The Hal Far Model Flying Association will be relocated, according to Minister for Education and Sport
Clifton Grima and Minister for Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri.
The €20 million motor racetrack will be built on the property that is currently utilized by the association.
Indis Malta Ltd, SportMalta, the Lands Authority, and the HFMFA have all signed an agreement. Luciano
Busuttil, Chairman of SportMalta, commented on the teamwork between all parties involved, including
ministries and entities, in reaching this agreement that allows the Association to continue to perform its
The Minister of Sport has declared that the HFMFA’s headquarters and activities will be relocated to a
new facility within the Hal Far zone. The buildings were no longer ideal or adequate to carry out the
club’s activities as requested by the members due to developments around the current site. The sport
organization will now be able to carry out its activities and maybe organize international events related to
this activity as a result of the new buildings and facilities.
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