#BeActive with Sport Organisations

SportMalta News August 23, 2023 0

We are delighted to announce the upcoming European Week of Sport 2023 event.

Which will take place between 1st September 2023 and 15th October 2023.

The event aims to promote any kind of sports and any kind of physical activity while bringing our community together through healthy competition and/or fun-filled activities.

We believe that through Associations and Clubs we can reach the most possible amount of people. Therefore, we invited the latter to participate in the European Week of Sport by organizing an event of their choice to celebrate sports, with activities that are done in-house of their relative sport and were possible intrigue their athletes, family, and friends to participate. For the best community engagement and the best impact, we encouraged events to be focused between 23rd September 2023 and 30th September 2023 to coincide with the peak of the European Week of Sport celebration.

We therefore kindly request everyone’ s assistance in spreading the word about the European Week of Sport events and invite anyone to participate.

Let’s work together to make this year’ s European Week of Sport an unforgettable celebration of athleticism and community spirit.

We look forward to seeing you at your Association/Club unique event during the European Week of Sport

For further queries one can contact us on eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

#BeActive and the Local Councils

SportMalta News August 23, 2023 0

We are delighted to announce the upcoming European Week of Sport 2023 event.

It will take place between 1st September 2023 and 15th October 2023.

The event aims to promote any kind of sports and any kind of physical activity while bringing our community together through healthy competition and/or fun-filled activities.

Since the best way to reach the community in their own locality we believe is through Local Councils, we invited the latter to participate in the European Week of Sport by organizing an event of their choice to celebrate the sports in the community with activities that range from walks to any kind of sport or physical activity. For the best community engagement and the best impact, we encouraged events to be focused between 23rd September 2023 and 30th September 2023 to coincide with the peak of the European Week of Sport celebration.

We therefore kindly request everyone’ s assistance in spreading the word about the European Week of Sport events and invite anyone to participate.

Let’s work together to make this year’ s European Week of Sport an unforgettable celebration of athleticism and community spirit.

We look forward to seeing you at your Local Council’s unique event during the European Week of Sport.

For further queries one can contact us on eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

The relation of physical activity and productivity on the place of work

SportMalta News August 21, 2023 0

The positive relation between physical activity and productivity has been revealed to humans since the advent of civilization. Research shows that sport and recreation influence raising morale, motivation, productivity, and better mood and atmosphere in the working environment.

One survey in the Wall Street Journal, states that satisfied employees are twice as productive. Research published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management confirmed that the clarity and energy of people training remain high, regardless of their workload.

Employers could help them by hosting a sport-based team building activities so staff goes out of the office, enjoy a fun day outdoors and develop better friendship with their colleagues.

The importance of the role of physical exercise in the health of their workforce and thus in the profitability of the company, has been consistently proven.

Since the industrial revolution, physical activity and sport at the workplace resulted in 5 major benefits:

Builds strong bonds: The improved communication between employees will facilitate better communication and thus work is carried faster and more efficiently.

Develops sense of contribution and belonging: The effort of the individual on the sport team and the proper functioning of a group in games lead to inspiring success.

Feel good from endorphin release: Exercise releases endorphins which can give a lot of energy to the body. One feels better, has more stamina, and can cope with his/her everyday tasks.

Reduce stress: Clearing your mind before a big workday will help you present yourself with high self-esteem and smart thinking.

Discover something you love or good at: If you find satisfaction outside work, you will most likely feel happier at work too.

Join us for this year’s European Week of Sport, organize your own event at your workplace and let us know about it at eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt. Be part of it, Join the Movement and #BeActive.

12 ways of how to #BEACTIVE AT THE BEACH

SportMalta News August 17, 2023 0

  • Take advantage of the open water and go for a swim. Swimming provides an excellent full-body workout and helps improve cardiovascular health
  • Gather your friends for a game of beach volleyball. It’s a great way to work on your agility, coordination, and teamwork while having a blast

  • The sandy shoreline offers a natural resistance for your legs. Go for a jog or a run along the beach to engage different muscles compared to running on a flat surface
  • Find a peaceful spot and practice yoga on the beach. The sand provides an unstable surface, enhancing your balance and core strength as you flow through poses
  • If you have access to a paddleboard, it’s a fantastic way to engage your core and improve your balance while enjoying the water
  • Play a game of frisbee with friends. Running on the sand to catch or throw the frisbee adds an extra challenge to the game
  • It’s not just for kids! Building sandcastles requires squatting, bending, and lifting, which can be a fun way to engage your muscles

