Category: SportMalta News

#BeActive Awards

sportmt July 13, 2020 0

The awards competition is open for entries until 24 July 2020 (5pm Brussels local time).

About the #BeActive Awards

The #BeActive Awards competition is a central element of the annual European Week of Sport and has been created to support projects and individuals dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity across Europe. The awards have three categories:


This award is intended to throw the spotlight on an educational setting that can demonstrate concrete ways in which it encouraged its kids to #BeActive in addition to the sport/physical activity classes in the standard curriculum. This could include extra sport activities, physically active class days out, after school activities, and other creative solutions to form an active education environment.


This award is intended to accolade a workplace that can demonstrate specific ways in which it has encouraged and helped its employees to #BeActive. This could include setting up a staff taskforce responsible for promoting physical activity, provision of showers for cycling/running commuters, standing meetings, lunchtime walks and other creative solutions to form an active working environment.


This award honours an individual achievement to motivate others and act as a catalyst to #BeActive. The spirit of the award aims to recognising an individual who has worked consistently to promote participation in sport and/or physical activity in his or her local community.

Entries for each of these categories are to be submitted to the European Commission by National Coordinating Bodies of the European Week of Sport. Focusing on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities, the awards competition contributes to the local and human dimension of the Week, while showcasing best-practice projects, and introducing inspiring individuals, to a Pan-European audience.

How to submit your nominations for the awards

National Coordinating Bodies can identify and submit projects. Along with this document, you have received three sets of forms comprising an explanation of each award category, and an entry form for each award category.

You can choose to complete the entry form(s) yourself, or pass on the entry form(s) and one page explanation(s), to an eligible organisation or person to complete and send back to you.


Send your submissions by 24 july 2020 to eac-sport-ewos@ec.europa.euand help us inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels across europe to #BEACTIVE!

RULES – #BeActive Award 2020 Rules

Online kick off meeting for SKILLS project.

sportmt July 7, 2020 0

On the 3rd of July 2020 the kick off meeting was held for a transnational project which will analyse and promote skills and workforce development in the European sport sector. The project is called “Continuing the journey towards a skilled workforce for the sport and physical activity sector in Europe” and will be known as the “SKILLS” project.

SKILLS is being funded under Erasmus+ Sport as a Small Collaborative Partnership across the years 2020 and 2021.

SKILLS is a follow up to the successful ESSA-Sport project which took place from 2016 – 2019 which analysed the sport labour market and produced reports and action plans towards skills and workforce development at the national and European level (All final outputs on

The SKILLS Initiative will ensure continuity and maintain the momentum in researching, networking, implementing actions and improving skills in the sport sector in Europe.

In particular, the work programme of the SKILLS project include to:

  • Gather and analyse labour market statistics for 2019 and 2020, sharing updated statistics on the size and characteristics of the sport labour market in Europe (this will be particularly interesting to see the effect of Covid-19 in employment data)
  • Monitor the implementation of national strategic action plans from the ESSA-Sport project (producing a copendium of good practice examples)
  • Identify and raise awareness of the realities and trends of the sector in terms of skills needs and challenges (producing a summary paper on skills needs and challenges in the sector).
  • Promote and encourage dialogue and networking on the topic of skills and workforce development (organising an annual workship gathering European sport organisations)

The kick off meeting introduced the project to partners and clarified their role. EOSE also updated partners on the work achieved so far including a meeting with Eurostat about the collection of employment data.

The next partner meeting is planned for October 2020 either in Croatia or online, as the health situation in Europe allows.

Michelle Muscat launches the sixth edition of The Marigold Swimming Challenge.

sportmt June 28, 2020 0

At a press conference held at Pretty Bay, Birzebbuga Chairperson of The Marigold Foundation, Michelle Muscat launched the sixth edition of the annual swimming challenge.  The challenge that will be held on Saturday 11th July, 2020, will this year take a different form. Michelle Muscat will embark on a swimathon in the sea and will involve the participation of the general public who are invited to come for a swim and donate in aid of The Marigold Foundation.  This event will also be open to people with mobility challenges with an accessibility lane leading to the sea and a number of floating wheel chairs and hoists available throughout the day.

