Category: News

Flexi Training Scheme (Private Sector) Athletes Announced

sportmt January 21, 2019 0

SportMalta announced the athletes for the Flexi Training Scheme – Private Sector. These are the athletes:


Jason Sciberras

Lisa Marie Bezzina

Francesca Borg

Matthew Crocker

Rebecca Sare’

Isaac Bezzina

Abela Suzanne

Brian Galea

Josann Attard Pulis

Jecheva Elena

Johan Attard


For more information about this scheme, pls visit this page (CLICK HERE).

Christmas Message from SportMalta

sportmt December 21, 2018 0

Year 2018 is coming to an end and this was indeed a very successful year for SportMalta. We managed above everything once again to improve the Malta position in the classification of physical activity according to the Eurobarometer.

This confirms our objective in SportMalta’s mission statement in ‘Moving a nation through the promotion and development of sport for a healthy, inclusive and successful Malta.’

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima officially inaugurates a new snooker facility-Maria Assumpta Sports Complex-ÄĶamrun -6-12-18

We performed high in all of our sectors. Programmes department managed to reach another record of participants in the #OnetheMove programme and in its academies. Regulatory Department updated the rules and regulations for registration of Federations, Associations and Clubs.

The European Week of Sport managed successfully to reach its targets with over 53 events and 30 thousands participants. We managed to work with a number of foreign institutions on several projects that improve our product and international profile.

We concluded a variety of capital projects including the National Shooting Range, the Snooker Centre, the upgrade of Mtahleb Hill Climb, The Birzebbuga Football Centre and towards the end of the year we managed to conclude thefirst phase of the Indoor Swimming Pool in Cottonera and the completion of the new football facility in Marsascala. We also renewed all our facilities so
that SportMalta will give the best service to its clients.

All these objectives are reached since SportMalta has a great team of employees with different valuable capabilities and initiative. Together as a team, they manage to push day after day towards excellence. These employees deserve praise for their continuous commitment during the year. On behalf of the Chairman Dr Luciano Busuttil, the Board of Directors, the Management and all SportMalta staff we wish all the Sporting Community a peaceful Christmas and a happy new year 2019.

Il-Kumpless tal-Futbol f’Birzebbuga inawgurat

sportmt December 17, 2018 0

B’investiment ta` zewg miljun Ewro, Is-Sibt l-ewwel ta’ dicembru gie inawgurat il-kumpless tal-futbol f’Birzebbuga.  Progett li kien gie imwieghed mill-Gvern fl-2013 u wara snin ta` xoghol finalment tlesta.

Il-Ftuh ta` dan il-kumpless sar mill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat li kien akkumpanjat mis-Segretarju Parlamentari ghal-Isport Clifton Grima kif ukoll diversi Ministri, deputati u anke mill-Kumissarju Ewropew Karmenu Vella, li ghex ghal snin twal fil-lokalita.

Fi diskors tieghu il-Prim Ministru qal li fi ftit zmien il-Gvern investa kwazi 5 miljun Ewro f’din il-lokalita, wara li xhur ilhu tlestiet il-Pixxina.  Dan qal Il-Prim Ministru qed ssir mhux ghax hemm preferenza mill-lokal ghal iehor izda sabiex jikkumpensa ghal inkonvenjent li ic-cittadini ta` dan il-lokal ghandhom bil-freeport li huwa essenzjali ghal pajjiz kollhu.

Il-Kumpless huwa mghammar b’dak kollhu li ghanda bzonn facilita tal-futbol li tinkludi grawnd ta` turf artifucjali 11 a side, stand ghal pubbliku, dressing rooms, sala tal-Kumitat u sala ohra li tintuza mill-komunita tal-lokal ghal attvitajiet varji.

Ray Camilleri, cermen tal-Fondazzjoni Sport Birzebbuga qal li din hija holma li saret realta.  Huwa semma li ghal diversi drabi kellhom grawnd u ghew imnehhija ghar-ragunijiet differenti u fl-ahhar snin kellhom  jikru fi skola San Benedittu biex jithargu.  Huwa qal li dan huwa rigal sew ghas-St Peters kif ukoll ghal Windmills li ha jgieb aktar tfal li jersqu lejn il-loghba tal-futbol u anke lejn il-klabb.

Is-segratarju Parlametari Clifton Grima qal li da nil-kumpless ma kienx facli li jsir izda sar bi sforz kollettiv.  Huwa qal li issa sta ghal klabb li gahndu l-ghodda f’idejh biex juzaha tajjeb u barra li jheggeg aktar tfal u zaghzagh ghal loghba tal-futbol, jaghmel dan il-post sostenibli.

