A full week of events and activities all over Malta and the other 28 European Member States will come to an end this Saturday with the so called #BeActive night, an activity organised simultaneously in all Europe between 19:00 hours and midnight.
The Kirkop Sports Complex and the adjacent school will be the venue for the local event and SportMalta, the national coordinating body of the event, prepared a wide spread of sport and physical activity exercises for the general public to take part and celebrate the need to exercise. This goes at par with SportMaltaâs mission.
Sports like teqball, pickleball, table tennis, mini-snooker, badminton, cycling, motor sport, foot-volley and fitness classes will be in the format of âcome and joinâ. Others like mini football and mini waterpolo will be in the format of a friendly tournament where friends and families of the young players are invited to join the different âopen for allâ stations. The event will end at midnight where all sports will join for the last hour of fun for an active party to end the active night in style. For all those participating a number of freebies will be distributed in order to promote the campaign while doing exercise elsewhere.
For the last five year the European week of Sport has helped to tackle inactivity across Europeans. Malta is already benefitting from the effect of this week with the Eurobarometer showing continuous improvement in our local doing physical activity.
This year the Week opened with a big crowd pulling activity in Zejtun, followed by an big gathering for employees on Tuesday organised in collaboration with Malta Employee Sport Association, a great dance event in Paola Square on Thursday evening and a sports day in all school on Friday. Today a snooker tournament and a shooting competition is also organise in SportMalta complex in Maria Assunta and Ta` Kandja.
This big sporting success wraps an excellent week for SportMalta with the European Commission nominating them as finalist of the BeActive workplace award which final will be help on the 18th of October in Budapest.
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