Category: SportMalta News

The President’s Solidarity Fun Run 2019

sportmt October 27, 2019 0

The President’s Solidarity Fun Run 2019, which also happens to be the 11th edition,  will be organised in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation and will be held on Sunday 24th November at 10:00hrs.

Whilst the Run will depart from Rabat (Saqqajja Hill) and carry on for 11.3Km, the walks will commence at Paola (5.35Km), University of Malta (4.69Km) and St Venera (4.49Km).

Applications are now open, and those who’d like to join can do so by applying at San Anton Palace, the MCCFF offices, at The Palace in Valletta, or online here through

A special commemorative T-shirt will be given to all those attending.  Upon presentation of the BIB, all holders are eligible to free public transport after the Fun Run from Valletta to all locations across Malta from 07:00hrs – 14:00hrs.

Please print and present your ticket/s at any Enemed Petrol Station MCCFF Offices at The Grandmaster’s Palace in Valletta or at the Reception at San Anton Palace in Attard to collect your t-shirt and participation bib. You can also register at SportMalta’s Complexes in Cottonera, Kirkop, Tal-Qroqq and Ta’ Kandja.

Register Now

SportMalta tirbah il-BeActive Workplace award imniedi mill-kumissjoni Ewropea.

sportmt October 19, 2019 0

SportMalta l-entita’ governattiva ghall-Isport rebhet l-unur ta` #BeActive Workplace waqt cerimonja Gala li saret fil-kapitali Ungeriza Budapest ilbierah.  L-unur gie pprezentat  mill-Kumissarju Ewropew ghal Edukazzjoni, Sport u Kultura, Tibor Navracsics.
Din kienet il-hames edizzjoni ta` dan l-unur u li ghalih kien hemm 63 nomina li finalment gurija apposta ghazlet tlett finalisti.  Flimkien ma` SportMalta, kien hemm ukoll l-Ungerija kif ukoll l-Estonja.
Il-progett Malti kien iffukkat fuq l-inattivita’ fil-post tax-xoghol, bi SportMalta tiprezenta pjan ta` azzjoni u konkrett sabiex il-haddiema taghha jkunu aktar attivi.  Barra minn sport varju milghub fil-hin tax-xoghol, SportMalta ghamlet serje ta` inizzjattivi ghal haddiema fi hdanha biex jghixu hajja iktar attiva u b’sahhitha.
Il-progett ta` l-entita’ kien imfahhar mill-gurija tant li f’kummenti waqt ic-cerimonja huma qalu li tant kien hemm livell gholi ta` progetti mitfugha li diga’ kien tajjeb li tasal sal-finali u ghalhekk li tirbah hija xi haga eccezzjonali.
Il-Kap Ezekuttiv ta` SportMalta, Mark Cutajar, qal li l-entita’ ghandha tkun ta` ezempju ghal dawk l-kumpaniji kollha li ghandhom numru kbir ta` haddiema jpoggu bil-qeghda ghal sieghat twal.
Huwa qal li jinsab kuntent li SportMalta qed taghti ezempju u lesta biex issa tibda twassal il-messagg ta` dan il-progett lil ohrajn.  Huwa irringrazzja lil Koordinatrici tal-progett, RoseMarie Mercieca, li mexxiet tim ta` nies li fasslu u hadmu sabiex il-progett ikun wiehed interessanti.
Ic-Cermen Ta` SportMalta, Luciano Busuttil, ferah lill-haddiema ghal dan l-unur.  Huwa qal li facli titkellem fuq inattivita’ izda SportMalta marret oltre. L-Entita tat ezempju u dan l-ezempju gie rikonoxxut mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea.
Is-Segretarju Parlamentari, Clifton Grima, qal li dan l-unur ipoggi lil Malta fuq nett ukoll fl-amministrazzjoni sportiva.  Huwa qal li l-profil ta` SportMalta huwa wiehed gholi immens barra l-pajjiz u dan l-unur ikompli jikkonferma li Malta ghalkemm zghira, tista’ tkun l-aqwa fl-Ewropa.

Super League Triathlon Pro Athletes visit School Children.

sportmt October 17, 2019 0

Super League Pro Athletes Kristian Blummenfelt (Norway), Ben Kanute (USA) and Olivia Mathias (GB) joined minister for tourism Konrad Mizzi and parliamentary secretary of sport, youth and voluntary organization Clifton Grima at San Gwann primary school to encourage them to get out and get active as they had fun both in their bikes and doing run drills on their football ground.


The Super League Traithlon is almost here!

sportmt October 16, 2019 0

Get to know the area for the weekend.

Make sure you visit us at the Fan Zone.

