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Partners in the SKILLS project meet for the third time to continue the journey towards a skilled workforce for the sport and physical activity sector in Europe

SportMalta News July 19, 2021 0

On the 15th of July 2021, the partners of the SKILLS project met for the third time to discuss the progress made with the expected project outputs and to plan the next stages in the work plan. The meeting was arranged online due to restrictions related to the pandemic.

The SKILLS project has been funded under the Erasmus+ Sport Chapter for a 24-month period and will run until December 2021. The initiative has been built as a follow-up from the ESSA-Sport project ( to ensure continuity and to keep the topic of skills development as high priority at the heart of the sector. The overall ambition is to maintain the momentum and build on the progress made during the ESSA-Sport project in the analysis and understanding of the labour market and skill needs of the whole sport and physical activity sector.

The SKILLS initiative has been designed to ensure continuity and maintain the momentum in researching, networking, implementing actions and improving skills in the sport sector in Europe.

In particular, the work programme of the SKILLS project includes to:

  • Gather and analyse labour market statistics for the whole year 2019 and 2020
  • Monitor the implementation of national strategic action plans from the ESSA-Sport project
  • Identify and raise awareness of the realities and trends of the sector in terms of skills needs
  • Promote and encourage dialogue and consultation on the topic of skills and workforce development at both the European and antional level

During the meeting, AurÃĐlien Favre from EOSE presented the research material which has been developed and published from the available sport employment statistics for the year 2019 and first semester 2020 which corresponds to the start of the unexpected pandemic. That includes a European Research Report, a European Fact Sheet, and a series of 28 national Fact Sheet presenting the sport labour market situation through visuals and infographic.  

The partners were then able to discuss the next 6-month of the work programme that will include the analysis of latest available statistics on sport employment in Europe and particularly to focus on the key role of national partners to carry out a series of dissemination and consultation activities to present and exchange on the realities, challenges and tendencies of the sport labour market with targeted national stakeholders.

A final meeting will be arranged in October 2021 and at the European level it was confirmed that a European workshop will be organised to gather main European Sport organisations and present them the latest statistics about the sport labour market. This will be an opportunity to discuss the impact of the pandemic on sport employment and exchage on potential solutions and priority actions for the sector to recover from this unexpected situation.

Further information about the SKILLS project:

  Full list of partners:

  • European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE) – Applicant
  • AcadÃĐmico Futebol Clube (AFC) – Portugal
  • Croatian Association for Sport Management (CASM)
  • National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (NSA) – Bulgaria
  • Sport Malta
  • UniversitÃĐ Catholique de Louvain (UCL) – Belgium.


Contact:      AurÃĐlien Favre – EOSE Executive Director –

                   Ben Gittus – EOSE Director of Standards –

Inauguration of the renovation of the outdoor exercise facility with an investment of ₮ 61,000 in Ta ’Qali

SportMalta News July 10, 2021 0

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima,
together with the Chairman of SportMalta Luciano Busuttil, inaugurated the renovation of the
outdoor physical exercise facility in Ta ’Qali, which is used by many people early every morning.

Through this investment of around ₮ 61,000, everyone who uses this facility will enjoy
new machines that are accessible to everyone, as well as new flooring. The investment also includes
the renovation of the small stadium where the floor and surrounding wood were changed. Security cameras were also installed.

In his speech, Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima stressed that with this investment many families
will enjoy this open space that has been deserted for years. The parliamentary secretary,
while thanking SportMalta for the valuable work it is doing, said that this renovation is an
investment in the health of the Maltese people and therefore talks are underway with various local councils to make
these types of facilities are more accessible.

“These facilities will be rebuilt or renovated with their potential to connect
more communities together where there is more social interaction, ”explained Clifton Grima.

SportMalta Chairman Luciano Busuttil said that this renovation is part of the mission of
SportMalta who wants to get the Maltese exercising again. He said that these investments are intended so that
exercise becoming more accessible to all.

