Category: SportMalta News

#BeActiveHour – SportMalta to Join European Initiative

sportmt May 25, 2020 0

The impact of Covid-19 has been felt globally. Lockdowns and restrictions across Europe have put huge strain on everyone’s health and wellbeing. People have felt isolated, detached and levels of physical activity have been falling. But, physical activity has never played a more important role in people’s lives than today and it has the power in boosting people’s mood, reducing concerns and making people feel healthier and happier.

On 30th May at 17.00 CET we will come together to celebrate the role that exercise has played during this crisis. In keeping us entertained, keeping us healthy and keeping us active.

As we begin to move into a new phase, a new normal for our time, we share our commitment for the future: #BEACTIVE HOUR, our commitment to ourselves and those around us.

SportMalta will be joining the #BEACTIVE HOUR as we continue with our campaign to encourage people to stay active even in these strange time.

A number of other #BEACTIVE HOUR ’s are planned throughout the summer, as we create huge moments in time for activity across Europe. We encourage coordinators, partners, community leaders and influencers to play a vital role in spreading the message and helping it reach the broadest audience possible.

The European Commission is also on-board and it is supporting this event.

#BEACTIVE for Wellbeing

#BEACTIVE for Immunity

#BEACTIVE for Resilience

#BEACTIVE for Community

More Information:

Facilities Announcement – SportMalta to reopen its Sport Facilities

sportmt May 21, 2020 0

The National Pool Complex and the Marsa Sport Complex will be opening its outdoor facilities as from Monday, whilst the National Shooting Range will be open from Saturday.  As per guidelines issued by the Public Health Authorities, all facilities will be opened exclusively for registered athletes at the Associations` and Clubs` discretion.

No other persons will be allowed to use the facilities for the time being.

Please note that all our indoor facilities will be kept closed.

For more information send an email to

A set of published guidelines will follow.

Onside Collaboration – Zoom in on standards and e learning for sport officials

sportmt May 15, 2020 0

The 7th full partner meeting of the EU funded ONSIDE project took place on Thursday 14th of May 2020. The meeting should have taken place in Sofia, Bulgaria hosted by project partner the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” but instead took place as an online meeting due to the Coronavirus situation in Europe. 17 participants joined with all project partners represented.

Ben Gittus, EOSE Director of Standards, chaired the meeting ‎and confirmed work on the ONSIDE project would continue as normal with the only change being, where necessary, to move face to face meetings and events online. The ONSIDE project will finish in December 2020.

The first main item on the agenda was the brand new Occupational Standards for sport officiating, defining for the first time at the European level generic skills and knowledge common to all sports. This will be a valuable document for the future of training and development of sport officials. Following an intense period of development and consultation the standards will soon be ready for publication.

Geoff Carroll, EOSE Skills Development Manager, led the session to update the partners on the latest feedback from the external consultation which gathered responses from different sports and countries. Decisions to finalise the standards were taken with valuable inputs from all partners.

Sports Officials UK is the lead partner for the development of the education outputs in the ONSIDE project. This will include an Education Handbook and 6 new innovative e learning courses. Janie Frampton and Julia Lee led this session which focussed on showcasing the functionality of the e learning platform.

It was intended to hold two e learning test events in UK and Malta. These will now take place online due to the Coronavirus situation. 20 people in the role of sport official or sport official administrator will take part in the e learning testing phase using online discussion groups. A decision will be taken at a later date about the ONSIDE final conference which is due to take place in the Netherlands on 20 November. This is a key event in the sport industry calendar for 2020 to showcase the completed ONSIDE outputs. It just remains to decide if it will take place in person or online.

The partnership between the ONSIDE project and ‎the International Federation for Sports Officials (IFSO) was cemented at the online meeting and it was confirmed for IFSO to support the development of a Guide to Sustainability of the ONSIDE outputs and potentially host them in future years.

Zoom software was used to facilitate the online meeting which was efficient and productive with all partners able to contribute and further develop the key ONSIDE outputs to improve the skills and competence of the sport officiating workforce in Europe.


For more information visit the website or contact

The ONSIDE project is co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnerships in Sport programme.

