Category: SportMalta News

5 Reasons Why European Week of Sport 2019 Was Great!

sportmt September 30, 2019 0

1 – The 5th Edition

Being the 5th Edition it brought something more special to this year’s Edition. The effort from the EU Commission in investing in such an important cause is finally bearing the fruit as more and more Europeans are opting for a more active lifestyle. We’re proud to say that this trend is also showing in Malta.

2 – More Participation, More Events

SportMalta organised more events for the 5th edition, with the Flagship event at the beginning of September, the main event at Zejtun, the Dance Night at Paola and the #BeActive night at Kirkop.

3 – Dance Event in Paola

Without a doubt the best event we had this year. We turned the Paola square into a #BeActive dancefloor. Kicking off with Salsa and Zumba, we finished off with line dancing for a truly fun and active night.

4 – Jake Vella as EWOS Ambassador

Jake is a remarkable person and has inspired so many people of all ages with his determination and story. Jake Vella joined us as one of the ambassadors to help us with our effort to influence more and more children of his age to start with an active lifestyle.

5 – Malta is getting #BeActive

During the last Eurobarometer report, Malta has shown the best increasing rate of people starting to get active and healthy. Still, a long way to go, but quite encouraging results that continue to inspire us at SportMalta to continue to develop the European Week of Sport and the #BeActive campaign.


The European week of Sport closes at Kirkop with #BeActive Night.

sportmt September 28, 2019 0

A full week of events and activities all over Malta and the other 28 European Member States will come to an end this Saturday with the so called #BeActive night, an activity organised simultaneously in all Europe between 19:00 hours and midnight.

The Kirkop Sports Complex and the adjacent school will be the venue for the local event and SportMalta, the national coordinating body of the event, prepared a wide spread of sport and physical activity exercises for the general public to take part and celebrate the need to exercise. This goes at par with SportMalta’s mission.
Sports like teqball, pickleball, table tennis, mini-snooker, badminton, cycling, motor sport, foot-volley and fitness classes will be in the format of ‘come and join’. Others like mini football and mini waterpolo will be in the format of a friendly tournament where friends and families of the young players are invited to join the different ‘open for all’ stations. The event will end at midnight where all sports will join for the last hour of fun for an active party to end the active night in style. For all those participating a number of freebies will be distributed in order to promote the campaign while doing exercise elsewhere.

For the last five year the European week of Sport has helped to tackle inactivity across Europeans. Malta is already benefitting from the effect of this week with the Eurobarometer showing continuous improvement in our local doing physical activity.

This year the Week opened with a big crowd pulling activity in Zejtun, followed by an big gathering for employees on Tuesday organised in collaboration with Malta Employee Sport Association, a great dance event in Paola Square on Thursday evening and a sports day in all school on Friday. Today a snooker tournament and a shooting competition is also organise in SportMalta complex in Maria Assunta and Ta` Kandja.

This big sporting success wraps an excellent week for SportMalta with the European Commission nominating them as finalist of the BeActive workplace award which final will be help on the 18th of October in Budapest.

Ready For A Night Of Sport and Fitness? The #BeActive Night is Tonight!

sportmt September 28, 2019 0

Join the rest of Europe and BeActive tonight at Kirkop Sports Complex.

The aim of this festival is for everyone to join and try different physical activities and sports and become aware of the possibilities offered by SportMalta and third companies for everyone to be active.

The event will start at 7pm and will finish with a Zumba Party at midnight. Many sports and activities to choose from.
Come and try the Indoor Rowing. We have a Challenge organised for you. There are medals to be won.
There are many activities for your children to join while you Keep Fit. Freebies will be handed out throughout the night.
Join the Event on Facebook: CLICK HERE

#BeActive Shooting Event

sportmt September 28, 2019 0

Another event as part of this year’s European Week of Sport was held on Saturday at the Malta National Shooting Range. These were the results from the event:



1st place: Clive Farrugia

2nd place: Liam Sciberras

3rd place: Marcello Attard


1st place: James Galea

2nd place: Silvio Attard

3rd place: William Chetcuti


Photos from the Event: CLICK HERE

#BeActiveâ€Ķl-impjegati u l-veterani f’attivitajiet sportivi specjali

sportmt September 27, 2019 0

L-impjegati u l-veterani kienu protagonisti f’ŞewÄĄ attivitajiet organizzati fil-ÄĄimgħa ewropeja tal-isport.

