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#BeActive Birzebbuga Event

sportmt September 18, 2019 0

Another event as part of this year’s European Week of Sport will be happening in Birzebbuga next Sunday. Here is the programme of the event:

09.00- onwards                                  Waterpolo Unde/13 Tournament                                 Birzebbuga WaterPolo Pitch

09.00- 12.00                                        Birzebbuga Skate Park Jam                                           Birzebbuga Skate Park

09.00- 12.00                                        Birzebbuga Regatta Tours                                              Pretty Bay

09.00- 12.00                                        Birzebbuga Sailing Tours                                                Pretty Bay

09.00- 12.00                                        Birzebbuga Windmill Football Nursery                       Birzebbuga Beach Soccer Pitch

09.00-12.00                                         Bocci Tournament                                                           Birzebbuga Bocci Club

European Week of Sport Main Event – Event Schedule and Info

sportmt September 16, 2019 0

All the events are FREE to participate and activities will be from 19:00 to 22:30 next Friday 20th September. Some activities will start earlier at 18:00 due to popular demand by the public. It is recommended that for some of the activities you fill an online registration so you book your place. During the event there will be live music and merchandise of the European Week of Sport will be given through participation in the various events that will be held at Żejtun.

Żejtun Square

Walking Tours

A walk through Żejtun where you will be able to understand the cultural heritage of this town while staying physically active. Walks will start at 18:00, 19:15 and 20:30. The three walks will have different routes.

The start of the walk will be from Żejtun square. Registrations can be done from the square but it is recommended you book your place before through the online registration.

You can register online for the walks through the link below:

Bike Ride

Meeting point for bike ride will be at Żejtun Square. Those who are interested in joining can come with their bike and they will be lead by the Bicycle Advocacy Group (BAG) for a nice bike ride around the lovely town of Żejtun. A limited number of bikes will be available upon request.

Registration for bike ride through the link below:

Zumba and Fitness Sessions

There will be a lot of movement in the square with Zumba sessions led by popular Coach Bela Grundmann at 18:30 and 20:30.

Fitness sessions will be conducted by two leading fitness instructors Daniel Attard at 19:30 and Joanna Camilleri at 21:30.

Time to get moving and enjoy a good healthy session with professional coaches.

Registration for these sessions below:

Health Checks

There will be a stand operated by the Malta Health Students Association (MHSA) where they will be conducting health checks which will include blood pressure, glucose tests and BMI.

Basketball Session

At 18:00-19:30 there will be Hibernians Basketball Club where they will conduct a session for children aged 6 to 16 years under the guidance of professional coaches including gold medalist at FIBA European Games Mr. Roderick Vella. During the sessions there will be also European Week of Sport Malta Ambassador Ms. Josephine Grima who is an international basketball player that played in various countries around Europe while winning various medals. It will be a great session for children who would like to start the game of basketball.

3×3 U18 Basketball

A 3×3 competition will be organized for U18 participants by the 3×3 Malta Basketball Association. Participants are encouraged to try this new sport of 3×3 basketball that is becoming very popular. 3×3 basketball will be also featuring in the Olympic Games and the Games of the Small States of Europe. For this tournament a limited number of teams can apply thus registration is recommended through the link below:

Traditional Games of Boċċi and KUBB

Come and try the famous traditional games of Malta and Sweden at Żejtun square. There will be stations where you can practise the game of traditional Maltese Boċċi and the famous traditional Swedish game of KUBB. Games will be explained and you might be able to win merchandise of the European Week of Sport by taking part.

Land Rovers Exhibition

As you pass through the main entrance for the event to Żejtun square you will be welcome by an exhibition of some of the best Land Rovers on the island thanks to the Land Rovers Owners Club Malta. If you like outdoor sport and have interest in cars you will have a great opportunity to witness these cars on show.

Field Hockey

Come and try your skills in the game of field hockey in one of the stations that will be on show during the Main Event at Żejtun Square.

If you manage to do skills that professional players of Qormi Hockey Club will teach you, you will be able to win merchandise of the European Week of Sport.

Yoga and Tai Chi

If you are into a different type of physical activity Yoga and Tai Chi Sessions will be held in Żejtun Square. These will be led by professional SportMalta coaches and guidance on how to start this physical activity will be done. If you have never tried this physical activity before, its time you give it a try.

Registration can be done through the link below:

Various Sports Activities

There will be various sports stations that one can participate in together with their families. Those who will participate in these stations will be given merchandise of European Week of Sport.

Ġnien iż-Żgħożija

7 a side Football Tournament

A football tournament will be held for U13 children boys and girls. Applications can be made through the Żejtun Local Council.

