Sportmalta would like to congratulate Brian Galea (Malta Shooting Federation), Eleonor Bezzina (Malta Shooting Federation), Sara Xuereb (Malta Ten Pin Bowling Association), Kijan Sultana (Malta Squash), Anna Calleja (Special Olympics Malta), Karl Izzo (Aquatic Sport Association of Malta), Malta Men Basketball Team  and to Fabio Spiteri (Malta Triathlon) for their achievement as being voted by Malta Sports journalist the best in their category and to Fabio Spiteri (Malta Triathlon)
SportMalta CEO said that this yearâs event was the best ever and to reach such as standard, you need financial  commitment and expertise. He added that a word of praise should certainly be delivered to the organising committee made by SportMalta, Parliamentary Secretariat for Sport and GHGS.
He also thanked the sponsors who helped financially to top up the amount that SportMalta contributed towards the event. Cutajar said that it is the role of the entity to keep facilitating the life of the athletes.
He added that both Chairman Luciano Busutttil and Hon Clifton Grima, parliamentary Secretary for Sport were both very clear in their speeches that they want a winning nation wo can be small in size but big at heart and determination.
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