Category: News

Kellogg’s marks 15 years supporting ‘On The Move’ Skolasport Programme

sportmt December 14, 2015 0

The new scholastic year 2015-16 marks the 15th consecutive year Kellogg’s has been providing its support to the programme ‘On The Move’ Skolasport  making it one of the longest sponsorship relationships in Malta’s sports sector. As evident by its numerous global sports sponsorships, Kellogg’s is a firm believer in encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age. For the past fifteen years, over 32,000 participants received training from Skolasport and have been acquainted with the concept that a healthy lifestyle is best achieved through a balanced diet and active sports participation.

A Kellogg’s spokesperson in Malta said: “This is a milestone year and Kellogg’s is proud to have been supporting On The Move Skolasport for all these years. Kellogg’s believes in its valuable service of developing sport talents among the young Maltese generation. Our sponsorship further accentuates our commitment towards promoting a healthy lifestyle  among the Maltese community.”

Robert Portelli, Head of Programmes, said: “Long standing partnerships are hugely important to government sports programmes, such as On The Move Skolasport. We are  honoured to have enjoyed such a long-term relationship with a globally respected brand like Kellogg’s. Following the success of the Horse Racing and Triathlon academies, this year we will be launching 4 new academies; Gymnastics, Basketball, Volleyball and Handball.  Held in conjunction with the respective National Association,  OnTheMove Skolasport participants can develop their talents even further ensuring that all children achieve their potential whilst supporting our vision of upgrading the quality of our programmes even further.”

Run by SportMalta , On The Move Skolasport programme covers the development of movement and physical exercise. Its main concern is to ensure that all children learn basic movement skills, enjoy being active, develop knowledge and training. On the other hand The On The Move Skolasport Adult Programme is designed to encourage parents and adults to take up a physical activity at least once a week. The programme for both children and adults is flexible enough to embrace all abilities from the beginner to a trained athlete. This year OnTheMove Skolasport is offering over 400 weekly sessions in more venues, on more days and a wider range of activities.  Apart from this, the programme has lowered the age such that toddlers as young as one year old can join the parent and child classes.  These classes are intended to preserve the instinctive abilities from pre-birth stage since toddlers are not afraid of water, and such skills such as not letting water get in through the nose and closing mouth when underwater are instinctive. Moreover the lessons strengthen the bond between the child and the parent but more importantly foster an active lifestyle in parents and toddlers from a very young age which is proven to influence children to have a more active lifestyle when they are older thus reducing the risk of obesity.

At the other end of the age spectrum, On the move Skolasport has been enriched with the 60+ programme with more Pilates, yoga, tai chi, aqua fitness, ballroom and line-dancing sessions across the island. This, together with other established initiatives such as the Walking & Jogging Club and free entrance for swimming at the National Pool, offer an excellent opportunity for the elderly to remain active and maintain fitness.


On The Move Skolasport offers various programme modules in different venues, including the Sports Complexes found in Cottonera, Marsa, Kirkop and Tal-Qroqq. Government colleges have also been roped in to reach a wider audience. These include Sta. Margerita Secondary School in Cospicua, St. Ignatius Secondary School in Tal-Handaq, St. Clare Secondary School in Pembroke and Maria Regina Secondary School in Mosta.

This year On the Move Skolasport has not only reached its target but exceeded the amount reaching an overwhelming 5400 participants. For this reason all classes are closed at the moment but will soon be opening again with the upcoming sport programmes. For further queries one can contact the Programmes Section at SportMalta Office on tel. 22036000 or via e-mail: or visit the SportMalta website:

Kompetizzjoni tal-Cross Country ghall-Iskejjel

sportmt December 5, 2015 0

Bhal kull sena l-Ghaqda Nazzjonali tal-Atletika, il-Malta Amateur Athletics Association, flimkien mal-Sport Promotion Unit organizzat din il-kompetizzjoni mmirata ghat-tfal ta bejn l-10 snin u 14 il-sena li jattendu skejjel tal-istat, dawk privati u dawk tal-knisja. L-Erbgha 2 ta’ Dicembru sebhet gurnata kwazi sajfija u ftit anqas minn 400 tifel u tifla minn 22 skola attendew ghal sensiela ta’ girjiet, tlieta ghas-subien u daqstant iehor ghal-bniet.


