In the best of weather this Sunday morning Maltaâs main roads filled with thousands of people who answered President Marie Louise Coleiro Precaâs call and took part in an event to show solidarity. The annual Presidentâs Fun Run this year celebrated its 10th anniversary and kicked off a chain of events that will raise funds and will culminate in L-Istrina on the day following Christmas Day.
At around 11.30am, St Georgeâs Square in Valletta filled with people who had either walked or run over the four different routes to participate in an event organised by the Fondazzjoni Malta Community Chest Fund, an annual appointment responded to by many in solidarity for those who are in need.
Developments over the four different routes were transmitted directly by TVM2 to continue boosting donations for the Fondazzjoni. Some participants ran the distance from Rabat to Valletta while others walked from Santa Venera, Paola or the University which was the starting point for President Coleiro Preca, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and Opposition Leader Adrian Delia.
Finally all met up in Valletta and were addressed among others by the President in St Georgeâs Square.
The President said the people had responded in what they believe, a people that are exceptional and unique. She said the people believe in generosity and solidarity and had not done so to answer her call but because they believed in the cause. She said todayâs has been an event that has shown what a great people this country has.
She appealed to the people to continue distinguishing themselves with this generosity and solidarity, virtues that make them the best people in the world. She said calls for donations have yielded âŽ800,000 monthly and mainly go towards specialised chemotherapy for cancer patients.
The President said the Istrina event has to be a strong one because it is projecting the yearâs donations reach âŽ9 million annually. She said she is convinced the joint solidarity will lead to a situation where anybody who is in want will receive the support they require.
Both the Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and the Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia praised the generosity and the great show of heart of the people.
This activity was organised by SportMalta in collaboration and with the support of various entities including the BNF Bank. The sum total of donations from todayâs events will be announced during L-Istrina.
In the meantime, we at SportMalta collected the best photos and social media story throughout the day. Here are the best ones…
Perfect weather for the @presidentMT solidarity fun run by @SportMalta Bring your family and friends and join a route today either university or poala square or st Venera and join thousands in the biggest sport and charity event on the Island .event starts at9:45
— Mark Cutajar (@cutajar_mark) November 4, 2018
Some old faces from SportMalta joined us for the #FunRun2018
📷 @Dermot_Galea
📷 George Azzopardi
📷 Laura Cunningham
📷 Josianne Pulis
📷 Georgiana Piscopo
📷 Claire Agius Conti
📷 M Elchior F Arrugia
📷 Owen Bonnici
📷 BNF Bank
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