An investment of around ₮ 20,000 in a fitness gym for the community in Ta ’Kandja

SportMalta News July 5, 2021 0

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima, together with the Chief Executive Officer of SportMalta Mark Cutajar, inaugurated a fitness hall in Ta ’Kandja which will be enjoyed by the public and sports associations.


This hall, which was built with an investment of around ₮ 20,000, is equipped with a number of bicycles, rowing machines, as well as free weights among other top quality sports equipment. In addition, it also includes a simulator facility for Clay Shooting.

Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima explained how SportMalta is running a program that sees to making a difference in the lives of people in the communities in Malta and Gozo. He emphasized the importance of such sports and community facilities as to bringing people closer to a balanced life, both physically and mentally.

The Parliamentary Secretary concluded that all this complements the investment made in elite athletes as well as in the level of physical activity for the general population.

SportMalta Chief Executive Mark Cutajar stressed that one of SportMalta’s goals is to exercise more and therefore SportMalta has made this investment equipped with the best exercise equipment to be used by both athletes,individuals, and sports clubs.

For more information on the use of this fitness room, the public is encouraged to contact SportMalta.

Kijan Sultana wins Queensland State Junior Championship

SportMalta News July 2, 2021 0

Kijan Sultana has won the Squash Queensland Gold Event Championship.

Following a bye in the first round, Sultana defeated Joshua Wood 11-5, 11-3, 11-4 in the quarter-finals.


In the semi-finals the Maltese junior was paired with tournament second seed Brendon MacDonald. Sultana started very strong, taking the first two games 11-5, 11-5. MacDonald fought back hard to win the third game 11-9. Sultana did well to squeeze out the Australian in a 13-11 fourth game victory.


The Maltese junior champion was again in top form in the final against tournament top seed Joshua Penfold. Sultana outskilled his opponent to win the match and the tournament in three straight games 11-5, 11-9. 11-3.


This is the first Under 19 championship win for Kijan since he turned seventeen earlier this year and follows his tremendous achievements last year when he secured both Queensland State and Australian National titles in the Under 17s.


Sultana is currently based in Brisbane, Australia where he has been training under the watchful eye of professional coach Bradley Hindle.

Kijan Sultana is supported by SportMalta, the Maltese Olympic Committee and through the Malta Sport Scholarships Scheme financed by the Government of Malta

The government hands over store number 3 in Senglea to Senglea Regatta Club

SportMalta News June 22, 2021 0

In the presence of the Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima, the Government, through SportMalta, has signed a contract transferring the land on which store number 3 in Triq it-Tarzna, Senglea, to Senglea Regatta Club.


Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima explained that through this transfer Senglea Regatta Club will have a store where they can lift their boats. He went on to say that the Government’s commitment is to continue to deliver on its electoral sports promises. The Parliamentary Secretary said that the Government wants to foster and strengthen sports culture from an early age.


“The Government is aware that in order to do this we need to invest in sports facilities and in the associations themselves,

and that’s what we’re doing today. We believe we must provide the facilities and assistance so that sports clubs can continue to grow and improve their services. After all, they are our children enjoying all this. This Government is committed to investing so that together we can make the next leap towards quality. We want every sport to be given the opportunity to flourish, ”said the Parliamentary Secretary.

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima presides over the signing of the transfer of land between SportMalta and the Senglea Regatta Club
Xatt Juan B. Azzopardi, Senglea

Dr Luciano Busuttil, Chairman of SportMalta, recalled that this land allocation process boosts sports associations to continue to grow and attract more young people and children to sport. “When a club is given land, it is being given autonomy to grow without other direct help by attracting investment. “


Senglea Regatta Club President Charmaine Gerada described the event as a dream which has become a reality and through which they are looking forward to continue training as a club in the best way more and more now that this land has been transferred to them.


SportMalta is committed to carrying out various projects for the benefit of several different sports while incentivizing associations to stand up and strengthen and give athletes all the space to develop their talents towards sporting excellence.