Il-kategoriji kienu ghal-Primarji, ghall-ewwel sentejn Sekondarja u dawk tas-Sekondarja kbar. F’entuzjazmu u inkoraggiment kbir l-iskejjel li spikkaw l-aktar ghall-unuri kienu l-Kullegg De La Salle tal-Cottonera fil-qasam tas-Subien, fejn it-timijiet ta’ tmienja l-wiehed spiccaw l-ewwel f’kull kategorija. Intant l-Iskola Nazzjonali tal-Isport, li kif mistenni minn kulhadd minhabba n-natura tal-kurrikulu ta’ din l-istituzzjoni, kienet fuq quddiem fil-qasam femminil, fejn l-istudenti taghha – li jattendu sekondarja biss – spiccaw rebhu z-zewg kategoriji f’dan is-settur. Is-subien taghhom kellhom jikkontentaw bit-tieni post fiz-zewg kompetizzjonijiet ghalihom f’dik li hija timijet. Ibbazata fuq sistema tal-anqas penalty points migbura, t-tim tal-bniet tal-Iskola Nazzjonali irnexxhielhom jiksbu l-ahjar ammont tal-gurnata, meta l-ewwel 4 taghhom fil-qasam tal-kbar spiccaw fl-ewwel tlett postijiet, bir-raba’ wahda ttemm fis-6 post. Skont i-regoli tal-kompetizzjoni, ghalkemm tim jista jdahhal 8 atleti, huma biss l-ewwel 4 li jinghataw il-punti. Fil-kategorija tal Primarji, wara De La Salle spiccaw il-Kullegg ta’ St Edward quddiem San Anton. Ghall-bniet kienet l-iskola ta’ San Anton li ttriumfat fuq St Martin u dik ta’ St Monica Birkirkara.


Ghas-Sekondarji ghaz-zghar, wara De La Salle u l-Iskola Nazzjonali spiccaw St Edward filwaqt li fil-qasam femminil, fit-tieni post dahlet l-iskola tas-Sacred Heart segwita minn St Monica Birkirkara. Fil-kbar, it-tielet posizzjoni subien rebhuha il-Kullegg Savio u fit-tieni post bniet rajna tirbah l-iskola San Anton u warajha, it-tielet, kien hemm l-iskola tas-Sacred Heart.

Fil-qasam individwali, fejn l-Assoccjazzjoni ippremjat b’tazzi l-ewwel tlett postijiet ghal-kull kategorija, spiccaw, ghal-Primarji, Michael Tabone (St Edwards) l-ewwel, Isaac Bonnici u Matthew Galea Soler (De La Salle) it-2 u it-3. Mill-bniet, fl-ewwel u t-tielet post spiccaw Maya Galea u Sabrina Pace, it-tnejn minn St Martin, filwaqt li f’nofshom kien hem Sophie Thake ta’ San Anton. Fil-kategorija tan-nofs kellna lill-Daniel Caruana u Jacob Darmanin ta’ De La Salle u f’nofshom Thomas Woods tal-Iskola Nazzjonali. F’dik tal-bniet rebhet Sarah Chouhal segwita minn Ylenia Bonett mill-istess Skola Nazzjonali. It-tielet spiccat Emma Ciantar Piccinino tal-iskola St Monica tal-Gzira. Ghal-kbar, l-istess kif rifless fil-kompetizzjoni tat-timijiet, kien hemm clean sweep mis-subien tal-Kullegg De La Salle. Jordan Kelly, Karl Attard u Leon Zammit ghamlu il-podium taghhom kif ghamlu il-bniet tal-Iskola Nazzjonali tal-Isport Marija Farrugia, Celeste Grech u Nicole Sciberras, f’din l-ordni, mill-bniet.

L-Assoccjazzjoni Maltija tal-Atletika torbot is-success ta’ dan l-avveniment max-xoghol sfiq u habrieki li jwettqu numru sabih ta’ skejjel u kulleggi li ghandhom ghal qalbhom l-isport u s-sahha fizika tal-istudenti taghhom, izda tikkonoxxi u ssellem fost kollox il-hegga tal-awtoritajiet edukkativi tal-istat, specjalment id-Dipartiment tal-Edukazzjoni Fizika fi hdan il-Ministeru ghall-Edukazzjoni u xejn anqas lid-dirigenti tal-Assocjazzjoni Sportiva tal-Iskejjel Privati u tal-Knisja, li minghajr l-ghajnunha taghhom ma kienx ikun possibbli tittella din l-attivita atletika tant mahbuba mill-istudenti.

Find out about more events by the SPU


SportMalta Newsletter

sportmt November 30, 2015 0

Another edition of the Newsletter ‘SportMalta’ is now online.

Read here

SportMalta and MEUSAC meeting with Sports Organisations

sportmt November 26, 2015 0

SportMalta together with MEUSAC addressed an information meeting to Federations and Associations regarding the Erasmus + programme.

Information on how to apply for EU Funds to organize events during the European Week of Sports and other funds was provided during this meeting. 

The meeting was addressed by Hon. Chris Agius ,Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sports, Mr. Mark Cutajar, CEO of Sport Malta together with high officials from both Sport Malta and MEUSAC.