The Aquatic Sports Association  will also be participating in this swimathon involving all waterpolo players who will be doing the swimathon at District5 pool.

Persons of all ages including children are invited to join the swimathon in the sea against a ₮10 donation swimming different lengths according to everyone’s ability within safe parametres.  Those who wish to participate and also enjoy the acquatic fun park can do so against a ₮20 donation.  Early registrations are encouraged from:

The Meeting Place in Marsa , Tal-Qroqq National Pool, Cottonera Sport Complex, Kirkop Sport Complex, Birzebbugia Local Council or message on The Marigold Foundation Facebook.

Music and entertainment will be available on the beach making this swimathon a fun activity for the general public.

This event is following all health regulations guidelines currently in place.

For more information send us a message on The Marigold Foundation Facebook Page or call on 99912373.


The objective of The Marigold Foundation is to positively empower people and to work with them to raise standards, support initiatives and strengthen voices.  Operating at both a macro and micro level, The Marigold Foundation is the link in the community that helps on a variety of levels and across various spheres. The Foundation’s overarching aim is the constant development of our community, addressing specific aspects of it, such as social behaviour, health issues, special needs and education.  The Foundation does not help individual cases as does eg the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, but supports other NGOs working in these fields (ie health, education, social and special needs) whether already established, in their infancy or need help to set up their organisation.

Avvanzat ix-xoghol fil-Padiljun tal-Basketball f’Ta’ Qali

sportmt June 27, 2020 0

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għaÅž-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ, l-Isport u l-Volontarjat Clifton Grima wera sodisfazzjon għall-ħidma li qed issir fuq it-tieni faÅži tal-Padiljun tal-Basketball f’Ta’ Qali b’investiment ta’ madwar ₮1 miljun li huwa ffinanzjat permezz tal-iskema ta’ finanzjament għall-għaqdiet sportivi amministrata minn SportMalta.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima saħaq li wara t-tlestija b’suċċess tal-ewwel faÅži ta’ dan il-proÄĄett, li baÅžikament kienet tikkonsisti fl-irranÄĄar tal-istruttura oriÄĄinali tal-azzar tal-padiljun kif ukoll fit-tiÄĄdid tal-binja minn barra, issa bdew it-tieni faÅži tal-proÄĄett f’Ta’ Qali.

Huwa spjega kif it-tieni faÅži se tikkonsisti fit-twaqqigħ komplet tal-istrutturi interni kollha madwar il-court fil-padiljun u se jinbnew erba’ stands ĥodda għall-ispettaturi billi se jinbidlu Ş-Åžewĥ stands oriÄĄinali fil-ÄĄnub tal-court u se jiÅždiedu 2 stands oħra wara l-baskets.

Minbarra l-istand għall-VIPs, l-istands il-ÄĄodda se jiÅžguraw li l-faċilità tikseb Åžieda konsiderevoli fil-kapaċità tal-ispettaturi kif ukoll standards aħjar dwar l-aċċessibbiltà għal persuni bi bÅžonnijiet speċjali, f’konformità mal-istandards mistennija llum.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima visits ongoing works at the Basketball Pavilion

Railings ġodda se jiġu installati u l-court se jkun imdawwar b’tampered glass li se jttejjeb l-esperjenza tal-logħob. Il-proġett se jinkorpora wkoll il-kostruzzjoni ta’ changing rooms, toilets ġodda u spazju ddedikat għall-uffiċini għall-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Basketball Maltija.

Huwa qal li din il-faċilità se tkun ukoll parti mill-Infrastruttura Nazzjonali disponibbli għall-Logħob tal-PajjiÅž Åž-Åŧgħar tal-Ewropa (GSSE) li se jsiru f’Malta fl-2023.

Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar saħaq li dan huwa wieħed minn serje ta’ proÄĄetti li se jinfetħu sal-2023, is-sena tal-logħob tal-pajjiÅži Åž-Åžgħar. Huwa qal li SportMalta taħdem id f’id mal-għaqdiet sportivi sabiex ikollna faċilitajiet fost l-aqwa fl-Ewropa.

Il-President tal-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għall-Basketball Paul Sultana qal li l-padiljun il-ÄĄdid sar bl-għajnuna tal-gvern u allura bix-xieraq li l-MBA tagħti xi ħaÄĄa lura lill-komunità filwaqt li tiÅžgura li l-faċilitajiet ikunu utilizzati mill-aħjar mod possibbli. Huwa qal li l-Assoċjazzjoni hija kommessa li tkompli taħdem id f’id ma’ SportMalta sabiex jitkabbar aktar l-isport b’mod partikolari il-basketball f’pajjiÅžna.

Prime Minister Robert Abela visits SportMalta Head Office.

sportmt June 26, 2020 0

Prime Minister Robert Abela today visited SportMalta Head Office in Cottonera.  This was the first time that a Prime Minister visited the government entity for Sport.

While paying an official visit, Dr Abela was shown around by Chief Executive Officer Mark Cutajar and Chairman Luciano Busuttil. Dr Abela met  Board of Directors, Management, head office employees and representatives from all SportMalta facilities around the island.


Every department explained briefly the role and responsibilities mainly those of assisting associations, clubs and the general public in the development of sport and physical activity.  Dr Abela was also given a detailed presentation of a number of projects done by SportMalta in recent years and other projects in the pipeline to be ready by 2022.

Accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima, Dr Abela was presented with a SportMalta #BeActive t-shirt to use during his daily fitness sessions.

The #BeActive Campaign for 2020 is On!

sportmt June 23, 2020 0

Every year in September, millions of sports professionals, enthusiasts, experts and associations from across Europe and beyond come together to take part in one of the biggest sport initiatives in the world: the European Week of Sport.

Led by the European Commission and co-organised by national coordinators and sport partners all over Europe, the event promotes an active lifestyle through a variety of celebrations and events.

In 2019, the 5th European Week of Sport will be the biggest ever, with events supported by 47 partner associations in 41 countries. The event is for everyone – regardless of age, background or fitness level – and helps individuals, public authorities, the sport movement, civil society organisations and the private sector collaborate in the field of sport.

After the successful campaign #BeActiveAtHome, where SportMalta continued to promote the idea of a healthy lifestyle through the past difficult months due to the Covid-19 situation, SportMalta will continue to fly the #BeActive flag as an important aspect of our mission, that of moving a nation through sport and physical activity.

Our projects for this year will be re-modelled and designed to the new norm, but still, they will be fun and inspiring. We will be launching the events calendar by August. Until then we also want to hear from you about any ideas or projects you and your organisation might have. Get in touch with our National Coordinator Rosemarie Mercieca

Ċentru sportiv ta’ livell internazzjonali fil-Marsa b’investiment mill-gvern ta’ ₮9m

sportmt June 18, 2020 0

ÄĶarÄĄu l-ewwel sejħiet għall-offerti biex fil-Marsa jibda x-xogħol għall-iÅžvilupp ta’ ċentru sportiv ta’ livell internazzjonali. Il-Gvern se jinvesti ₮9 miljun, bis-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, Clifton Grima, jgħid li dawn il-faċilitajiet iridu jkunu lesti sa tliet snin oħra meta f’Malta se jsiru l-Logħob tal-PajjiÅži Åž-Åŧgħar.

