#BEACTIVE – Every Wednesday at 19:00 on TVM2

sportmt October 15, 2016 0

In line with SportMalta’s new mission to move the nation through physical activity, our entity has embarked on a new project which is the production of a TV series on TVM2 for the coming 9 months.

Through this series we will be reaching out to combat obesity by educating people of all ages to be physically active. The programme will also serve as a platform to provide information about its extensive remit, events and also giving a voice to local federations and associations.

The programme will commence next week on Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 19:00 with a repeat on Saturday at 11:00.

Below you can watch the opening of the programme, hope you like it.

Watch the highlight video of this year’s European Week of Sport

sportmt October 5, 2016 0

A whole month of sport activities and initiatives to promote the message of a healthy lifestyle and #BeActive came down to this. Watch the highlight video of this year’s European Week of Sport in Malta and be inspired to #BeActive

Photos from this weekend’s Beach Sports Fest

sportmt September 14, 2016 0

Some cool photos from this weekend’s Beach Sports Fest at Pretty Bay B’Bugia.






More photos CLICK HERE


European Fitness Day – Participating Fitness Centres

sportmt September 12, 2016 0

Have you ever wondered if there was one day entirely dedicated to fitness and physical activity, where anybody could choose an activity that suits their needs?

Next Thursday is your opportunity to get fit and #BeActive!

Hereunder you can find a number of Fitness centres that are taking part in this cool initiative.

Contact the fitness centres directly to see how next Thursday can be the start of a new healthy and active life style.


  • Westin Workout Fitness Studio – St. Julians

10% off on memberships booked during the day

Free nutritional advice from the in house nutritionist who will be their between 2pm-8pm

Free body composition test to all those attending

  • D.N.G. Fitness and Personal Training

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • The Spotter Fitness Studio – Luqa

3 Free Classes

30 – 10.15am: Mobility Class for over 50’s

15 – 7.00pm: Circuit Training Class

15 – 8.00pm: Kettlebells & TRX Class


  • Pathways Method – Bahar Ic-Caghaq

Opening Hours: 06.00 – 22.00

Personal Training 1 on 1 / Small Group Activities


  • Malta Self Defence Academy – Fleur De Lys

Free classes in Kung Fu / Self Defence to beginners all ages (From 6 upwards)


  • Spartan Kettlebells – St. Julians

Free training the whole day


  • WI Zumba – San Gwann Primary School

Free Zumba Classes


  • 24/7 Fitness Club San Gwann and  Mellieha

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • S Fitness Studio St. Paul’s Bay

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • Ta Qali Health & Fitness Center

Free sessions during the whole day.


  • Free My Me

Free sessions during the whole day.

  • WSK Club

Free Kickboxersice sessions during the whole day.


  • Reflex Total Fitness (Fortina Spa Resort)

Free sessions during the whole day.

Official Program for the EWoS Main Event

sportmt September 7, 2016 0

Click on the link bellow to find out more about next Saturday’s Beach Sports Fest that will be held at Pretty Bay B’Bugia.

Click here


European Week of Sport Launches the #BeActive Awards 2016 ïŋž

sportmt June 13, 2016 0

A European Award to highlight outstanding work and commitment at local levels to promote Sport and Physical Activity.

The awards competition is open for entries from 10 June to 22 July 2016.

The #BeActive Awards competition is a central element of the annual European Week of Sport and has been created to support initiatives and individuals dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity across Europe. The awards have three categories:

#BeActive Education Award

#BeActive Workplace Award

#BeActive Local Hero Award

Applications for each of these categories are to be submitted to the European Commission by National Coordinating Bodies. Focusing on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities, the awards competition contributes to the local and human dimension of the Week, while showcasing best-practice initiatives, and introducing inspiring individuals, to a Pan-European audience.

TAKE PART! Send your submissions by 22 Julyâ€Ļto EAC-SPORT-EWOS@ec.europa.eu and help us inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels across Europe to #BeActive!

Click Here for information.

Video of Walk the Towers 2015

sportmt October 7, 2015 0

20 participants took part in our ‘Walk The Towers’ event, part of the Move Week Malta. They walked more than 100km around Malta’s most popular Towers. This is what happened…

Video of the European Week of Sport Malta

sportmt October 6, 2015 0

This is what happened during the first European Week of Sport in Malta, organised by SportMalta with the collaboration of the European Commission.