Learning History through Sport

sportmt November 25, 2015 0

History through Sport is an activity launched this year by the Sport Promotion Unit where it combines the academic subject of History and physical activity for Form 2 students in the historical background of Mdina.




Trekking from SPU

sportmt November 24, 2015 0

The Sport Promotion Unit trekking programme aims are:


To promote trekking activities as a means of education on the Maltese and cultural endowment and promote environmental responsibility.

To promote confidence and enjoyment among Maltese students.

To promote a healthy life style and to increase physical activity among young citizens.

To develop awareness of safe practices as regards to outdoor activities.

To develop personal and social skills in the students’ development.

To develop a sense of leadership and build long-lasting relationships.

To establish and to preserve the right to access to the open countryside and coastal zones.6

During such activities students have lots of fun learning new things and exploring new horizons.

The Outdoor programme offered to year 6 students consists of trekking, tent pitching, orienteering and learning some knots. For most of the students it will be their first experience in such activities.


More events by the Sport Promotion Unit

sportmt November 24, 2015 0

The first phase of the inter schools basketball tournament for senior schools boys & girls was organized today at Ta’ Qali.


15 schools from different colleges applied for today’s qualifier event which the first two teams will represent state schools in the Basketball Finals to be held in May.

imageAll schools were well prepared by their teachers and a high level of fair play was shown by students. This tournament was organized by the Sport Promotion Unit of Sportmalta.

10 Miljun Ewro nvestiti mill-Gvern

sportmt November 2, 2015 0

Matul is-sena ddieħla SportMalta ser tkun qegħda tagħmel investiment kapitali ta’ 10 miljun Ewro biex ttejjeb l-infrastruttura tal-Kumplessi fi ħdanha.  B’dan il-pass SportMalta se tkompli tikkonsolida l-ħidma li nbdiet f’dawn l-aħħar sentejn.


Dan tħabbar illum f’konferenza tal-aħbarijiet li saret fil-Kumpless Sportiv tal-Kottonera, li huwa l-lok fejn ser isiru uħud mill-proġetti.


Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għar-Riċerka, l-Innovazzjoni, Åž-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ u l-Isport Chris Agius aċċenna għall-istat li fih kienu sabu l-kumplessi fi ħdan SportMalta.  Huwa kompla jgħid li SportMalta imbarkat fuq ħidma sfieqa sa mill-ewwel ÄĄranet ta’ din il-leÄĄislatura, li jkompli jikkonferma kemm verament dan huwa Gvern li ħadem sabiex Malta jkollha l-Ekonomija b’Saħħitha li qed ingawdu bħalissa.

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari semma speċifikament il-kumpless tal-Pixxina Nazzjonali tal-Qroqq li diÄĄa bdiet issirlu l-manutenzjoni għaliex tant kien tħalla fi stat diÅžastruÅž li kien hemm il-biÅža li ssir xi traÄĄedja.  Il-kumpless tal-Pixxina f’Tal-Qroqq ma kienx l-uniku eÅžempju li semma s-Segretarju Parlamentari, għaliex fil-kumplessi kollha kien hemm bÅžonn ta’ xogħol kbir sabiex ikunu mmoderniŞŞati jew estiÅži  biex ikunu jistgħu jilqgħu l-bÅžonnijiet tal-isportivi lokali.


Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta, Mark Cutajar elenka n-numru ta’ progetti li ser isiru fl-2016.   Uħud minn dawn il-proÄĄetti ser jsiru fil-Kumplessi filwaqt li oħrajn huma estensjoni tal-kumplessi eÅžistenti.  Minbarra hekk hemm 7 proÄĄetti oħra li jmorru lill hemm mill-faċilitajiet ta’ SportMalta.  Dawn huma;

  • jogging track f’Ta Qali u f’Santa Luċija,
  • bdil tal-court tal-Basketball tas-SiÄĄÄĄiewi (FaÅži 1),
  • Shooting range f’Għawdex,
  • kumpless tal-Judo f’Pembroke,
  • manutenzjoni fil-padiljun tal-Basketball f’Ta Qali,
  • Kumpless sportiv f’Santa Venera.


