At a press conference held at Pretty Bay, Birzebbuga Chairperson of The Marigold Foundation, Michelle Muscat launched the sixth edition of the annual swimming challenge. The challenge that will be held on Saturday 11th July, 2020, will this year take a different form. Michelle Muscat will embark on a swimathon in the sea and will involve the participation of the general public who are invited to come for a swim and donate in aid of The Marigold Foundation. This event will also be open to people with mobility challenges with an accessibility lane leading to the sea and a number of floating wheel chairs and hoists available throughout the day.
The Aquatic Sports Association will also be participating in this swimathon involving all waterpolo players who will be doing the swimathon at District5 pool.
Persons of all ages including children are invited to join the swimathon in the sea against a âŽ10 donation swimming different lengths according to everyoneâs ability within safe parametres. Those who wish to participate and also enjoy the acquatic fun park can do so against a âŽ20 donation. Early registrations are encouraged from:
The Meeting Place in Marsa , Tal-Qroqq National Pool, Cottonera Sport Complex, Kirkop Sport Complex, Birzebbugia Local Council or message on The Marigold Foundation Facebook.
Music and entertainment will be available on the beach making this swimathon a fun activity for the general public.
This event is following all health regulations guidelines currently in place.
For more information send us a message on The Marigold Foundation Facebook Page or call on 99912373.
The objective of The Marigold Foundation is to positively empower people and to work with them to raise standards, support initiatives and strengthen voices. Operating at both a macro and micro level, The Marigold Foundation is the link in the community that helps on a variety of levels and across various spheres. The Foundationâs overarching aim is the constant development of our community, addressing specific aspects of it, such as social behaviour, health issues, special needs and education. The Foundation does not help individual cases as does eg the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, but supports other NGOs working in these fields (ie health, education, social and special needs) whether already established, in their infancy or need help to set up their organisation.
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Michelle Muscat launches the sixth edition of The Marigold Swimming Challenge.
At a press conference held at Pretty Bay, Birzebbuga Chairperson of The Marigold Foundation, Michelle Muscat launched the...