Fit-23 ta’ Settembru, fil-kumpless sportiv Tal-Qroqq, sar turnament għall-veterani tal-Handball. Fih ħadu sehem ex plejers ta’ din id-dixxiplina sportiva u li għal bosta snin lagħbu fil-kompetizzjonijiet u kampjonati ewlenin. ÄĶafna mill-plejers kienu jagħmlu parti mit-timijiet nazzjonali.

Dawn il-plejers tal-Handball insew ir-rivalita’ sportiva u qattgħu ħin twil jilgħabu l-logħba li tant ikkompetew fiha ħafna snin ilu. Il-plejers kienu ÄĄejjien minn klabbs differenti u ewlenin u t-turnament bejniethom sar fi spirtu sportiv u ta’ hbiberija. L-attivita’ intemmet b’riċeviment li matulu l-istess plejers veterani setgħu jaqsmu l-esperjenzi li kellhom fil-passat. Għalihom kienet esperjenza poÅžittiva u Åžgur li se sservi bħala pjattaforma biex fil-futur jerÄĄgħu jiÄĄu organizzati attivitajiet bejniethom ta’ dan it-tip bil-għan li jibqgħu attivi fl-isport.

SportMalta, li hija l-entita’ li tieħu ħsieb il-ġimgħa ewropeja tal-isport f’Malta, fdat lil-assoċjazzjoni maltija tal-Handball bl-organizzazzjoni ta’ din l-attivita’, b’mod speċjali mill-aspett tekniku.

Ir-rappreÅžentanta ta’ SportMalta Rose Marie Mercieca irringrazzjat lil dawk kollha li ħadu sehem u fakkret li l-għan ewlieni tal-ÄĄimgħa ewropeja tal-isport hija li nkunu dejjem attivi xi ħaÄĄa li l-plejers veterani urew li hija possibli.

L-għada t-tlieta il-Malta Employees Sports Association organizzat ÄĄurnata ta’ sports fil-kumpless ta’ ÄĶal Kirkop għall-ħaddiema u impjegati. L-attivita’ bl-isem Workplace Sport Event kienet tinkludi turnaments tal-Volleyball, Table Tennis, Futbol tan-Nisa u għall-plejers irÄĄiel ta’ ‘l fuq minn 35 sena flimkien ma’ ÄĄirja ta’ ħames kilometri.

Filgħodu ÄĄie organizzat turnament tal-Volleyball (Mixed), li fih ħadu sehem erba’ timijiet, kif ukoll turnament individwali tat-Table Tennis bis-sehem ta’ disa’ plejers. Wara nofsinhar saru ÅžewÄĄ turnaments tal-football – wiehed għall-irÄĄiel li għalqu l-35 sena fejn hadu sehem sitt timijiet, u ieħor għan-nisa bis-sehem ta’ tlett timijiet. Wara nofsinhar sar ukoll turnament tal-Badminton, li fih hadu sehem sittax -il plejers.

L-ahhar attivita’ kienet il-ÄĄirja ta’ hames kilometri li fiha ħadu sehem 76 atleta, fejn fil-kategorija maskili ħareg rebbieħ Jean Paul Debono mill-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta li għamel ħin ta’ 16-il minuta u 27 sekonda. Fit-tieni post spiċċa Aaron Mifsud (APS Bank) u t-tielet Matthew Xuereb (MCAST). Fil-kategorija femminili, fl-ewwel post spiċċat Margaret Seguna (Mater Dei Hospital) fi 19-il minuta u 34 sekonda. It-tieni spiċċat Caroline Ciappara (Education Dept) u t-tielet Pauline Briffa (St Francis School). L-eta’ tal-parteċipanti kienet tvarja minn 20 sa 60 sena.

Fil-futbol, it-turnament ta’ l-irgiel intrebaħ mill-Universita’, waqt li dak tan-nisa intrebaħ minn selezzjoni minn Għawdex.

Fit-Table Tennis ħarġet rebbieħa Jessica Pace, li kienet l-unika mara minn fost id-disa’ plejers li ħadu sehem.

It-turnament tal-Volleyball intrebah minn Volley Buddies 1 li rebhu t-tliet loghbiet taghhom.

Il-kompetizzjoni tal-Badminton kienet maqsuma fi tlett diviÅžjonijiet.

