to this programme has made it possible for SportMalta to maintain low and affordable prices for everyone consequently embracing the inclusion of all alike.

All coaches engaged by SportMalta to lead this programme are qualified, dedicated and passionate about their work providing added value to the programme. Furthermore even the helpers engaged to assist the coaches are students specialising the field of sports enhancing even further the service offered to SportMalta’s clients.

Apart from the sport discipline itself coaches make sure that they guide the participants and impart information on the importance of a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and protecting oneself from the sun by using adequate protection.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Sports visited one of these centres and stated that this is another initiative towards encouraging an active Maltese society with the aim of reducing obesity in our country. He emphasised the fact that every citizen should realise that a sedentary life accompanied by an unhealthy diet can seriously jeopardise one’s health. He praised SportMalta for contributing to change this mentality.

Luciano Busuttil, Chairman of SportMalta stated that this was the first time that bookings for the programmes reached saturation point and SportMalta had to close its booking system with the record participation reaching a staggering 2600 participants. He also remarked that as from this year more disciplines were offered.


Maintenance Works at Ta’ Qali Satellite Outdoor Gym

sportmt July 12, 2016 0

Maintenance work are currently underway at the Ta’ Qali Outdoor Gym. The surrounding wooden perimeter of the mini football pitch at Ta’ Qali Satellite facility has been painted with varnish and the goal nets will be replaced by new ones soon.Two of the working machines have been re-hauled and re-painted whereas in the coming days new pull up bars will be installed.


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Another successful project for SportMalta

sportmt July 11, 2016 0

During this scholastic year SportMalta in collaboration with the Directorate Health Promotion and Disease Prevention launched ‘Schools on the Move’ in a number of schools. The project is aimed at teenage girls mainly to encourage them to be more active during the recreation sessions. Dance coaches from SportMalta visited the schools and introduced an activity “Dance Fitness” to a group of students. However the pilot project also trained team leaders so that the exercise routine  would still be held even in the absence of the coaches guidance.

As a matter of fact the “Schools on the Move” programme provides the necessary tools to the students to become independent and physically active during their free time. Moreover the project addresses bullying and peer pressure that can be addressed through physical activity resulting in unity and solidarity amongst the team.

To assure a successful outcome of this project SportMalta is currently holding a number of seminars for the team leaders do that they will be fully prepared to continue the programme in the upcoming scholastic year in October. On the otherhand SportMalta coaches will enlarge the programme by introducing it in more schools so that ultimately “Schools on the Move’ will be in all the schools across Malta and Gozo.



sportmt July 7, 2016 0

SportMalta would like to inform the general public that all places in the Summer on the Move programme are taken and no more applicants can be further accepted.
Whilst thanking all applicants, SportMalta would like to inform them that Summer on the Move will open its doors on Monday 11th July.


European Week of Sport Launches the #BeActive Awards 2016 ïŋž

sportmt June 13, 2016 0

A European Award to highlight outstanding work and commitment at local levels to promote Sport and Physical Activity.

The awards competition is open for entries from 10 June to 22 July 2016.

The #BeActive Awards competition is a central element of the annual European Week of Sport and has been created to support initiatives and individuals dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity across Europe. The awards have three categories:

#BeActive Education Award

#BeActive Workplace Award

#BeActive Local Hero Award

Applications for each of these categories are to be submitted to the European Commission by National Coordinating Bodies. Focusing on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities, the awards competition contributes to the local and human dimension of the Week, while showcasing best-practice initiatives, and introducing inspiring individuals, to a Pan-European audience.

TAKE PART! Send your submissions by 22 Julyâ€Ļto and help us inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels across Europe to #BeActive!

Click Here for information.

Skolasport tops off with a huge sports show 

sportmt June 9, 2016 0

Skolasport, concluded the 2015-2016 programme with a vibrant end-of-year show of sports disciplines.   This annual event was organised at the Marsa Sports Complex were Skolasport participants enjoyed an energetic and colourful show of sport.



Participants had an opportunity to be active with their relatives and friends, whilst young participants joined by their parents and siblings also tried different activities. Due to a record number of 6,000 participants for Skolasport programme, the annual manifestation has been moved to SportMalta’s largest outdoor complex in Marsa. Meanwhile, the Cottonera Sport Complex is undergoing a major upgrade in its’ flooring to reach international competition standards.


The large space at the Marsa Sport Grounds gave the possibility to organise different stations with the children and adults participating concurrently in different sports and activities. The parents could appreciate the progress achieved through the programme.  This event was also a showcase for the Handball, Volleyball, Basketball and Gymnastics Academies that were launched this year in collaboration with the respective National Sport Associations to help the children achieve higher levels of performance.


During a short address, SportMalta Chairman Hon Luciano Busuttil said that this year’s Skolasport programme welcomed a record breaking 6,000 participants, with a marked increased enrolment for adult classes and a significant increase in the number of different sports offered, thus exposing our children to a variety of physical activity. Whilst thanking Kellogg’s for their continued support, he said that SportMalta will be continuing in its mission to get sports and physical activity as part of the lives of the Maltese community.


Mr Mark Cutajar CEO SportMalta thanked the coaches for their dedication and expressed his gratitude to the parents who believe in SportMalta’s commitment in providing the best sports programme by choosing year after year to enrol their children in both the winter and the summer programmes. He said that SportMalta will keep on working hard to continue improving its service to the public.


Hon Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sports expressed his satisfaction with the record participation in this year’s programme. He stated that it is the Government’s commitment that through SportMalta it keeps offering the best service through its professional coaches with the best facilities but keeping affordable prices at the same time. He said that this is the formula for the Skolasport success.


