Sports Camp

sportmt March 28, 2016 0

Children aged from 11 to 14 years from the programme OntheMove Skolasport are participating in a sports camp at Marsa Sports Grounds.  During this camp the children will engage in different activities such as archery, horse riding, dance workshop and much more. The participants are being supervised all the time by qualified SportMalta coaches and personnel.


National Sport Forum

sportmt March 23, 2016 0

SportMalta, both as national provider and regulator of sports will be organising a National Sport Forum on the 22nd and 23rd of April 2016 to act as a platform in preparation for the Malta Presidency of the Council of European Union in the first semester of 2017.

It is envisaged that around 450 participants will be participating in the National Sport Forum. Both local and foreign sports experts will be invited as key speakers to address participants on the Maltese Presidency, EU Funding in sports and other relevant sport issues.

Volleyball Tournaments for Secondary Schools by SPU

sportmt March 14, 2016 0

The Sport Promotion Unit in collaboration with the Malta Volleyball Association organised another two Volleyball tournaments. This time it was the turn for Form 3&4 boys and girls on Monday 7th March and Wednesday 9th March respectively.

In the first tournament 75 boys from Stella Maris College, SMC Verdala Sec, STC St Venera Sec, STMC Hamrun Sec, MRC Naxxar Sec and SCC Pembroke Sec participated. Following this tournament it was the girls’ turn two days later. 50 girls from MRC Mosta Sec, SCC Pembroke Sec, SIC Handaq Sec and St Catherine School took part.

In both tournaments the teams played in 3 v 3 games in a first phase round robin divided in groups and then in a knockout phase to determine the winner of the tournaments. 8 courts were put up to accommodate the 24 boys’ teams while the 14 girls’ teams played on 6 courts.

The two tournaments were won by STC St Venera Team 2 after beating Stella Maris Team 4 in the final boys’ game and by SCC Pembroke Team 2 after beating St Catherine Team 1 for the girls respectively.

Both tournaments saw the presence of Mr Jes Saliba, MVA President, Mr Leonard Zammit Munro, MVA Executive Council Member together with the newly appointed MVA Technical Director Mr Edvaldo Carvalho da Silva.

Thanks goes also to all School Teachers who prepared their students for these tournaments.

These two tournaments will be followed by the last festival for this scholastic year which will be for Form 1 & 2 boys and girls on Wednesday 27th April 2016.

SPU Handball Festivals and Workshops

sportmt March 8, 2016 0

During this scholastic year the Sports Promotion Unit organised successfully two handball festival at Kirkop Sports Complex

The feedback received by school teachers was very positive and participation was significant. This is very encouraging to the Sports Promotion Unit and SportMalta to continue organising such festivals in the future so as to raise more awareness of this sport.

The first tournament was addressed to year 5 and year 6 students, with the participation of 120 children from 7 schools. During this first session, the kids were given the opportunity to enjoy the mini version of the game, with each school fielding 4 players and the keeper. On Wednesday 24th February, the second festival was organised, this time for year 3 and year 4 students.

SportMalta felt the need to expose students to this challenging game at an early stage in their life thus leading to the decision to organise two separate festivals aimed at different ages. Since the response was overall very positive it is being planned to keep organising such festivals in the future.

SPU is the department within SportMalta that works relentlessly with school children to create and introduce sports disciplines that are otherwise not so popular in the local scene. Through SPU, SportMalta ensures that it is offering the best service to all children alike by exposing them to various sports scenes that will definitely prove fruitful in their future sporting career.


Laghqa ma PBS rigward l’SportMalta Awards

sportmt March 2, 2016 0

Il-Board tad-Diretturi tal-Public Broadcasting Services immexxi miċ-Chairman Tonio Portughese iltaqa’ mas-Segretarju Parlamentari responsabbli mir-Riċerka, l-Innovazzjoni, iz-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ u l-Isport Chris Agius u mal-ogħla uffiċjali ta’ SportMalta.

Il-Laqgħa saret ftit jiem biss wara li ÄĄiet organizzata edizzjoni oħra ta’ SportMalta Awards GħaÅžliet Sportivi Nazzjonali liema serata kienet imxandra b’mod dirett fuq TVM2.

Għal din il-laqgħa kienu preÅženti wkoll l-uffiċjali tal-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sport rapreÅžentati mill-President Charles Camenzuli kif ukoll ir-rebbieħa tal-unuri prinċipali tas-serata.

F’Kelmtejn tal-okkaÅžjoni ċ-Chairman tal-PBS Tonio Porthughese qal li t-trasmissjonijiet ta’ avvenimenti u programmi sportivi huma wieħed mill-pilastri prinċipali tal-kumpanija u kien għalhekk li l-PBS reÄĄa’ offra s-servizzi tiegħu ta’ produzzjoni kif ukoll l-istazzjon TVM2 sabiex tixxandar din is-serata minħabba l-fatt li l-Management tal-kumpanija jemmen li l-isport għandu jibqa’ jingħata l-importanza neċessarja.  Dott Portughese faħħar l-inizjattiva tas-Segretarjat responsabbli mill-Isport li ÄĄab taħt kappa waħda lil SportMalta u lill-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sports sabiex jorganizzaw avveniment prinċipali wieħed flimkien fil-kalendarju sportiv lokali.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari Chris Agius minn naħa tiegħu rringrazzja lill-Public Broadcasting Services tal-għajnuna li tat sabiex l-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena ta’ Sport Malta Awards GħaÅžliet Sportivi Nazzjonali reÄĄgħu kienu ta’ suċċess. Hu qal li japprezza l-fatt li l-istazzjonijiet Nazzjonali jgħinu lill-Isport lokali permezz ta’ trasmissjonijiet u produzzjonijiet ta’ programmi varji sportivi.