L-ewwel diviÅžjoni intrebħet minn kien Kenneth Vella (Health Dept), it-tieni diviÅžjoni ÄĄiet mirbuħa minn Rebecca Spiteri (CML Training Centre) filwaqt li fit-tielet diviÅžjoni kien Joseph Mallia (Malta International Airport) li ħareÄĄ rebbieħ.

L-impjegati parteċipanti kienu ġejjien minn dipartimenti tal-gvern kif ukoll mis-settur parastatali u privat.

Huma kienu maqsuma fi gruppi skond il-wirjiet tagħhom f’attivitajiet u kompetizzjonijiet li l-MESA  organizzat fix-xhur li għaddew.

Wieħed jittama li l-ħaddiema parteċipanti jieħdu fuq il-post tax-xogħol tagħhom l-esperjenza ta’ din il-ġurnata ta’ sports u jħajjru lill-impjegati sħabhom sabiex huma wkoll jibdew jinvolvu lilhom infushom fl-isports.

Festa ta’ sport f’Birzebbuga fil-Gimgha Ewropeja tal-Isport

sportmt September 26, 2019 0

Nhar it- 22 ta’ Settembru fil-Bajja s-Sabiħa ta’ BirÅžebbuÄĄa, SportMalta b’ kolloborazzjoni mal-Kunsill Lokali BirÅžebbuÄĄa, organizzat ÄĄurnata ta’ attivitajiet sportivi bħala parti mill-ħames edizzjoni tal-Gimgha ewropeja tal-Isport.

Bosta klabbs u għaqdiet tal-lokal ingħaqdu flimkien u ħadu sehem f’ nofs ta’ nhar ta’ sport fosthom waterpolo, futbol, ibburdjar, qdief , BMX Jams, skating u anke l-logħba tradizzjonali tal- Boċċi.

Il-klabb tal-waterpolo ta’ BirÅžebbuÄĄa organizza turnament bejn tlett timijiet lokali ta’ taħt it-13 -il sena.

Fl-iSkate Park il-ÄĄdida, bl-għajnuna ta’ Trust Foundation u AÄĄenzija ÅŧgħaÅžagħ ÄĄie organizzat SkatePark Jam, fejn ammont ta tfal għamlu wirja ta’ 40 sekonda kull wieħed.

Min-naħa tagħhom il-BirÅžebbuÄĄa Windmill FC Nursery, għamlu sessjoni speċjali ta’ taħrig fil-pitch tal-Beach Soccer u li fih ħadu sehem għadd kbir ta’plejers Åžgħar.

Kien hemm ukoll attivita’ kbira fuq il-baħar u hawnhekk protagonisti kienu l-Birzebbuġa Sailing Club u l-klabb tar-Regatta ta’ Birzebbuġa.

IÅž-Åžewg klabbs organizzaw vjaÄĄÄĄi bid-dgħajjes tagħhom fejn il-pubbliku ingħata tagħrif dwar dan l-isport u anke jesperjenza seta’ mill-viċin l-opri uÅžati mill-klabbs rispettivi.

Il-klabb tal-Boċċi tal-lokal organizza kampjonat individwali b’numru kbir ta’ spettaturi segwa b’interess l-emozzjoni li għadha tagħti l-logħba tradizzjonali tal-Boċċi.

Ä urnata li kienet eÅžempju ta’ kif l-isport jista’ jgħaqqad komunita’ sħiħa filwaqt li SportMalta kompliet bl-istrateÄĄija tagħha sabiex tħajjar aktar nies jinvolvu lilhom infushom f’xi attività’ sportiva fil-ÄĄimgħa ewropeja iddedikata lill-mobilita’.

Ara l’Video tal-Attivita: CLICK HERE

We Turned The Square Into A #BeActive Dancefloor!

sportmt September 26, 2019 0

SportMalta continues with the European Week of Sport with a Dance Event at the Paola Square yesterday night. Hundreds of people joins the activity and went all #BeActive mode as they danced and moved for hours.

Here are some of the best photos…

A proper Dancefloor effect…

All for one, all for #BeActive


Hands up if you want to #BeActive


More Photos: CLICK HERE

It’s Dance Night Tonight at Paola!

sportmt September 25, 2019 0

It’s happening tonight at Paola.

Zumba is easy, fun, effective and fits for all; based on Latin music and simplified dance moves, spiced up with fitness variations. Enjoy a happy hour and burn a lot of calories.