The ‘Summer on the Move’ program for summer 2021 has been launched

SportMalta News June 22, 2021 0

For another year, SportMalta is launching the 18th edition of the ‘Summer on the Move’ program
which will be offered between July and September 2021 in accordance with the measures issued by
SportMalta and by the health authorities.

Through this program, SportMalta is continuing to drive a more active and participatory
Maltese society in sport and, apart from that, reach higer levels in the world of competitive sport,
and enjoy the health benefits associated with sport.

Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima said that so far there are more than 1,500 applications
for the ‘Summer on the Move’ program. This amounts to more than 4,220 sessions
a week for 35 different sports and will be run by more than 220
qualified teachers and coaches who are dedicated to providing quality service.

“The government is committed to further raising the level of sport in our country with more direct investment
in Maltese athletes. So much so, that in the coming days a massive investment will be announced that will see that
several athletes be prepared and achieve prestigious results at the Small Countries Games in 2023
which will take place in our country, ”concluded the parliamentary secretary.

“Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima launches Summer on the Move

The Director of Programs within SportMalta Robert Portelli explained that these activities are
offered in a number of centers around Malta and Gozo in a modern, state-of-the-art
sports equipment.

The activities offered vary, from football, basketball and gymnastics, to karting and
martial arts. Water sports are not lacking; swimming, water polo as well as Sailing. For adults,
one finds yoga, pilates and fitness of different intensities, as well as badminton, swimming and
self-defense. This year the parent and child program will also be extended where in addition to
swimming, gymnastics and fundamentals will be offered.

‘Summer on the Move’ also includes lessons for adults where they take place at the same time as the
children’s activities so that those parents who bring their children can come as a family and
participate at the same time. SportMalta Chairman Luciano Busuttil said that this program is meant to entice
more and more people move and do physical activity while believing that everyone has
have accessibility to sport.

A new Family Park project has been launched in Cospicua

SportMalta News June 22, 2021 0

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima announced
how an area in Cospicua next to the Cottonera Sport Complex will be transformed into a family park with a project
made by SportMalta.

Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima explained how the currently identified site is in a state of disrepair and abandonment,
so this project will be a breath of fresh air to Cottonera families.

“This is a Government for the people and being for the people means coming up with projects and ideas that are at their core
there for people. It was SportMalta that came forward with a concept that is innovative and it sees Maltese families have a
space where they can enjoy their free time and find balance between work and the quality of life” said Parliamentary Secretary Grima.

He concluded by saying that we must continue to work and strive for this Government to continue to
difference in people’s lives.

This area, with a size of about 20,000m2 will be regenerated to offer a recreational space where families
Maltese can go and spend some rest time while enjoying an adventure-filled space for
all including ziplines, walking trails, archery and wooden structures. This park will be distributed
in various areas equipped for different ages, accessible to all, and will also include water attractions.
This regeneration will take place in such a way that the impact on the surrounding area will be

Cospicua Mayor Alison Zerafa Civelli, while welcoming this park project
for the family, she stressed how there is a rich history and culture and how it is also filled with large spaces with
greenery that can easily be regenerated for the benefit of all Maltese families. Finally she is
she stressed that she looks forward to seeing this project become a reality.

SportMalta Chairman Luciano Busuttil explained how SportMalta will be embarking on a project
unlike what is usually done for everyone to enjoy. He also stressed how SportMalta
is also undergoing various projects around Malta including the Olympic level indoor swimming pool in
cotton wool also. Finally, he said that SportMalta is committed to continuing to create innovative projects
that encourage people to move and do physical activity.

₮ 5 million from NDSF to Sport Malta to prepare Maltese athletes for the 2023 Small Nations Games

SportMalta News June 22, 2021 0

Five million euros will go through the NDSF to Sport Malta in a move that is aimed at enabling the Maltese Olympic Committee to invest in Maltese athletes in preparation for the Small Nations Games that will be held in our country in 2023. Financial aid will be given to ten sports.