Fil-kumpless tal-Pixxina Nazzjonali tal-Qroqq ser isir

  • Bdil tad-deck
  • fire alarm fil-plantroom,
  • manutenzjoni tal-boiler
  • Bdil ta’ dawl u pompi fil-Plantroom
  • Changing rooms ÄĄodda (West & East Block)
  • Hand Rails tal-istands ÄĄodda
  • Grey Water Project
  • Kanċell fl-East Block C/Park
  • Reception Area Upgrade
  • Kmamar oħra attrezzati għall-programmi ta’ SportMalta
  • Manutenzjoni tal-Isquash Courts
  • VRF System Extention
  • Manutenzjoni tas-Sistema CCTV
  • Uffiċji ÄĄodda għan-NADO
  • Tmien Starting Blocks Ä odda
  • Fannijiet fl-isquash courts
  • Kamra ÄĄdida għat-timijiet Nazzjonali tal-Għawm

View Pool_2


Fil-Kumpless Sportiv tal-Kottonera se:

  • Tinbidel l-art tal-main hall u boċċi dromo
  • Issir estensjoni tal-Kumpless
  • Isiru swali attrezzati għall-konferenzi
  • Upgrade tas-sistema tas-sound
  • Cottonera VRF System



Fil-Kumpless Sportiv tal-Marsa ser isir:

  • Fence madwar il-pitches
  • Warm up Track ÄĄdid għall-atletika
  • Dug outs għas-Softball u Baseball


Fil-Kumpless Sportiv ta’ ÄĶal Kirkop ser isir:

  • Xogħol fuq il-pixxina
  • Manutenzjoni tac-Changing rooms


Fil-University Sports Hall ser isir:

  • Bdil tad-dawl fis-sala tal-isports fl-Universita’
  • Ser jinbidel il-boiler

021115.Onor. Agius @ SportMalta.023

Iċ-Ċermen ta’ SportMalta Luciano Busuttil,  rringrazzja lil Gvern talli emmen fil-ħidma li qed tagħmel l-entita’ hekk kif fl-aħħar sentejn u nofs intwera biċ-ċar kemm l-impenn tal-amministrazzjoni qed isarraf fi frott.  Huwa spjega ukoll kif l-entita’ mhix qed tieħu ħsieb biss il-faċilitajiet u l-iskemi sabiex taqdi aktar l-isportivi Maltin imma xeddet libsa ÄĄdida bl-isem ÄĄdid ta’ SportMalta.  Huwa saħaq li dan mhuwiex biss bdil kosmetiku iÅžda huwa rappreÅžentazzjoni ta’ dan l-impenn u l-investiment fil-qasam sportiv.  Huwa aċċenna għall-website l-ÄĄdida tal-entita’ li hija user friendly biex kulħadd ikolli aċċess għall-informazzjoni.




35 benefiċjarju ta’ skemi minn SportMalta

sportmt November 1, 2015 0

Kienu 35 assoċjazzjoni sportiva/atleti individwali li bbenefikaw minn skemi ta’ assistenza ta’ SportMalta. L-għajnuna finanzjarja li kienet preÅžentata llum kienet marbuta mad-diversi skemi li toffri SportMalta,  fosthom l-iskema tat-TuriÅžmu Sportiv.
Waqt li indirizza lil dawk preÅženti, is-Segretarju Parlamentari għar-Riċerka, l-Innovazzjoni, iÅž-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ u l-Isport Chris Agius aċċenna għall-miÅžuri li qed jittieħdu mill-gvern sabiex l-isportivi jkunu megħjuna.  Huwa semma t-tnaqqis ta’ rata tat-taxxa għall-atleti kollha u l-kowċis u r-rata anqas tat-taxxa tal-VAT fuq attivitajiet sportivi fosthom f’gym memberships u fitness centres.  Huwa kompla jgħid li nhar it-Tnejn SportMalta se tkun qed tħabbar aktar proÄĄetti ÄĄodda li minnhom se jibbenefikaw bosta sportivi. 
Iċ-Ċermen ta’ SportMalta Luciano Busuttil aċċenna għall-ħidma li għamlu l-impjegati ta’ SportMalta biex ma jħallux l-entità tkompli takkumula aktar dejn.  Minn din is-sena din il-ħidma se tibda tħalli l-frott, hekk kif għall-ewwel darba wara diversi snin, SportMalta se tkun qed tagħmel profitt li jista’ jerÄĄa jkun investit fl-isport lokali.
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L-AÄĄent Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar ta spjega dwar il-proċeduri l-ÄĄodda sabiex wieħed jkun jista’ japplika għall-assistenza filwaqt li aċċenna għall-ħinijiet ÄĄodda li se jibda jopera SportMalta sabiex l-isportivi jkunu moqdija aħjar.  Huwa semma li dan huwa parti mir-rebranding tal-entità li tinkludi wkoll bdil fl-isem u website ĥdida.  
More photos from the presentation can be viewed here
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Launching of #SchoolsOnTheMove

sportmt October 14, 2015 0

Today we continued to spread the message of #‎OnTheMove‮ with the launching of SchoolsOnTheMove an initiative of SportMalta with the collaboration of the Parliamentary Secretary for Health, the Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and the Health Promotion Department.

The idea behind this project is to promote Sport, Dance and Physical Activity in every school in Malta and Gozo.

Photos of the Launching Event HERE