Salsa and Line dance workshops. Learn the basic steps, experience the feeling of dance, start your journey in the magical world of dancing.

Exercising should be FUN! Start your new more active and healthier life! Let US show YOU the way.

Event will take place at Paola Square and will kick off at 7pm with Zumba. At 8pm the event continues with an hour of Salsa Workshop, finishing off with Line Dancing at 9pm.

Join the event on Facebook: CLICK HERE

The 5th Edition of the European Week of Sports kick off in Malta

sportmt September 23, 2019 0

The fifth edition of the European Week of  Sports kicked off Friday night with a festival of internationals sports held in Zejtun. The activity was organised by SpotMalta in collaboration with the Zejtun Local Council and the main events took place in two areas namely Zejtun Square and Gnien iz-Zghozija.

The aim of the event was to get closer to the people and that’s why SportMalta chose to go to Zejtun instead of utilizing a Sports Complex. Various sports activities were held for young ages to pensioners.

Activities included basketball, football and field hockey sessions, bike ride, walking tours around the lovely town of Zejtun, yoga, tai chi, street sports which include BMX, skateboarding, scooters and street football. Traditional games like the Swedish traditional game of KUBB was played.

At the entrance of the event there was a car display of the Land Rover Owners Malta Club. Mass physical activities such as Zumba and fitness were held. Various NGOs and sports clubs were involved during this event namely, Hibernians Basketball Club, Qormi Field Hockey Club, Bicycle Advocacy Group and Malta Health Students Association.

Fun and sportsmanship together with lots of physical activity were the main ingredients of a wonderful evening which was well attended.

The European Week of Sports is an initiative of the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. This year’s event will be held till the between the 20th and the 28th of September and will be led by Sport Malta the National Coordinating Body for the European Week of Sport, together with our national sport clubs and organisations.

Other events will be held during this week. On the 25th of September a Dance Event will be held at Paola Square starting at 6pm.

The official closing will be held on Saturday 28th September with the

#BeActive Night at the Kirkop Sports Complex.

Together with the three main events organised by SportMalta, other activities will be organised by different sports associations.

A Masters tournament for both Handball will take place on 23rd September at the National Pool Complex.

The Malta Employees Sports Association will be holding  the ‘Workplace Sport Event’ at the Kirkop Sports Complex Tuesday 24th September.

Saturday 28th will see the ‘BeActive Shooting Cup’ at the new Ta’ Kandja Shooting Range starting from 9am.

Between the 28th and the 29th of September the Malta Billiards and Snooker Association will organise Snooker tournament at the Maria Assunta Complex in ÄĶamrun.

The European Week of Sports will also include the local schools with a day full of various sports and physical events.

Rose Marie Mercieca national coordinator of the European Week of Sport, said that SportMalta, being the National Coordinating Body of the European Week of Sport in this initiative of the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity, is going itself to provide opportunities to people to start practicing a sport or to take part in a physical activity with the aim that these people continue to be engaged throughout the whole year.

The Week Is On!

sportmt September 23, 2019 0

I encourage all children, who like me, live with a health condition to not be half-hearted about sports, and find time to be active. If every child finds a sport that interests him, the experience of the sport will surely be a positive one – Jake Vella European Week of Sport Ambassador. 

Physical inactivity in Malta and across Europe is stagnating and even declining in some countries, with a negative impact on people’s quality of life, as well as on the economy. According to the European Commission, the proportion of people who never exercise or play sport is worryingly high at 35%! Girls are more likely to do less exercise or sport than boys.

As part of the #BeActive campaign, the European Week of Sport (23-30 September) is organising events in various localities in Malta. The events will focus on sport in schools, workplaces, outdoors, in sport clubs and fitness centres.

Since it’s launch five years ago, over 40 million people have taken part across 38 countries! Sport Malta CEO Mark Cutajar said “We are very enthusiastic that we’re organising all these events for another edition of the European Week of Sport. We are encouraged to see ever-increasing participation in sport and fitness activities.

The European Commissioner responsible for Sport, Tibor Navracsics, added: “The lack of physical activity in our modern lifestyles leads to major health problems and costs our economies billions. We can all be active in different ways – from taking a short walk to running a marathon. I am calling on everyone to join us in the European Week of Sport.”

Finland, which currently holds the Presidency of the EU, will officially launch the Week on 23 September with an Opening Ceremony in Espoo.