Super League Triathlon back in Malta / SportMalta to Organise Number of Events at the Fan Zone

sportmt October 7, 2019 0

Super League Triathlon (SLT) returns to Malta in 2019 for another Championship Series event and it’s set to be even bigger and better than before. In what will be the second SLT instalment of the 2019-20 season following on from Super League Jersey (28-29 September), the Mediterranean island will once again host an action-packed triathlon weekend on Saturday 19 October and Sunday 20 October, featuring some of the biggest names in the sport, including the return of Jonny Brownlee and Katie Zaferes.

SportMalta is proud to be part of this event and is organising a number of events at the Fan Zone. Events include activities for School students, Dance Activities, Fitness, BMX and also an Indoor Rowing Competition.

The Pro events are just a slice of what’s on offer for spectators to enjoy, with the introduction of the Youth and Junior racing, as well as the Age Group (AG) Aquathlons, Regattas, Fun Runs, Corporate Team Enduro races, and all-new and exciting fan experiences in the Fanzone. The AG Aquathlon and Fun Run registrations are now open , with entries starting from as little as ₮10.

Register Now: CLICK HERE

The President’s Fun Run 2019

sportmt October 7, 2019 0

The President’s Solidarity Fun Run 2019, which also happens to be the 11th edition,  will be organised in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, and will be held on Sunday 24th November at 10:00hrs.

Whilst the Run will depart from Rabat (Saqqajja Hill) and carry on for 11.3Km, the walks will commence at Paola (5.35Km), University of Malta (4.69Km) and St Venera (4.49Km).

Applications are now open, and those who’d like to join can do so by applying atSan Anton Palace, the MCCFF offices, at the The Palace in Valletta, or online here through

A special commemorative T-shirt will be given to all those attending.  Upon presentation of the BIB, all holders are eligible to free public transport after the Fun Run from Valletta to all locations across Malta from 07:00hrs – 14:00hrs.

Please print and present your ticket/s at any Enemed Petrol StationMCCFF Offices at The Grandmaster’s Palace in Valletta or at the Reception at San Anton Palace in Attard to collect your t-shirt and participation bib. All the outlets listed above, are also fully equipped to be a point of sale, whereby one can visit, apply, pay and be given a tee & bib there and then.  All Enemed Petrol Stations are also a point of sale.

ONSIDE partners focus on standards and education of sport officials at their 5th meeting in Malta

sportmt October 7, 2019 0

The 5th meeting of the ONSIDE project partners took place on the 17th and 18th of September 2019 in Malta. The meeting was hosted by project partner Sport Malta. This innovative EU funded project aims to enhance the skills of sport officials in Europe through the development of new education and training products covering the generic skills which are relevant to all sports.

The project is implementing the lifelong learning strategy for the sport and physical activity sector, also known as the 7 Step Model. The project is now past the half-way point and is starting to produce tangible results for the sector.

The Occupational Map and Occupational Descriptors set the scene by describing the area of sport officiating as a whole and the main positions and roles of sport officials.  These project outputs were signed off in final draft form and are ready to be published later in the project.

The focus of Day 1 was the production of the Functional Map and Occupational Standards. EOSE Skills Development Manager Geoff Carroll led the group through a series of activities to refine the functional map and develop content for the standards.

The partners analysed the functions of the sport official under the “key roles” of:

  1. Development
  2. Health and Safety
  3. Working Relationships
  4. Rules/laws and Regulations
  5. Administration

On the evening of Day 1 partners enjoyed the fantastic hospitality of hosts Sport Malta, enjoying a walking tour of Valetta, and dinner in the traditional fishing village of Marsaxlokk.

On Day 2 the partners turned their attention to the educational outputs of the project including the Training Module Handbook and E-Learning Courses. The group brainstormed how to proceed with these outputs which will result in the development of new e-learning modules being made available to the sector. Moreover, pilot seminars will take place in the UK and Malta.

The group also heard an update on the new International Federation for Sport officials (IFSO). There is a close synergy between the ONSIDE project and IFSO and these links will be strengthened next year. It is envisioned that IFSO will be a key route to ensuring sustainability of the ONSIDE project outputs after the end of the project.

At the end of the meeting delegates had the chance to say how they felt about the meeting where comments included “very good work on functional map”, “good practical steps on education”, “very nice personal links and friendship between partners” and “great hospitality from Sport Malta”.

Patrick Vajda, President of French sport officials association AFCAM had the last word, saying “I am totally convinced that the conclusion of ONSIDE will be a real added value to the world of judges and referees”.