Il-President tal-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sports Charles Camenzuli faħħar l-amalgamazzjoni bejn SportMalta, s-Segretarjat Parlamentari u l-media sportiva fejn iddeskrivieha bħala waħda ta’ suċċess bil-fatti.  Hu awgura li din l-amalgamazzjoni tibqa’ tiÄĄÄĄedded hekk kif awgura li jiÄĄÄĄedded il-ftehim eÅžistenti mal-PBS għas-servizz tekniku u t-trasmissjoni tal-avveniment ta’ rikonoxximent nazzjonali bħal ma huma l-Isport Malta Awards GħaÅžliet Sportivi Nazzjonali.

Mark Cutajar Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta waqt il-laqgħa ta ħarsa ħafifa lejn ix-xogħol ta’ SportMalta u antiċipa li SportMalta u l-PBS qed jikunsidraw li jaħdmu flimkien ukoll sabiex il-Forum Nazzjonali tal-Isport li se jsir f’April ikun imxandar fuq l-istazzjonijiet tal-PBS.

PreÅženti għal-laqgħa kien hemm ukoll iċ-Chairman ta’ SportMalta Dr Luciano Busuttil.

Call for Volunteers

sportmt February 29, 2016 0

The ISF World Badminton Championships 28 March – 2 April 2016.

The Malta School Sports Federation in collaboration with the Malta Badminton Association and SportMalta are organising the ISF World Badminton Championships between the 28th of March 2016 and the 2nd April 2016.

For these championships SportMalta is embarking on recruiting a number of volunteers in the following fields:

– Hospitality
– Technical Organisation
– Secretarial Work
– Venue Management

The Games are going to be held during the Easter holidays.  This year there has been a record of 56 participating teams. By becoming a volunteer you will be:

  • involved in the most vital part of the organization,
  • gain valuable experience and training in a major sport event,
  • be invited to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and After Party,
  • get a Volunteer kit and Certificate of Participation
  • networking with different young people from all over the World.

So if you are interested to be part of this major event kindly register now by sending an email on

Deadline for registration is Thursday 3rd March 2016.

Isir l-preÅžentazzjoni tal-assistenza lill-parteċipanti tal-kors Foundations in Coaching IPES

sportmt February 29, 2016 0

Din il-ÄĄimgħa saret l-preÅžentazzjoni tal-assistenza li SportMalta tagħti lill-parteċipanti tal-kors Foundations in Coaching li huwa organizzat mill-Institute of Physical Education and Sport (IPES) fi ħdan l-Universita’ ta’ Malta.

SportMalta tiffinanzja terz tal-miÅžata li l-parteċipanti jħallsu biex jattendu dan il-kors, għaliex temmen fl-importanza li pajjiÅžna jkollu kowċes kwalifikati. Barra min hekk SportMalta tagħti għajnujna diretta sabiex dawn il-korsijiet isiru.

Simone Farina jattendi ghall-integrity football tour meeting organizzat mill-MFA

sportmt February 15, 2016 0

Il-mistieden ta’ SportMalta Awards Ghazliet Sportivi Nazzjonali Simone Farina kien il-mistieden tal-unur waqt laqgha mal-kowces tat-timijiet Nazzjonali tal-MFA.  Waqt din il-laqgha Farina tkellem dwar l-istorja tieghu filwaqt li ddiskuta l-match fixing ma’ dawk prezenti.

Indirizzaw lil dawk prezenti s-Segretarju Parlamentari Chris Agius li spjega kif il-Gvern u anke SportMalta qeghdin jaghtu sostenn shih lit-Task Force kontra l-korruzjoni li nediet sena ilu l-istess MFA.  l-Kap Ezekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar spjega kif intghazel Farina biex ikun il-mistiedem tal-unur ghal din l-attivita’ nazzjonali.

Kelliema ohra kienu l-vici president tal-MFA Chris Bonett u l-integrity officer Franz Tabone.  B’dan tal-ahhar jaghti prezentazzjoni ddettaljata dwar dak li aed taghmel l-assocjazzjoni u dak li qed jinbuttaw kemm il-UEFA u anke l-FIFA.

Iktar ritratti

Simone Farina visits OnTheMove students

sportmt February 15, 2016 0

The special guest for this year’s SportMalta Awards Simone Farina, paid a visit to the OnTheMove students at Kirkop. He was accompanied by Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius and SportMalta CEO Mark Cutajar.
Photos of the Visit here