The SportMalta Christmas International Waterpolo Tournament 2023 showcased Malta’s resilience and determination despite facing tough opponents. On Day 1, Malta faced Italy, resulting in a challenging 6-23 defeat. However, considering the differing levels of the teams, the outcome was somewhat expected. It served as a valuable learning experience for the young Maltese players.
Day 2 saw Malta competing against France, resulting in a closer 11-15 loss. Despite the defeat, Malta demonstrated their ability to play commendable waterpolo. On Day 3, Malta faced the Netherlands, concluding their tournament with a 7-22 loss.
The overall tournament result reflects the challenges Malta encountered, with three consecutive losses. Nevertheless, the experience gained will undoubtedly contribute to the team’s growth.
Final results of the overall tournament:
– Italy won the tournament with three victorious games.
– France secured the second position.
– The Netherlands claimed the third spot, and Malta finished in fourth place.
As they regroup and learn from their performances, the Maltese waterpolo team looks ahead to the upcoming European Championships in Croatia, aiming for a stronger showing on the international stage.
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