Kemm ic-Cermen ta` SportMalta Luciano Busuttil u il-Kap Ezekuttiv Mark Cutajar tkellmu fuq il-progetti li SportMalta qed taghmel.  Huma qalu li dawn ikunu possibli mhux biss ghax il-finanzjament huwa wiehed kontinwu minn naha tal-Gvern izda ghax il-haddiema ta` SportMalta jahdmu qattiegh biex il-progetti jsiru u jsiru tajjeb.

Wara id-diskorsi, il-Prim Ministru iltaqgha kemm mal-kowcis kif ukoll ma numru ta` tfal li kieneu hemm ghas-sessjonijiet ta` tahrig is-Sibt filghodu.

Inawgurat Centru ta` l-isnooker fil-Facilita f’Maria Assunta

sportmt December 17, 2018 0

Seba’ mwejjed ta` l-isnokker ta’ l-oghla livell kif ukoll erba’ mwejjed ta` l-isnooker ghat-tfal issa qeghdin kollha taht saqaf wiehed hekk kif SportMalta, il-Hamis sitta’ ta` Dicembru fethet Centru ta` l-isnooker.

Il-loghba li tradizzjonalment kienet loghba tal-kazini ta’ festa u politici, kif ukoll ta’ bars issa ser tista tigi pratikata f’Ambjent differenti li barra li ghandu imwejjed ta’ l-oghla livell ghandu ukoll kamra ta` laqghat u faclitajiet ohra li jaghmlu da nil-post attraenti.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima officially inaugurates a new snooker facility-Maria Assumpta Sports Complex-ÄĶamrun -6-12-18

L-investiment ta` 700 mitt elf Ewro minn SportMalta gie inawgurat mis-Segretarju Parlamentari ghal-Isport Clifton Grima fil-prezenza tac-Cermen ta` SportMalta Luciano Busuttil, Il-Kap Ezekuttiv Mark Cutajar, Frans Bugeja President tal-Malta Billiards and Snooker Association, membri tal-kumitat u haddiema ta` Sport Malta.

L-Onorevoli Grima qal li dan ic-centru huwa wiehed importanti ghax issa tfal u zaghzagh jistghu jaghmlu tahrig fuq mwejjed tajbin kif ukoll that kowcis kwalifikati.  Ghal li dan ic-centru ser jintuza mi tfal ta` l-iskola,  mill-akkademja ta` SportMalta parti mill-programm On the Move, kif ukoll mill-Assocjazzjoni sabiex torganizza fih Kampjonati Nazzjonali u kompetizzjonijiet ohra.

Frans Bugeja qal li din hija holma li saret realta.  Huwa qal li ghal hafna snin l-assocjazzjoni kienet qed tistenna li  jkollha centru bhal dan sabiex l-isport ikompli jikber.  Semma li fil-passat dan l-isport gab biss successi bi players bhal Tony Drago, Pawlu Mifsud, Guzi Grech u Alex Borg fost ohrajn poggew lil Malta fuq il-mappa internazzjonali ta` dan l-isport.

Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima officially inaugurates a new snooker facility-Maria Assumpta Sports Complex-ÄĶamrun -6-12-18

Il-Kap Ezekuttiv Mark Cutajar qal li din il-facilita hija it-tieni parti mill-kullana ta` progetti f’Maria Assunta. Wara li is-sena li ghaddiet tlesta u infetah l-grawnd tal-futbol u issa centru ghal l-isnooker issa fadal issir sala tal-handball,  padiljun ghal sport varju, sala tal-bocci u sala ghat-table futbol biex dan il-kumpless ikun komplut.

Luciano Busuttil tkellem dwar l-importanza li dawn il-faclitajiet ghandhom biex l-isport jikber.  Semma li On The Move tant kiber li jekk ma jkollniex iktar centri ma nkunux nistghu nilhqu l-objettivi taghna biex naghmlu socjeta aktar partecipi fl-isport u iktar attiva.

Flexi Training Scheme Applications Are Open

sportmt December 17, 2018 0

The Applications for the Flexi Training Scheme for Public Sector Employees are once again open. The popular scheme gives the opportunity to employees within the Public Sector to dedicate more time practicing and training their sports.

More information about the Scheme can be viewed HERE.

Or contact our Assistance Schemes Office HERE.

SportMalta Launches New Scheme – NATIONAL GAMES LEAVE

sportmt November 23, 2018 0

Following the success of the previous scheme with the element of flexibility being introduced in the 20/20 scheme, thereby focusing more on flexibility and the actual training requirements of the individual athlete, SportMalta has worked in now extending the scheme for players of team sports whom the national sports organisation would like to assist with being available for competitive matches and tournaments.