  • Use the beach as your outdoor gym. Perform bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees in the sand for added resistance
  • If you’re at a beach with waves, consider giving surfing a try. It’s an exhilarating way to improve your balance and upper body strength
  • Take a long walk along the shore to enjoy the scenery and collect seashells. Walking in the sand provides a low-impact workout for your legs
  • Bring along a jump rope and enjoy a heart-pumping cardio session on the beach
  • If the beach allows for it, take a beach cruiser bike for a spin along the shoreline. It’s a fun way to explore while getting your legs moving

Remember to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and take breaks when needed. Whether you’re into high-intensity activities or simply enjoying the beauty of the beach while staying active, there’s something for everyone to #BEACTIVE at the beach.

European Week of Sport Main National Event

SportMalta News August 9, 2023 0

#BeActive, the European Union’s campaign that promotes an active and healthy lifestyle in Europe and beyond, is back in its 9th edition.  The week is for everyone, regardless of age, background, or fitness level. With a focus on grassroots initiatives, the aim is to inspire Europeans to #BeActive on a regular basis and create opportunities in the everyday lives of European citizens to exercise more.

For the last eight years, the European Week of Sport has helped to tackle the inactivity crisis by encouraging Europeans of all ages to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle, not just for the week but throughout the year.

SportMalta is determined to keep on promoting and developing sport and physical activity for a healthy, inclusive, and successful Malta.  For such reason, SportMalta will be organizing different activities one of which will be the European Week of Sport Main Event on Sunday the 24th of September at 15:00hrs at the Marsa Sports Grounds.  The aim is to bring together various national associations to create a sports village with fun activities that appeal to all citizens and to help improve their habits.  Activities will include a vast range of different sport disciplines covering the whole area of the Marsa Sports Grounds.

Everyone is invited to come and get a taste of the different disciplines that shall be promoted. It will be a good opportunity to start a sport and the right place to contact the providers themselves. For further queries one can contact us on eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

#BeActive at the Workplace

SportMalta News August 5, 2023 0

The European Week of Sport will be celebrated between the 23rd and 30th September 2023. SportMalta, the National Coordinator of this initiative, is inviting all government, parastatal, and private workplaces to join this celebration and organize healthy lifestyle activities.

The workplace can use this event as a team building activity.

Being active is beneficial to reduce serious health issues, increased by a sedentary lifestyle. Simple moving activities on the place of work will lead to reduction of stress and enhance productivity and cohesion.

Some activities that can be implemented at the workplace are:

  • changing the way how to communicate, such as instead of sending an email, walking to your colleague’s desk
  • choosing the stairs instead of lift
  • working while standing up
  • going for short walks during break
  • parking away from entrance
  • walking around when on the phone

SportMalta is inviting all interested parties that would like to embark on such an initiative to contact us on eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

Join the Movement and #BeActive


SportMalta Schools Sports Day

SportMalta News August 5, 2023 0

The role of sports for the holistic formation of the child has been widely documented. It has been scientifically affirmed that sport is an important agent for children to lead a healthy lifestyle.

SportMalta’s mission of promoting and developing sport for a healthy, inclusive, and successful Malta, makes it the perfect fit for the role of the National Coordinating Body of the European Week of Sport. SportMalta through its #BeActive campaign supports the research that sport makes students healthier and better learners in the classroom.

The SportMalta National Sports Day is a yearly event organised to celebrate life and promote a healthy lifestyle. It is an important day in the school calendar as it can ignite a child’s passion towards a healthy lifelong approach.

The benefits for the educational institutions in joining the SportMalta National Sports Day are:

  • Create fun and enjoyment through physical activity for young people.
  • Promote health and wellbeing for lifelong learning.
  • Encourage social inclusion and develop social competence amongst students.

All educational institutions are welcome to participate in the yearly SportMalta National Sports Day event that is being held on Friday, 13th October 2023. Any further queries can be sent to eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

#BeActive Night – The Fitness Challenge

SportMalta News August 3, 2023 0

The European Week of Sport is back and for this year’s main event, we want to invite you to join us for the #BeActive Night – The Fitness Challenge, on Saturday 23rd September at the Cottonera Sports Complex.

The challenge is inspired by the popularity of HYROX and it’s designed for everybody to compete in fitness activities that are held in a fun party atmosphere. The 6 fitness challenges will be…Stationary Bike, Rowing, Kettlebells swings, Walking Lunges with Sandbags, Burpees and a short 30m Run.