At the end of the show, Stefan Cassar, Commercial Manager at Charles Darmanin & Co Ltd, distributors of Kellogg’s in Malta, presented the Kellogg’s sponsorship to SportMalta Chairman Hon Busuttil.

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sportmt May 31, 2016 0

EVENT:  Athletics Championships for the Small States of Europe Malta 2016  


Venue:  Matthew Micallef St. John Athletic Stadium

Date:     Saturday 11th June 2016.

The MAAA is looking for Volunteers to help in the running of the above mentioned event.  17 foreign teams will be participating in these Championships with over 400 athletes and officials coming over to Malta.  If you want to be part of this event kindly contact Mr. Roman Schwaiger, General Secretary Malta Amateur Athletics Association by sending an email on:

Isir il-Ftuħ Uffiċjali tal-Kampanja Now We Move

sportmt May 24, 2016 0

Issir il-Beach Sports & Fitness Festival fi Pretty Bay BirÅžebbuÄĄa bħala ftuħ uffiċjali tal-kampanja Now We Move. Il-kampanja tkompli b’dawn l-attivitajiet:



Programm – Kampanja NowWeMove 2016


  • Bejn it-23 u d-29 ta’ Mejju – L-SPU & u l-kowċis ta’ SkolaSport ser jorganizzaw attivitajiet f’diversi faċilitajiet ta’ SportMalta


  • Fit-23 ta’ Mejju – Malta Physiotherapy Associations – attivitajet ta’ fitness għall-membri


  • Fis-26 ta’ Mejju – Family on the Move fil-Kumpless Sportiv ta’ ÄĶal Kirkop


  • Fis-27 ta’ Mejju – MOVE Dance Show minn #OnTheMove Skolasport, TaÅž-Åŧokrija, fil-Mosta bejn is-1830hrs u t-2000hrs


  • Fis-27 ta’ Mejju – Tbexbix Centre – Attivitajiet sportivi għall-membri


  • Fid-29 ta’ Mejju – River of Love ser jorganizzaw Hike f’Kemmuna


  • Fis-6 ta’ Ä unju – Attivita tal-Għeluq: #OntheMove Skolasport fil-Kumpless Sportiv tal-Marsa, Marsa bejn is-1800 u d-2100hrs

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Diskussjoni dwar kif l-isport jindirizza l-inkluÅžjoni soċjali

sportmt May 24, 2016 0

SportMalta flimkien mal-Kummissjoni Għolja Awstraljana għal Malta laqqgħu flimkien diversi stakeholders sabiex jiddiskutu t-tema l-Isport bħala pjattaforma għall-inkluÅžjoni soċjali.


F’din id-diskussjoni li kienet indirizzata mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għar-Riċerka, Innovazzjoni, ÅŧgħaÅžagħ u Sport Chris Agius u l-Eċċellenza  Tagħha Jane Lambert ħadu sehem numru ta’ kelliema li kollha jirrapreÅžentaw oqsma differenti tas-socjeta’b’rabta diretta jew indiretta mal-kamp sportiv fosthom rapreÅžentanti mill-Insitute of Physical Education and Sport (IPES), Gozo Sports Board, Direttorat tal-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol, SportMalta, is-Segretarjat Parlamentari responsabbli mill-Isport, l-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti, il-Malta School Sport Federation (MSSF), in-National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE), mill-The President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society u Grant Williams mill-programm Auskick li kien imniedi f’pajjiÅžna dan tmiem il-ÄĄimgħa. Id-diskussjoni tmexiet mill-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta is-Sur Mark Cutajar.

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Isemmew diversi temi ta’ kif l-isport għandu jservi ta’ pjattaforma biex jindirizza l-inkluÅžjoni soċjali fosthom kif aktar ċittadini, speċjalment dawk li ÄĄejjin minn minoritajiet, ikunu attivi.   Kif SportMalta tibqa’ toffri sessjonijiet bi prezzijiet ridotti, bl-aħjar kowċes u faċilitajiet. Kif x-xandir għandu jgħin biex jattira ċittadini minn diversi sferi tas-soċjeta’ u kif l-istess xandir jagħti spazju lill-sport differenti u ÄĄeneri differenti fosthom l-isport femminili.  Kien diskuss l-isport fl-iskejjel, il-problemi li jiltaqgħu magħhom l-edukaturi u kif l-attivita’ fiÅžika tista’ tiÅždied.  L-involviment tal-Kunsilli Lokali kien wkoll imsemmi.  Ideat oħra nkludew kif għandu jiÄĄi utilizzat kull spazju li jeÅžisti kif ukoll il-kollborazzjoni bejn stakeholders differenti biex flimkien ikomplu iqattru l-kultura sportiva.


L-attivita’ tallum hija waħda mid-diversi attivitajiet li qegħdin isiru b’rabta maÅž-Åžjara ta’ Grant Williams, li huwa l-Kap tal-Komunità u l-IÅžvilupp Internazzjonali tal-logħba tal-Football Awstraljan. Huwa jinsab f’pajjiÅžna biex jippromwovi l-programm Auskick kif ukoll iħarreÄĄ kowċes biex SportMalta ikun jista’ joffri dan il-programm fix-xitwa.  Filfatt il-bieraħ itella’ Sport Carnival fil-Kumpless Sportiv tal-Marsa fejn hawnhekk it-tfal kellhom l-opportunità jiltaqgħu ma’ Grant Williams u jesperjenzaw din il-logħba.

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Minbarra hekk huwa ser jkun qed jagħti s-sehem tiegħu fi sports day li ser tkun qed issir fil-Kumpless Sportiv ta’ ÄĶal Kirkop u ser ikun qiegħed iÅžur ukoll l-Iskola Primarja ta’ Marsaxlokk biex jaqsam din l-esperjenza mal-istudenti.