To this effect, SportMalta would like to assist national sports organisations in their efforts when preparing their teams for international competition recognised as such by SportMalta, throughout the pre-match / pre-tournament days and match days.

You can download this new scheme information and Application Form from this page: CLICK HERE

SportMalta part of ONSIDE European Project

sportmt November 19, 2018 0

The 3rd full partner meeting of the ONSIDE project partners took place in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 15th/16th November 2018 at the headquarters of European Athletics.

The main ‎focus of day 1 of the meeting was to consider the results of the research phases of the project. Adequate workforce research is the foundation of a successful skills development project and the partners reviewed the results from the four phases of research which had been carried out since the last meeting.

Telephone interviews with nine leading European federations generated useful data and increased the network of federations committed to the ONSIDE project.

The group were most looking forward to learning the results of the national sport federation online survey – as all had made significant efforts to promote the survey in their networks.

247 respondents provided responses across 50 sports. The partner countries (France, UK, Bulgaria, Romania, Malta and the Netherlands) were very well represented.

Results were analysed and discussed under key workforce development themes including recruitment, retention, skills, education and current challenges.

At the close of Day 1 delegates took a guided tour of the Olympic museum, which was arranged by European athletics and enjoyed immensely by all.

Day two saw delegates debating levels and models of sport officials, led by Jan Vlasblom of NOC*NSF, and agreeing a structure for the Occupational Descriptor to be produced in the project. Finally an interactive session produced an overall working definition of sport officiating which is the starting point in the production ‎of competency standards.

The partners now look forward to the next meeting in Bucherest, Romania, in March 2019 where they will finalise the first set of outputs.

‎Ben Gittus, EOSE Director of Standards, said “the partners are working together very well as a team to tackle this challenging skills development project, the research phase considered at the meeting has laid a solid foundation as we move in to year 2 of the project”.

Julia Lee, Director at Sports Officials UK, said “The two days have been really illuminating and it has highlighted the passion for sports officiating. 247 people completed the survey which in the time scale is really positive. The input from the partners and information gathered will be really useful to progress to the next stages of the project”.



sportmt November 12, 2018 0

Eluf ta’ nies ħonqu t-toroq Maltin li minnhom għaddew l-erbgħa rotot prinċipali li fformaw parti mill-għaxar edizzjoni ta’ The President’s Solidarity Fun Run, b’risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation. Ir-rotta tal-ÄĄiri telqet mir-Rabat, filwaqt ir-rotot tal-mixi telqu minn Raħal Ä did, minn Santa Venera, u mill-Universita’ ta’ Malta. Kien propju minn din ir-rotta li telqet l-E.T. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President ta’ Malta, flimkien mad-Deputat Prim Ministru, l-Onor Chris Fearne, u l-Kap ta’ l-OppoÅžizzjoni, Dr Adrian Delia u is-Segretarju Parlamanetari ghal l-Isport Clifton Grima fost ohrajn.

Ir-rotot kollha tnexxew minn haddiema ta’ SportMalti ikkordinati mill-kap ezekuttiv Mark Cutajar li bhal kull sena jaghmlu din l-attvita b’mod volontarju ghax jemmnu li l-isport jista jghaqqad poplu u jaghti l-kontribut tieghu lejn kawza gusta.  It-tlett rotot tal-mixi inghaqdu f’Bieb il-bombi bioex imbaghad kullhadd dahal wara l-eccelenza taghha lejn Triq Sant’Anna il-Floriana, Triq ir-Rebubblika il-Belt Valletta u Pjazza San Gorg fejn intemmet din il-mixja ta` solidarjeta.

Waqt li indirizzat lil folla numeruÅža fi Pjazza San Ä orÄĄ, il-Belt Valletta, il-President irringrazzjat lill-Maltin u l-Għawdxin, “talli, bil-preÅženza u bil-parteċipazzjoni tagħkom, urejtu l-akbar valur li ħallewlna ommijietna u missirjietna – il-valur tas-solidarjeta’, tal-ÄĄeneroÅžita’, tar-rispett u ta’ l-imħabba, il-valur li jgħaqqadna flimkien għax naħsbu f’xulxin.” Il-President qalet li hija kburija bil-Maltin u l-Għawdxin kollha għax bis-saħħa tal-valur tas-solidarjeta’, il-Poplu Malti u Għawdxi sar poplu distint fid-dinja.