The agreement to transfer these funds was signed today by the chairman of Sport Malta Luciano Busuttil and the Chief Executive of the NDSF Raymond Ellul, in the presence of the Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship and Communities Alex Muscat and Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organizations Clifton Grima. Sport Malta will invest these funds in the Maltese Olympic Committee.

The Parliamentary Secretary responsible for citizenship, Alex Muscat, said that once again, our country must show clearly how the wealth generated by the Maltese initiatives of residence and citizenship is being translated into wealth that is going to the community. While wishing the athletes well, he supported the commitment of the secretariat to continue to attract to Malta the foreign direct investment that is translating into so many benefits for Maltese talent.

Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima said that Sport Malta has already invested in new facilities including a basketball sports complex in Ta ‘Qali, a new squash center in Marsa, a new judo complex and a tennis center in Ta’ Qali. Pembroke, along with two swimming pools — one at Cottonera and the other at St. Paul’s Bay. The Parliamentary Secretary said that through this financial investment, which will serve as a boost and preparation for the Maltese athletes before the Small Nation Games in Malta in the year 2023, he will continue to confirm how much the Government is a shoulder for athletes and sports organizations and that the aspirations of so many athletes will be achievable.

Through these funds, the Maltese Olympic Committee will be able to assist sports associations financially, to employ, among others, professional coaches on a full-time basis together with the rest of the necessary technical staff, to finance the participation of Maltese athletes. in competitions and training sessions abroad, and invest in more appropriate technical tools.

The sports disciplines that will be assisted are: athletics, basketball, judo, rugby, sailing, shooting, squash, swimming, table tennis, and tennis. Sport Malta will hand over the funds over the next three years, according to the agreement with the Maltese Olympic Committee, in a context that our country will be hosting games for small countries in Malta, in May 2023. Sport Malta is offering the necessary support so that Maltese athletes are best prepared.

The conference was also addressed by the Chief Executive of SportMalta, Mark Cutajar, and the Chief Executive of NDSF, Raymond Ellul.

Dr Lydia Abela officially launches the 'Smiles with Miles' initiative


SportMalta News June 16, 2021 0

Dr Lydia Abela has launched a national project that encourages physical exercise for the well-being and health
of who does it, but also to create a smile on the lips of others.

Dr Lydia Abela officially launches the ‘Smiles with Miles’ initiative

In Cottonera, the Prime Minister’s wife explained how ‘Smiles with Miles’ is a new motivation to
more and more people, of all ages, are starting to do, or even increase, walking or running, with the
physical and mental. While they will be helping themselves, they will also contribute
towards fundraising for specific projects in favor of adolescents in need.

The initiative works very simply. Anyone can download the ‘Smiles with Miles’ app for free
from his phone and go out for a walk or run at any time of the day. The app gives the
facility to measure the mileage a person is doing, and there are different levels of distances that, as soon as
exceed them, be eligible for awards that recognize these personal achievements.

More importantly, your miles will merge with the miles of the entire population.
Upon reaching 250,000 miles, cumulatively, there are a number of private companies, which through the
Their Corporate Social Responsibility, are giving a donation to new health projects for mental health among young people.

Dr. Lydia Abela said that it is a victory for our country to have more active people, who will strengthen their physical and
mental conditions, and experience this activity together with their families in the beautiful environment of
our country. “I believe that there is a need for a country that wants to promote the quality of life and ensure
social status of its people. “3

Dr Lydia Abela officially launches the ‘Smiles with Miles’ initiative

There are two initial goals that will be met with the funds raised in this initiative. First, to create
awareness campaign on the well-being of young people. Using influencers and synonymous role models
with young people, information on existing support services should be provided if
adolescents face mental challenges.
The second priority is to research the challenges of adolescents in today’s world to make the country
aware of what new recommendations it needs to work on to address new areas through
new projects.