60 tomna art fiÅž-Åžona biswit it-trakka tal-atletika fil-Marsa se tinbidel f’ċentru sportiv ta’ livell internazzjonali b’investiment mill-Gvern ta’ ₮9 miljun. L-investiment jinkludi l-bini tal-ewwel ċentru għall-ÄĄinnastika, faċilità tal-isquash u r-restawr ta’ binja ta’ Åžmien l-IngliÅži li se tinbidel f’uffiċini u ristorant. Il-proÄĄetti jinkludi wkoll il-bini ta’ uffiċini għall-federazzjonijiet tar-rugby, in-netball u l-baseball.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima announces the restoration of 1903 building

Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta, Mark Cutajar, qal li l-pjan hu li dan il-proÄĄett jitlesta fis-sentejn li ÄĄejjin biex l-atleti Maltin ikollhom fejn jitħarrÄĄu għal-Logħob tal-PajjiÅži Åž-Åŧgħar fl-2023 li se jsiru f’Malta.

“Faċilità tal-isquash li hi importanti għalina b’mod partikolari għal-Logħob tal-PajjiÅži Åž-Åŧgħar għax l-isquash hu wieħed mill-isport li qed nistennew il-midalji u flimkien magħha se jkun hemm faċilità tal-weightlifting kif ukoll fitness centre li tissuplixxi l-atleti kollha Maltin,” qal il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta, Mark Cutajar.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, Clifton Grima, qal li dan il-proÄĄett jidħol kexxun mal-istrateÄĄija tal-Gvern li l-pajjiÅž ikun kalamita għal niċċa turistika ÄĄdida.

“Bħala pajjiÅž inkunu kapaċi nospitaw events ta’ portata internazzjonali u allura hemmhekk nerÄĄa’ ntenni l-importanza li l-isport għandu f’dak li għandu x’jaqsam mat-turiÅžmu sportiv,” qal is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, Clifton Grima.

Dr Grima qal li fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se jħabbar aktar investimenti f’dixxiplini sportivi oħrajn fosthom l-atletika.

ESSA-Sport National Report on Malta.

sportmt June 10, 2020 0

The aim of the ESSA-Sport project, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, was to establish a European Sector Skills Alliance covering the full breadth of the sport and physical activity sector across the European Union. The project was a direct response to the identified needs and challenges of the sport and physical activity sector.

The 3-year project, which began in October 2016, aimed to create a knowledge base and plan for action within the sector on the key issues of skills and workforce development which are central to helping the sector grow, to equip those working or volunteering with the right skills and to enable the sector to fulfil its potential as a social, health and economic driver. The overall ambition was to create an evidential basis for change and improvement, to create a major consultation on skills and to build a lasting consultation network at national and European level to take forward the conclusions and recommendations made in national and European Reports.

Documents about Malta can be downloaded here:

Fact Sheet

National Report

Summer on The Move is Back!

sportmt June 9, 2020 0

Summer on the Move is the biggest and most popular programme for kids and adults alike, where sport and physical activity are the focus for a fun-filled summer. Summer on the Move promises to provide the favourite activities from weekly sessions offered at different times and venues.

Families are encouraged to take part together in activities offered for all ages at the same time.  SportMalta ensures that the best coaches are selected to deliver the best quality programme in a bid to encourage the participants to start practising sport regularly beyond summer.  Summer on the Move is definitely the best way to spend summer – join now!


Obligatory Conditions and Guidelines for Gymnasiums and Fitness Centres

sportmt June 4, 2020 0

As COVID-19 restrictions are gradually relaxed, employers and workers must work together to adapt and promote safe work practices consistent with advice from public health authorities and to ensure that premises are ready for the social distancing and correct hygiene measures that are critical to the success of the transition. Employers and workers must prevent the transmission of COVID-19 while at work, consistent with updated advice from the public health authorities.

Employers, workers and clients must prepare for the possibility that there could be cases of COVID-19 at gymnasiums and fitness centres and be ready to respond immediately, appropriately, effectively and efficiently, and consistent with specific recommendations from public health authorities.