BMX, Scooters and Skateboard session

There will be an educational session on how to make a safe use of the ramps through BMX, scooters and skateboards. There will be also a demonstration by experienced athletes showing various skills. It will be a great experience which we recommend for children who love this sport where they will learn also on how to practice this sport in a safe way while learning new skills.

Field Hockey

There will be a demonstration by Qormi Hockey Club from 19:00 till 21:00 where their players will show various skills and do an exhibition match to entertain the people that would like to start playing this game. After they will be available to show children and adults who would be interested in this game on how to do certain skills and give them opportunity this popular sport.

Kids Weightlifting Competition

sportmt September 16, 2019 0

This past weekend, the MWA made history by organising their first ever Kids only weightlifting competition.  With the incredible work done by the MWA together with SportMalta initiative ‘On the Move’ over the past year, the number of youth athletes has increased by a massive amount. Given this, the MWA saw fit to organise a competition directed solely towards allowing these youth athletes to compete amongst themselves. This meet saw 19 youth athletes compete with some veteran faces, and some new ones too.

11 year old Kim Camilleri finished with 25kg Snatch and 32kg clean and jerk which are both personal best lifts and breaking 4 national records in the cadet age group in the process. 9 year old Julia Grima, who has been showing massive improvements in the few months since she started, finished with 17kg snatch and 21kg clean and jerk. Grima also managed to break 2 national records in her age class. Another great result came from Aaliyah Gatt, who is only 11 years old and managed a 16kg snatch and 20kg clean and jerk.

Of course, now very well known in the Maltese weightlifting world, Tenishia Thornton had the best result in the youth category, ending with 48kg in the snatch and 60kg in the clean and jerk. Thornton is in the process of preparing for a massive competition later on this year, the Youth European Champs.

The boys also had a great showing with the best result coming from 16 year old Tristan Zammit. The youth athlete, who participated in an international training camp only a few weeks ago, has improved his lifts by massive amounts. Zammit finished with 97kg in the Snatch and 120kg in the clean and jerk, only 1kg shy of a national record in his weight class. Rylee Borg, 13 years old, finished the competition with 61kg in the snatch and 75kg in the clean and jerk, with his c&j lift being good enough for yet another national record at this meet. Another respectable result came from Blake Attard, who managed a 40kg snatch and 45kg clean and jerk.

This meet will hopefully be the first of many Kids only competition, especially seeing as it was such a great success.

The Malta Police Grid Team

sportmt September 11, 2019 0

The Malta Police Grid Team will be offering two (2) circuit training classes, 1 hour each open to Police officers and the general public. These will take place on the 26th September 2019 at the Police GHQ in Floriana at 4pm and 5pm.

The Circuit training classes will be part of a fundraising event in aid of Simon Schembri Blue Light Foundation, and hence participation is against a 5 Euro donation.

To apply, pls call on 2294 0000 between Monday and Friday from 9am till 5pm.

Places are very limited!


European Week of Sport 2019 Flagship Event – VIDEO

sportmt September 9, 2019 0

Check out the video from last Friday’s Flagship event…

European Week of Sport 2019 – Opening Event Best Photos

sportmt September 6, 2019 0

SportMalta officially launched the 5th Edition of the European Week of Sport with a sport festival at the National Pool Complex. It was a showcase of what the European Week of Sport and the #BeActive campaign is all about; People of all ages and genders having fun and enjoying the benefits of Sport and Physical Activity.

The Event kicked off with a First Aid Drill by the Protection Department…

Kids from our Programme ‘Summer On the Move’ attended for the last session of the season…

We had a Martial Art show…

…and Synchronised Swimming…

It wasn’t only for the kids!

A great coach, but even a better Presenter!

More photos in the Facebook Page: CLICK HERE

Imħabbra l-Attivitajiet Għall-Gimgħa Ewropeja Tal-iSport 2019

sportmt September 6, 2019 0

Għal ħames sena konsekuttiva Malta ħa tingħaqad ma’ pajjizi oħra ewropej sabiex torganiżża il-ġimġħa ewropeja għall-isport bejn it-23 u t-28 ta’ Settembru. Dettalji ingħataw waqt konferenza tal-aħbarijiet fil-pixxina nazzjonali Tal-Qroqq fl-istess ħin li kienu għaddejja attivitajiet li ġabu fi tmiemhom il-programm Summer on the Move 2019.

Is-segretarju parlamentari għażżagħżagħ, sport u għaqdiet volontarji Dr Clifton Grima ħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku sabiex għal sena oħra jieħu sehem fl-attivitajiet tal-ġimgħa ewropeja għall-isport. Inizjattiva li għandha l-għan li tippromwovi l-importanza ta’ ħajja  attiva u b’saħħitha u li tiżdied mal-bosta inizjattivi li Sport Malta ħadet f’dawn l-aħħar snin sabiex wasslet lill-pubbliku malti jinvolvi dejjem aktar ruħu fl-isport jew f’attivitajiet fiżiċi.