#OnTheMove – The Sport and Physical Activity Programme is Back for Another Season!

sportmt October 3, 2019 0

#OnTheMove offers a dynamic programme in over 50 different sports in over 10 localities in Malta and Gozo. The programme runs from October to May. The programme is open from babies of 6 months up to adulthood.

The popular programme Parent and child is open to young children from 6 months up to 3 years. This programme invites parents to join the session and learn ways how to keep young children motivated and engaged in physical activity. This programme is offered in swimming, SportsFUN and gymnastics.

From 4 years up to 6 years, children can join SportsFUN or gymnastics where special focus on body awareness and the fundamentals are the objective of these sessions. This foundation programme covers the development of movement and literacy. As a result of this programme children should then be sufficiently motivated and ‘movement literate’ to participate in specific sports and start developing their sports performance. This programme is concerned with ensuring that all children learn basic movement skills, enjoy being active and develop knowledge and understanding of their bodies and how they move following a specific syllabus based on: ABCs (agility, balance, coordination and speed).

The programme SportSTART focuses to introduce the different sports to the children between the ages of 7 and 10. The key role in this programme is to introduce children to a broad range of activities so that they are sufficiently proficient and knowledgeable to have the confidence and competence to make the choice to take up a sport. Our programmes also ensure to bridge the gap between the fundamentals and the specific sport.

Fundamentals of dance is offered from the age of 4. Different styles are taught in our programme, namely: Hip Hop, Ballet, contemporary and jazz. Line dancing, sequence and salsa are offered for the 17+. Over 30 types of sports are offered at different complexes for children aged 9 onwards. Youngsters can choose a sport from an extensive list and learn the skills, tactics and rules of that sport. Sport Associations and Clubs partner with SportMalta in the provision of training for most of the sports.

The Adult Programme is designed to encourage parents, especially, but also the general public to take up activity at least once a week. Our programme is flexible enough to embrace all abilities, from the very beginner to the most veteran and trained athlete. During most of the children’s’ sessions, adults are invited to support their children and join in the fun by taking part in the adult activity class held concurrently with the children’s activity. Adult sessions include: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Fit Mix, Pilates, Yoga, Salsa Fitness, Aerobics, Swimming, Zero to 5k running

Swimming sessions are also available. Lesson objectives are specifically related to the age and ability of the participants. For beginners, these include increasing confidence in water, learning how to float without floatation devices, and enjoy water safely. More advanced courses aimed at teaching and improving the stroke technique for each of the four strokes.

Download The Application: CLICK HERE

Book Online: CLICK HERE

Step By Step Video to Book Online: CLICK HERE


European School Sport Day 2019

sportmt October 2, 2019 0

On the 27th September, around 25,000 students attending schools from all Educational Sectors joined students from over 40 Pan European Countries in the European School Sport Day (ESSD). The ESSD is an annual sports day during which students are engaged in activities aimed at increasing physical activity and encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Notwithstanding the event happening on the first Friday of the scholastic year, 82 schools recognised that the ESSD is an ideal team building opportunity for school staff and students.

A variety of sports activities were organised within school premises and local open spaces such as beaches, parks, promenades and village squares. Other than promote health and lifelong well-being, activities are aimed to develop students’ social competencies by being inclusive, fun, foster social inclusion, boost self-esteem, encourage gender equality and develop school ethos. This year’s edition saw a substantial increase in participation of Church and Independent Schools, in particular schools for foreign students.

This event was attended by Dr Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations, who visited a number of schools, amongst which San Gwann Primary School, San Giljan Primary School and the National Sports school. Activities culminated with the Flagship Event being held at Tal Qroqq Sports Complex where students of various ages attending State, Church, Independent and Migrant schools participated in 120 minutes of different sports disciplines. Dr Clifton Grima, addressed those present for the event.

The ESSD is an EU Commission initiative and forms part of the European Week of Sport’s (EWoS) #BeActive Campaign. SportMalta supported all participating schools in the successful organisation of their ESSD2018.

Organizzata b’suċċess il-ħames edizzjoni tal-Ġimgħa Ewropeja tal-Isport

sportmt October 2, 2019 0

Malta ingħaqdet ma’ 41 pajjiÅž minn madwar l-Ewropa għall-ħames edizzjoni tal-Ä imgħa Ewropeja tal-Isport li saret bejn  it-23 u t-28 ta’ Settembru. Mijiet ta’ maltin ħadu sehem f’waħda mill-bosta attivitajiet organizzati minn SportMalta jew assoċjazzjonijiet sportivi lokali. Attivitajiet organizzati f’għadd ta’ lokalitajiet u li involvew tipi differenti ta’ sports.