After this coming month, ‘Smiles with Miles’ will continue in the coming months and years to become a style of
our life. “It must be a national effort. Your walking will really become worthwhile for you, and for
others, ”concluded Dr Abela.

Meanwhile, psychiatrist Dr Anton Grech praised the theme of the initiative and said it reflected the work
of the professionals in the mental field. Dr. Grech argued that evidence shows that physical exercise is a
type of therapy, like other medical therapies, for adolescents suffering from anxiety. He concluded by
expressing his appreciation for this initiative because it reminds us of the importance of not being able
to have a healthy body without a healthy mind, nor a healthy mind without a healthy body.

SportMalta chief executive Mark Cutajar said it was gratifying to hear the wife of the Prime Minister
Minister encouraging collective effort for physical activity as Team Malta. He stressed that the pandemic has shown that
in Malta you can exercise all the time, because the weather permits it, and we have natural tracks that
make it easier to walk more. He concluded that this initiative goes hand in hand with the
SportMalta in favor of physical exercise that helps you live a better life.



SportMalta News June 16, 2021 0

The Maltese government has committed the necessary funds and resources for our country to host the Special
Olympics in Malta next year.

Prior to the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with Special Olympics Malta and Special
Olympics Europe Eurasia, Wife of the Prime Minister Dr Lydia Abela said Malta is truly honoured
with its first-ever opportunity to host these special games. “We feel that, as a country which constantly
strives to strengthen inclusion, Malta is in the right position to showcase the power of different

Dr Abela stated that the Special Olympics Games present the athletes with a life-changing opportunity
to compete and achieve results. She stressed that the event encourages a healthy lifestyle and promote
physical and mental strength. Hence, while Malta is heavily investing in the quality of life of its
people, Malta is the right place at the right time to host this celebration of talent.

The organisation of Special Olympics Games in Malta, following the hardships of the pandemic,
creates a great sense of enthusiasm. “The Maltese and Gozitans will be involved in every phase of
the event because we are committed to making these the People’s Games, which instil confidence in
athletes, celebrate their talents, and show that this country is a model of equality”, concluded Dr

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima said that
more than 450 athletes participate in the Special Olympics locally. He also stated that these athletes
are not just any athletes, as they each have a unique and interesting story to tell.

The parliamentary secretary also added that throughout the years Maltese athletes participated in 20
international sports events and brought home over 300 medals, all signifying hard work, sacrifices
and experiences.

Chairperson of the Organising Committee for the May 2022 Games MP Oliver Scicluna said that,
through his experience with Special Olympics athletes, he sees that sport helps persons with disability
to believe more in their capabilities and as a result, move on in life. He stated that Malta will be ready
to welcome athletes from different countries who will benefit from this moment of unity and
celebration at Malta’s sports facilities.

President of Special Olympics Europe Eurasia David Evangelista said that these games will be about
celebrating the human spirit and human dignity – celebrating the ideas of Europe: unity, inclusion,
and solidarity. Through these games, we can truly bring European values to the forefront on behalf
of people with intellectual disability. Covid-19 has been such a disrupting element around the world,
but we are ready to usher in a new era of inclusion in Malta, in Europe and beyond with these games.

Maltese Special Olympics athlete Maria James recounted her personal experience of representing
Malta two years ago in Abu Dhabi where she won the silver medal in the 100 meters freestyle in
aquatics. She explained the courage and happiness she felt when she was accepted, included, and
praised by many people of different cultures. Today Maria James feels she is a proud and determined
citizen who can overcome any challenge. She expressed her satisfaction at the fact that Malta will be
hosting this feast of unity and appreciating the talents of all her colleagues.

The Memorandum of Understanding, committing the necessary funds and resources for Malta to host
the Special Olympics Games, was signed by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Inclusion
and Social Wellbeing Matthew Vella, National Director of Special Olympics Malta Anna Calleja,
and the President of Special Olympics Europe Eurasia David Evangelista.