Full list of project partners: European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE), Sports Officials UK (SOUK), Association Française du Corps Arbitral Multisports (AFCAM), European Handball Federation (EHF), European Table Tennis Union (ETTU), European Athletics, SportMalta, Dutch Olympic Committee * Dutch Sports Federation (NOC*NSF), Romanian Football Federation (FRF), British Wheelchair Basketball, National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”

#BeActiveAtHome Campaign is now on TV

sportmt May 6, 2020 0

Daily videos with fitness tips from our #OnTheMove Coaches is now being aired on a daily basis on television. But here are the daily videos…

Today’s video is from Bela Grundmann…


2020 #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards

sportmt April 28, 2020 0

The European Commission in collaboration with SportMalta, as the National Coordinating Body for the European Week of Sport, are presenting once again the #BeInclusive Awards.

If your organization is working with disadvantaged groups, facing challenging circumstances and using sport to integrate these groups, we would like to know.

Organizations which are implementing such projects can apply for the #BeInclusive Awards 2020. Applications are open from April 14 to June 30. Please follow the link below to enter in competition for this award.

Sport is fun, sport is exciting, sport brings people together. The European Commission  recognises sport and physical activity as powerful tools for breaking barriers and building a more inclusive world. This year, the European Commission will once again present the #BeInclusive awards, celebrating the work of organisations that have harnessed the power of sport to increase social inclusion for disadvantaged groups.

Join us!

The #BeInclusive Awards were created to help build an inclusive, united society through sport. Your organisation may be working with ethnic minorities, refugees and irregular migrants, people with disabilities, youth groups at-risk or other groups facing challenging circumstances. Let us know how your organisation is using sport to empower and integrate disadvantaged groups.

Entries will be open for the #BeInclusive Awards 2020 from April 14 to June 30. Applications are open to any organisation implementing a project organisation that focuses on social inclusion – public, private, commercial or not-for-profit.

The awards ceremony

The three winners will be announced at a special awards ceremony in December 2020 in Brussels, where they will also have the opportunity to present their projects to an audience of sport inclusion experts – and receive a ₮10,000 prize!

Showcasing the work of wonderful organisations such as these can promote innovative ideas – and inspire others to build a more inclusive world. This is a unique opportunity to celebrate your organisation’s work – and to take your project to the next level.

Visit the European Commission’s #Beinclusive page to apply Now. Should you need further assistance do not hesitate to contact us on

Local Athletes Join SportMalta’s Campaign #BeActiveAtHome

sportmt April 16, 2020 0

Local Athletes Jake Vella, Jake Muscat, Yazmin Zammit Stevens, Lisa Mare Bezzina, Jordan Camilleri, Alex Borg, Mya Azzopardi, Josephine Grima, Mark Scerri and Ryan Fenech joined the #BeActiveAtHome campaign that is helping all Maltese to stay active and healthy from their homes.

Imnedija ‘#BeActive at Home’

sportmt April 6, 2020 0

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għaÅž-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ, l-Isport u l-Volontarjat Clifton Grima, flimkien mal-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar, nieda il-kampanja ‘#BeActiveAtHome’ bil-għan li ŞŞomm lill-pubbliku attiv fi djaru permezz ta` sit ta` SportMalta, u pemezz  tal-midja soċjali.

Bħala parti mill-kampanja #BeActive, SportMalta ħarÄĄet bi pjan ta’ kontinÄĄenza fiċ-ċirkostanza tal-pandemija tal-Covid19. Din l-inizzjattiva se tinkludi numru 35 filmat online  fil-gimgħa, ta’ sport u attivita’ fiÅžika mmirati lejn setturi differenti tas-soċjeta’.   Dawn mhux biss qed jigu offruti għal klijenti kollha tal-programm On The Move izda ghal pubbliku ingenerali.  Barra minn hekk SportMalta ħasbet ukoll fi tfal ta` l-akkademji tagħha.  Fil-fatt minn din il-ÄĄimgħa, l-akkademji tal-ÄĄinnastika u ta` triathon ser ikollhom is-sessjonijiet tagħhom normali online u jistgħu jagħmlu interazzjoni mal-kowċis tagħhom.  Dan sabiex it-tfal u ÅžgħaÅžagħ jibqgħu attivi taħt gwida kwalifikata.  Sport ieħor ser jigi introdott ukoll fil-ÄĄranet li ÄĄejjien.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima launches ‘BeActive at Home

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Clifton Grima qal li, “qed nilqa’ bis-sħiħ l-impenn, id-dedikazzjoni u x-xogħol iebes li qed jintwera minn SportMalta u l-isportivi biex dan kollu jista’ jseħħ bl-uÅžu ta’ mezzi online. Dawn l-aħħar jiem urew il-professjonalità qawwija u l-impenn ta’ sportivi fi Åžminijiet ta’ sfida bħal dawn.”