Il-Ä imgħa Ewropeja tal-Isport hija inizjattiva tal-Kummissjoni Ewropeja bil-għan li tippromwovi l-importanza ta’ ħajja  attiva u b’saħħitha. SportMalta hija l-entita’ li għall-ħames sena konsekuttiva ħadet ħsieb dan l-avveniment f’pajjiÅžna. Din is-sena, SportMalta iddeċidiet li tmur aktar viċin in-nies billi torganizza l-attivitajiet prinċipali fil-lokalitajiet minflok fil-kumplessi sportivi tagħha.

L-attivita’ tal-ftuħ saret fil-pjazza taÅž- Åŧejtun. Protagonisti kienu dixxiplini sportivi minn pajjiÅži differenti fosthom il-Basketball (Stati Uniti), Zumba (Kolombja), KUBB (Zvezja), Tai Chi (Cina), il-Futbol (Italja) u l-logħba tradizzjonali maltija tal-Boċċi. Saru wkoll sessjonijiet ta’ fitness, mixjiet madwar ir-raħal taÅž-Åŧejtun flimkien ma’ attivitajiet oħra immirati għall-etajiet differenti, fosthom dawk ta’ ‘l fuq minn sittin sena.

Kien hemm ukoll wirja ta’ karozzi imtella’ minn Land Rover Owners Malta Club. Kienu involuti wkoll bosta organizzazzjonijiet volontarji u klabbs sportivi fosthom il-klabb tal-basketball ta’ Hibernians, il-klabb tal-Hockey ta’ Hal Qormi, il-Bicycle Advocacy Group u l-Malta Health Students Association.

Attivita’ oħra fil-lokalitajiet kienet serata ta’ Åžfin li saret fil-pjazza ta’ Raħal Ä did.  Il-pubbliku seta’ mhux biss isegwi iÅžda anke jieħu sehem f’varjeta’ ta’ Åžfin li mhux biss offra divertiment iÅžda serva ta’ mezz biex dawk preÅženti jagħmlu attivita’ fiÅžika.

Kien hemm stili differenti ta’ Åžfin fosthom Zumba, Salsa u Line Dancing. Serata li għaqqdet divertiment ma’ attivita’ fiÅžika permezz ta’ Åžfin sempliċi li seta’ jieħu sehem fih kulħadd.

Saru wkoll workshops fis-Salsa u l-Line Dancing fejn dawk preÅženti setgħu jitgħallmu il-baÅži ta’ dawn l-istili ta’ Åžfin u jesperjenzaw il-pjaċir li joffru.

Apparti l-attivitajiet organizzati direttament minn SportMalta ittellgħu oħrajn minn assoċjazzjonijiet jew klabbs differenti.

Waħda minnhom kienet ġurnata ta’ attivitajiet sportivi organizzata f’Birzebbuġa bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-lokal.

Bosta klabbs u għaqdiet ta’ Birzebbuga ingħaqdu flimkien u ħadu sehem f’ nofs ta’ nhar ta’ sport fosthom Waterpolo, Futbol, Ibburdjar, Qdief , BMX Jams u Skating. Ä urnata li kienet eÅžempju ta’ kif l-isport jista’ jgħaqqad komunita’ sħiħa.

Ftit tal-ÄĄranet wara, fil-kumpless sportiv Tal-Qroqq, sar turnament għall-veterani tal-Handball li fih ħadu sehem ex plejers ta’ din id-dixxiplina sportiva u li għal bosta snin lagħbu fil-kompetizzjonijiet u kampjonati ewlenin. ÄĶafna minn dawn il-plejers kienu jagħmlu parti mit-timijiet nazzjonali.

Għal din l-okkazjoni, dawn il-plejers tal-Handball insew ir-rivalita’ sportiva u qattgħu ħin twil jilgħabu l-logħba li tant ikkompetew fiha ħafna snin ilu. Il-plejers kienu ġejjien minn klabbs differenti u ewlenin u t-turnament bejniethom sar fi spirtu sportiv u ta’ ħbiberija.

Il-Malta Employees Sports Association organizzat ÄĄurnata ta’ sports fil-kumpless ta’ ÄĶal Kirkop għall-ħaddiema u impjegati. L-attivita’ bl-isem Workplace Sport Event kienet tinkludi turnaments tal-Volleyball, Table Tennis, Futbol tan-nisa u għall-plejers irÄĄiel ta’ ‘l fuq minn 35 sena flimkien ma’ ÄĄirja ta’ ħames kilometri.

