On the 27th September, around 25,000 students attending schools from all Educational Sectors joined students from over 40 Pan European Countries in the European School Sport Day (ESSD). The ESSD is an annual sports day during which students are engaged in activities aimed at increasing physical activity and encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Notwithstanding the event happening on the first Friday of the scholastic year, 82 schools recognised that the ESSD is an ideal team building opportunity for school staff and students.
A variety of sports activities were organised within school premises and local open spaces such as beaches, parks, promenades and village squares. Other than promote health and lifelong well-being, activities are aimed to develop studentsâ social competencies by being inclusive, fun, foster social inclusion, boost self-esteem, encourage gender equality and develop school ethos. This yearâs edition saw a substantial increase in participation of Church and Independent Schools, in particular schools for foreign students.
This event was attended by Dr Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sport and Voluntary Organisations, who visited a number of schools, amongst which San Gwann Primary School, San Giljan Primary School and the National Sports school. Activities culminated with the Flagship Event being held at Tal Qroqq Sports Complex where students of various ages attending State, Church, Independent and Migrant schools participated in 120 minutes of different sports disciplines. Dr Clifton Grima, addressed those present for the event.
The ESSD is an EU Commission initiative and forms part of the European Week of Sportâs (EWoS) #BeActive Campaign. SportMalta supported all participating schools in the successful organisation of their ESSD2018.
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