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Grima ħeÄĄÄĄeÄĄ lill-pubbliku li għalkemm qegħdin fi djarna ma jfissirx li m’għandniex nibqgħu b’saħħitna. Hu importanti li nÅžommu attivi għax l-isport u l-attività fiÅžika għandhom is-saħħa biex itejbu mhux biss is-saħħa fiÅžika, iÅžda wkoll is-saħħa mentali u l-benesseri ÄĄenerali.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari ikkonkluda billi rringrazzja b’mod sinċier lill-isportivi kollha għall-mod eÅžemplari li qed juru waqt l-isfida ta’ din is-sitwazzjoni bla preċedent. Esprima l-apprezzament tiegħu lill-istaff ta’ SportMalta li tant qed jagħtu sapport sabiex isir dan kollu.


Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar qal li SportMalta għandha obbligu li twassal dan is-servizz.  Huwa qal li meta SportMalta ħarÄĄet b’din l-inizzjattiva, din tant intogħĥbot mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea li stiednu lil Ewropa kollha biex jagħmlu l-istess.   Cutajar għamel enfasi li dan kollu kellu proċess minn sejħa għal kowċis kwalifikati u anke struzzjonijiet li gew mogħtija lill-istess kowċis sabiex dawn il-filmati jkollhom kwalita’ u kontinwita’.  Huwa semma li din is-sistema online ser tibqa’ għaddejja anke meta tispiċċa din l-emerÄĄenza biex inressqu iktar nies lejn l-isport u attivita’ fizika. Cutajar irringrazzja lill-ħaddiema ta’ SportMalta b’mod partikolari il-ħaddiema ta` events, marketing u programmi li ħadmu fuq din l-inizzjattiva u lil dawk fl-amministrazzjoni li qed jaħdmu permezz ta’ teleworking sabiex Åžammew l-entita’ taħdem b’mod effiċjenti. Hu rringrazzja wkoll lil dawk il-ħaddiema li qed jagħmlu l-manutenzjoni neċessarja f’kull faċilita’.

Iċ-Ċermen ta’ SportMalta Luciano Busuttil qal li din is-sitwazzjoni bla preċedent ma jfissirx li m’għandniex insibu l-ħin sabiex nagħmlu l-eÅžerċizzju fiÅžiku sabiex nibqgħu attivi. Huwa semma kif f’dawn iÅž-Åžminijiet rridu nkomplu nimxu mal-missjoni ta’ SportMalta, li nċaqalqu l-pajjiÅž. Fl-aħħar nett ħeÄĄÄĄeÄĄ lil kulħadd sabiex isegwi dawn il-filmati sabiex kulħadd jibqa’ b’saħħtu.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima launches ‘BeActive at Home

Il-filmati se jkunu qed jintwerew fuq il-paġna uffiċjali ta’ SportMalta (BeActive – SportMalta) u l-paġna uffiċjali ta’ Edukazzjoni fuq Facebook. Dawn il-filmati se jkunu disponibbli wkoll fuq is-sit uffiċjali ta’ SportMalta u anke fuq YouTube channel ta` SportMalta.

Stay Tuned for SportMalta’s New Campaign – #BeActiveAtHome

sportmt April 4, 2020 0

With everyone staying at home, physical activity is now more important than ever – not just for maintaining physical fitness, but also mental wellbeing.

SportMalta, with its mission to move a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and successful Malta and as part of the #BeActive campaign, is launching the new campaign #BeActiveAtHome. We will be uploading many videos on social media and its website, produced by qualified coaches, involving both sport and physical activity targeted at different sectors of society.

Join the Movement is our new campaign #BeActiveAtHome and let us help you keep active during this time.

Stay Tuned!

SportMalta Awards 2020 – Review

sportmt February 24, 2020 0