Filgħodu ÄĄie organizzat turnament tal-Volleyball (Mixed), li fih ħadu sehem erba’ timijiet, kif ukoll turnament individwali tat-Table Tennis bis-sehem ta’ disa’ plejers. Wara nofsinhar saru ÅžewÄĄ turnaments tal-Futbol, wiehed għall-irÄĄiel li għalqu l-35 sena fejn ħadu sehem sitt timijiet, u ieħor għan-nisa bis-sehem ta’ tlett timijiet. Sar ukoll turnament tal-Badminton, li fih ħadu sehem sittax -il plejers.

L-aħħar attivita’ kienet il-ÄĄirja ta’ hames kilometri li fiha ħadu sehem 76 atleta, fejn fil-kategorija maskili ħareg rebbieħ Jean Paul Debono mill-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta.

Åŧewg attivitajiet oħra kienu jinvolvu l-isparar u s-Snooker. Fir-ranges il-ÄĄodda tal-isparar f’Ta’ Kandja sar il-Be Active Sport Shooting Cup, b’kompetizzjonijiet tat-Trap u Skeet. Min-naha tagħha il-Malta Billiards and Snooker Association organizzat turnament tas-Snooker fil-ÄĶamrun.

Anke l-istudenti kellhom iċ-ċans li jieħdu sehem fil-Ä imgħa Ewropeja tal-Isport b’ġurnata iddedikata lill-isport fl-iskejjel. Attivita’ li ssir kull sena fl-iskejjel madwar il-pajjiÅž fl-istess ÄĄurnata, fejn kull tifel u tifla jieħdu sehem f’120 minuta t’attivita fiÅžika.  L-iskop ewlieni huwa li tħajjar lil dawk it-tfal li, għal xi raÄĄuni jew oħra, jÅžommu lura milli jinvolvu ruħhom fl-isport, sabiex jibdew ikunu aktar parteċipi permezz t’attivitajiet li huma addattati ghall-kull livell ta abilta’.

Bħal ma hija t-tradizzjoni l-egħluq tal-Ä imgħa Ewropea għall-Isport sar bil-BeActive Night fil-kumpless sportiv ta’ ÄĶal-Kirkop.

Mijiet ta’ nies kellhom iċ-ċans li jieħdu sehem f’diversi attivitatjiet li kienu kollha mingħajr ħlas u li koprew firxa wiesgħa ta’ sports. Fost dawn kien hemm  ir-Rugby, Judo, Badminton, Table-Tennis, Table Football, Mini-Snooker, Foot-Volley, sessjonijiet tal-Yoga u Aqua Fitness. Attivitajiet oħra kienu jinkludu ċ-ĊikliÅžmu u l-Mini-Moto.

Bosta midalji ĥew mirbuħa fl-Indoor Rowing Challenge filwaqt li saret ukoll kompetizzjoni għat-timijiet fil-Weightlifting

Interessanti l-preŞenza tal-logħba tradizzjonali għawdxija tal-Birilli.

ÅŧagħŞagħ u tfal kellhom ċans jippruvaw l-Abseiling bis-serata intemmet bi spettaklu ta’ Åžfin fis-sala prinċipali tal-iskola ta’ Hal Kirkop.

F’nofs il-BeActive Night, Malta ingħaqdet mal-pajjiÅži l-oħra tal-Ewropa fil-#5minchallenge fejn il-kontinent sħiħ ħejja xi tip ta’ attivita’ bil-għan li jkun fiÅžikament attiv għall-ħames minuti.

Malta għaÅžlet l-Indoor Rowing u fiha ħadu sehem ħaddiema ta’ SportMalta immexxija mis-segretarju parlamentari għaÅž-ÅžagħŞagħ, sport u għadiet volontarji Dr Clifton Grima.

Il-Kap EÅžekuttiv ta’ SportMalta Mark Cutajar wera s-sodisfazzjon tiegħu għall-parteċipazzjoni kbira li kien hemm fl-attivitajiet ta’ din is-sena. Parteċipazzjoni li turi li l-messaÄĄÄĄ li SportMalta trid twassal dwar l-importanza tal-isport f’ħajjitna qiegħed jasal dejjem aktar għand il-poplu. Ic-Chairman Dr Lucianno Busutill ukoll wera sodisfazzjoni tieghu bis-success ta’ edizzjoni ohra tal-avveniment hekk importanti.

Min-naħa tagħha Rose Marie Mercieca, koordinatriċi nazzjonali tal-Ġimgħa Ewropeja tal-iSport, qalet li permezz tal-Gimgha Ewropeja tal-Isport, SportMalta tagħti l-opportunita’ lill-pubbliku sabiex jipprattika xi sport jew jieħu sehem f’attivitajiet fiziċi bil-għan li l-poplu malti jibqa’ jieħu sehem f’dawn l-attivitajiet sportivi tul is-sena kollha.