SportMalta announced new assistance schemes whilst retaining and strengthening the existent ones. This was pronounced during a press conference held at Global College Malta at Smart City.
The new Sports Leave Scheme for the private sector was launched whereby employees working with private companies can now apply for special leave in order to participate in international competitions. This scheme has already yielded succesful results for employees in the public sector and hence the need to expand it further to include all employees has now been addressed by SportMalta.
In the meantime due to the current, strong and stable financial position of SportMalta, all present schemes have been reconfirmed. Hard work and dedication by both management and workers alike have produced this revenue and such results have led to a broader budget assigned to the entity by The Ministry of Finance, trusting SportMalta to administer such funds in the most professional, transparent and honest approach.
Chris Agius, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation , Youth and Sport explained that the new sports leave scheme for the private sector was fulfiled following  suggestions presented during the bi annual meetings Gvern Li Jisma that proves that this governement listens and acts on the peopleâs proposals. He said that the function of the regulatory section was immediately addressed at the beginning of the legislature so that today, following lengthy and intensive discussions it is now semi-autonomous.
He explained that the government together with SportMalta is currently working together with the private sector on the revamping of the Youth Development Scheme so that it is given its due importance with an increase in funds allocated to this scheme. This is evidence of the governmentâs faith in our youths and that it is taking definite action to invest in this sector.
Luciano Busuttil, Chairman of SportMalta said that there is an urgent need to start making use of all facilities availble and not just rely on human resources. He stressed that vacant places should be transformed into sports facilities so that they start serving our Maltese athletes. Furthermore he remarked on the importance of collaboration between SportMalta and various entities amongst them the University of Malta by which the sporting community can gain from such cooperation.
Mark Cutajar, CEO of SportMalta stated that through these schemes the entity is investing above 2 million euros wherein he believes that such support will contribute to develop professional sports. However he said that it is his wish to see that through these schemes the associations work harder to attract more people towards their particular sports in order to contribute to a healthier and physically active community. He maintained that this is SportMaltaâs main mission; that is to move the nation through any possible means. He confirmed that SportMalta will persist in its duty to sustain its atheletes in order for them to be prepared in the best way possible and as a matter of fact he announced that a brand new scheme addressed towards athletes under 18 years will be launched soon in collaboration with a major private company. Details regarding this scheme will be revealed  in the coming weeks.
During the activity, Dr. Karen Zammit Southerwood explained in detail the schemes available. She commented on the importance of good governance in the management of sport organisations with special emphasis on the administration of public funds attained through these schemes. There are various schemes that are available to all levels of sports, amongst them the Capital Expenditure Scheme and the Flexi Training Scheme. Further details are available at
Applications will be received up to the 19th of December 2016.
SportMalta encourages sports organisations to apply for these schemes so as to enhance professional development and equip our athletes with competences to compete at an international level.
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