Il-President irringrazzjat lill kull min kien involut fit-tħejjija ta’ din l-attivita’, lill-forzi tas-sigurta’, lill-voluntiera tal-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, u lill-kumitat organizzattiv, mmexxi mis-Sur Mark Cutajar.   Minn naha tieghu Cutajar li din ic-celebrazzjoni taghti sodisfazzjon kbir ghax barra li kullhadd qed jaghmel l-attivita fizika, kullhadd qed jaghti parti mill-gurnata tieghu biex jaghmel il-volontarjat realta.  Huwa irringrazzja fost ohrajn lil haddiema ta` SportMalta li dejjem  jidhlu ghal din l-attivita b’entuzjazmu kbir.

Din kienet attivita’ oħra bi preparazzjoni għall-Istrina 2018, li bħal dejjem issir l-għada tal-Milied. Il-President Coleiro Preca filwaqt li tenniet li l-ispiÅža tal-Fondazjoni fuq il-kimoterapija speċjalizzata qed tlaħħaq it-800,000 ewro fix-xahar, appellat lill-Maltin u l-Għawdxin, biex permezz ta’ l-Istrina, jerÄĄgħu jikkonfermaw kemm huma tassew poplu distint, li jħaddan bis-sħiħ il-valur tas-solidarjeta’ – “solidarjeta’ li nuru ma’ ħutna fil-bÅžonn.”

The President’s Fun Run 2018

sportmt November 2, 2018 0

In the best of weather this Sunday morning Malta’s main roads filled with thousands of people who answered President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca’s call and took part in an event to show solidarity. The annual President’s Fun Run this year celebrated its 10th anniversary and kicked off a chain of events that will raise funds and will culminate in L-Istrina on the day following Christmas Day.

At around 11.30am, St George’s Square in Valletta filled with people who had either walked or run over the four different routes to participate in an event organised by the Fondazzjoni Malta Community Chest Fund, an annual appointment responded to by many in solidarity for those who are in need.

Developments over the four different routes were transmitted directly by TVM2 to continue boosting donations for the Fondazzjoni. Some participants ran the distance from Rabat to Valletta while others walked from Santa Venera, Paola or the University which was the starting point for President Coleiro Preca, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and Opposition Leader Adrian Delia.

Finally all met up in Valletta and were addressed among others by the President in St George’s Square.

The President said the people had responded in what they believe, a people that are exceptional and unique. She said the people believe in generosity and solidarity and had not done so to answer her call but because they believed in the cause. She said today’s has been an event that has shown what a great people this country has.

She appealed to the people to continue distinguishing themselves with this generosity and solidarity, virtues that make them the best people in the world. She said calls for donations have yielded ₮800,000 monthly and mainly go towards specialised chemotherapy for cancer patients.

The President said the Istrina event has to be a strong one because it is projecting the year’s donations reach ₮9 million annually. She said she is convinced the joint solidarity will lead to a situation where anybody who is in want will receive the support they require.

Both the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and the Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia praised the generosity and the great show of heart of the people.

This activity was organised by SportMalta in collaboration and with the support of various entities including the BNF Bank. The sum total of donations from today’s events will be announced during L-Istrina.


In the meantime, we at SportMalta collected the best photos and social media story throughout the day. Here are the best ones…

Some old faces from SportMalta joined us for the #FunRun2018

📷 @Dermot_Galea

📷 George Azzopardi

📷 Laura Cunningham

📷 Josianne Pulis

📷 Georgiana Piscopo

📷 Claire Agius Conti

📷 M Elchior F Arrugia

📷 Owen Bonnici

📷 BNF Bank


First Ever European Employer Skills Survey For The Sport And Physical Activity Sector

sportmt October 31, 2018 0


The survey is part of the ESSA-Sport project funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ and coordinated by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE).

It is a transnational initiative for the whole of the EU with the involvement of 18 national partners and 5 European networks.

The project’s full title is the European Sector Skills Alliance for Sport and Physical Activity (ESSA-Sport).
The aim of the project is to improve the supply of skills to the sector. The views of employers are vital to the success of the project and the survey results will be used to inform: > 28 national reports and skills action plans for the sports sector – one for each EU member state; > the first EU-wide analysis of employment and skills across the whole sector; > the first EU Skills Summit for the sport sector to be organised in 2019.

We aim to present employer views on the realities and challenges facing the sport sector which is growing, changing and becoming increasingly important to the social and economic future of Europe, and to make recommendations for future action.


By completing the questionnaire you will provide vital evidence from your country which will: > influence the provision of education and training to ensure the sector has the skilled workforce of professionals and volunteers it needs to succeed; > help shape employment and careers advice.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey.