The #BeActive Night will happen next Saturday 29th September at Kirkop Sports Complex. There will be various events for all members of the community…
#BeActive merchandise will be given out for free to the public on the night.
The event will close with a big fitness party that will definitely get you physically active.
Apply for one of these events and make sure that next Saturday you join the #BeActive Revolution!
3v3 U18 Basketball
This event is part of Be Active campaign run by Sport Malta and Maltese Olympic Committee together with Malta Basketball Association.
Fitness Classes
You’ve been thinking about starting some Fitness Classes, but don’t know from where to start. Here’s your chance…
Youth TriathlonÂ
Your chance to start practing the great sports of Triathlon…
Fitness Challenge
Proving yourself at the Gym, time to take it to the next leve. Take part in our Fitness Challenge…
Yoga and Pilates
Opting for something more relaxing but healthy at the same time. Why not join our Yoga and Pilates sessions…
Book Your Transport
Transport will be available from Mosta and Cottonera SportMalta centers. Transport leaves at 18:15 from the center and departs Kirkop Sports Complex at 00:00 midnight. Book your place by Thursday 12:00 (noon)
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