Winners of each category will win a number of sports vouchers

Other fitness activities and lots of fun and entertaining events will held throughout the night.

Apply to the Fitness Challenge by registering here > https://form.jotform.com/232072008728351

For any further queries you can contact us on eventssm@sportmalta.org.mt

SportMalta donates ₮9,500 to Puttinu Cares Foundation

SportMalta News April 12, 2023 0

Minister for Sport Clifton Grima accompanied by SportMalta CEO Mark Cutajar and representatives of SportMalta employees this morning paid a visit to the Oncology Ward at Sir Anthony Mamo Hospital to show their appreciation and dedication to Puttinu Cares Foundation.  They were greeted by young patients, parents and staff at the Rainbow Ward and Puttinu Cares Foundation top officials Rennie Zerafa and Angele Cuschieri.

Minister Grima praised the work of Puttinu Cares Foundation.  He added that Malta is a small state but with a big heart and the work that Puttinu Cares is doing taking into account its complexities is remarkable.  SportMalta CEO Mark Cutajar said that the entity always worked hard to support charity institutions.  He said that for years the entity hosted the football marathon which was a flagship event of Puttinu Cares. He added that SportMalta’s door is always open to promote sports and physical activity helping financially such projects.

SportMalta presented to Puttinu Cares the sum of ₮9,500 which were collected by the Entity in a number of sport initiatives.  The money will support Puttinu Cares in their projects.

Maltese Olympic Committee hosts 2023 GSSE Chef de Mission Meeting and launches Team Malta Uniform

SportMalta News March 31, 2023 0

Less than 70 days remain until the start of the XIX Games of the Small States of Europe Opening Ceremony in Valletta.  As preparations continue to progress, the Maltese Olympic Committee hosted a meeting for Chefs de Mission and technical delegates representing the nine GSSE Countries for meetings in Malta.

Over twenty-five delegates participated in meetings and presentations relating to events, logistics, medical services, transportation, opening and closing ceremonies as well various venue site visits. The first visit was to athlete accommodation, which is currently undergoing a major refurbishment and will be fully operational a few weeks before the arrival of the first athletes.    Delegates were also given a tour of facilities which will host competitions during the Games.

“Undoubtedly the international climate has offered the organisation of these Games several challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the current political climate, we as the Organisation Committee, have no control over.  Nonetheless, we have garnered the support of various stakeholders, and sponsors which contribution will help us honour our commitment to deliver “commented Mark Cutajar, Chairman of the Local Organisation Committee.  “These Games have their own challenges but must move at par with the challenges that sport is facing around the Globe.”

In the evening, the Maltese Olympic Committee hosted the launch of Team Malta uniforms, in the presence of various Games stakeholders, Government representative, athletes, Federation representatives from the ten sporting disciplines taking place in Malta and other guests.  The brand-new Team Malta uniform was modelled by some of Malta’s most recognised athletes, and who will most likely be part of Team Malta during the Games.

Lacey Aquilina, Claire Azzopardi, Steve Camilleri, Francesca Catania, Josephine Diaby, Alex Felice Pace, Beppe Grillo, Sandek Khalaf, Michela Mifsud, Janet Richard, Julian Rizzo, Ashley van Vilet Vella and Nathan Xuereb modelled the uniforms which combine the red and white elements which capture the Maltese flavour, energy and passion – all elements associated with sport.  The uniform was designed keeping in mind the warm weather conditions during the Games, meaning that they will provide protection against the ultraviolet radiation as well as breathability.  The uniform will consist of tracksuits, t-shirts, polo shirts, caps and backpacks.

“Wearing Team Malta’s uniform is an honour many athletes are vying to have and who will treasure the opportunity to wear this uniform. Their focus towards these Games has been commendable and in the runup to the events, they have been producing consistently encouraging results” remarked Julian Pace Bonello, President, Maltese Olympic Committee.

Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research, and Innovation Dr Clifton Grima praised the work done to host this prestigious event in Malta. “As a team, Ministry, SportMalta and the MOC, we have been giving our all, together with the Sport Associations and the athletes to prepare for these games. We are looking forward to support and applaud our athletes as they keep the Maltese flag flying”.

The XIX Games of the Small States of Europe are being supported by SportMalta, NDSF, Welbee’s Supermarket, National Lottery, MITA, General Soft Drinks, Visit Malta, European Olympic Committees, Go, Enemed, BOV and The Concept Stadium.

More information on the XIX Games of the Small States of Europe can be found on https://gssemalta2023.mt