The awards competition is open for entries until 24 July 2020 (5pm Brussels local time).
About the #BeActive Awards
The #BeActive Awards competition is a central element of the annual European Week of Sport and has been created to support projects and individuals dedicated to the promotion of sport and physical activity across Europe. The awards have three categories:
This award is intended to throw the spotlight on an educational setting that can demonstrate concrete ways in which it encouraged its kids to #BeActive in addition to the sport/physical activity classes in the standard curriculum. This could include extra sport activities, physically active class days out, after school activities, and other creative solutions to form an active education environment.
This award is intended to accolade a workplace that can demonstrate specific ways in which it has encouraged and helped its employees to #BeActive. This could include setting up a staff taskforce responsible for promoting physical activity, provision of showers for cycling/running commuters, standing meetings, lunchtime walks and other creative solutions to form an active working environment.
This award honours an individual achievement to motivate others and act as a catalyst to #BeActive. The spirit of the award aims to recognising an individual who has worked consistently to promote participation in sport and/or physical activity in his or her local community.
Entries for each of these categories are to be submitted to the European Commission by National Coordinating Bodies of the European Week of Sport. Focusing on educational establishments and workplaces, as well as individuals in local communities, the awards competition contributes to the local and human dimension of the Week, while showcasing best-practice projects, and introducing inspiring individuals, to a Pan-European audience.
How to submit your nominations for the awards
National Coordinating Bodies can identify and submit projects. Along with this document, you have received three sets of forms comprising an explanation of each award category, and an entry form for each award category.
You can choose to complete the entry form(s) yourself, or pass on the entry form(s) and one page explanation(s), to an eligible organisation or person to complete and send back to you.
Send your submissions by 24 july 2020 to eac-sport-ewos@ec.europa.euand help us inspire people of all ages, backgrounds and fitness levels across europe to #BEACTIVE!
RULES â #BeActive Award 2020 Rules

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