Is-suċċessi tal-inizjattivi ta’ Sport Malta jidhru mill-fatt li fl-attivitajiet ta’ On the Move il-parteċipazzjoni tal-istudenti żdiedet minn 180 student tal-2003 għal madwar seba’ t’elef student ta’ din is-sena. U riċentement l-istħarriġ tal-Eurobarometer wera li Malta kellha l-akbar żieda ta’ parteċipazzjoni sportiva miċċittadini kollha ewropej.

Dr Grima qal li rridu nressqu aktar familji lejn l-isport, nibnu dejjem aktar mentalita’ sportiva u fl-istess ħin nagħtu l-għodda lill-isportivi tagħna sabiex jkunu jistgħu itejjbu r-rizultati.

Il-kap eżekuttiv ta’ Sport Malta Mark Cutajar qal li fl-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena tal-ġimgħa ewropeja tal-isport se joħorġu mill-kumplessi sportivi u jmorru għand in-nies. Għal sena oħra tħejja programm immirat għall-faxex kollha tas-soċjeta’ u etajiet differenti.

L-attivita’ tal-ftuħ se ssir fl-20 ta’ Settembru fil-pjazza tażŻejtun u se tinkludi dixxipini sportivi ta’ pajjiżi differenti, fosthom il-loghba maltija tal-Boċċi.

Fil-25 ta’ Settembru fil-pjazza ta’ Rahal Ġdid se tiġi organiżżata serata ta’ żfin fosthom Salsa u Line Dancing.

Attivitajiet oħra se jsiru fil-kumplessi ta’ Sport Malta. Fit-23 ta’ Settembru fil-kumpless sportiv u fil-pixxina nazzjonali Tal-Qroqq se jiġu organizzati zewġturnaments għall-veterani tal-Waterpolo u tal-Handball.

Fir-ranges il-ġodda tal-isparar f’Ta’ Kandja se ssir il-Be Active Sport Malta Cup, filwaqt li fil-kumpless ta’ Maria Assunta il-Ħamrun se jiġi organiżżat turnament tassnooker. Ma jonqsux l-attivitajiet għat-tfal tal-iskejjel.

Għal sena oħra l-attivita’ tal-egħluq se ssir fil-kumpless sportiv ta’ Ħal Kirkop b’festival ta’ sports fosthom table tennis, badminton, ċikliżmu, motor sport, foot volley, klassijiet tal-fitness u ħafna oħrajn.

Flimkien mal-attivitajiet ta’ Sport Malta se jiġu organiżżati wkoll oħrajn minn assoċjazzjonijiet differenti. Fosthom hemm ġurnata ta’ sports fil-kumpless ta’ Ħal Kirkop għall-ħaddiema u impjegati organiżżata mill-Malta Employees Sports Association.

Apparti t-tema tal-attivita’ fiżika, il-gimgħa ewropeja tal-isport ta’ din is-sena se jkollha wkoll it-tema ambjentali. B’rabta ma’ dan bil-kollaborazzjoni ta’ Green Pak il-pubbliku huwa mħeġġeġ sabiex f’dik il-ħimgħa jiddisponi mill-flixken tal-plastic f’kontenituri apposta.

Tħabbru wkoll l-ambaxxaturi tal-isports għall-ġimgħa spprtiva ta’ din is-sena. Dawn huma it-triatleta Jake Vella, il-plejer tal-Basketball Josephine Grima u l-coach nazzjonali tal-waterpolo Karl Izzo.

Kalendarju tal-attivitajiet jistaw jinstabu fil-website:

The #5minChallenge Is On!

sportmt August 12, 2019 0

Today we officially launch the #5minChallenge !

What is it? The #5minChallenge is this year’s digital initiative to get as many Europeans moving as possible. For the #5minChallenge, we are asking Europeans to be active for (at least) 5 minutes and then post a short video or photo of them doing it on social media. This can be anything from their workout routine, to their walk to work, funny or serious it doesn’t matter!

How to take part? You post your #5minChallenge photo or video to social media.

  • On Twitter: using the hashtags #5minChallenge #BeActive
  • On Instagram: using the hashtag #5minChallenge + @european_youth_eu

Challenge others?
Feel free to challenge someone else by tagging another person’s profile in your post. It could be anyone! A friend of yours, your favourite athlete, #BeActive Ambassador, politician, actor, etc.

We would love to see you taking part and encouraging participation, check out the example from Ukrainian Ambassador Olga Saladukha for inspiration!

Haddiema ta SportMalta ta’ Quddiem fil-Kampanja #BeActive

sportmt August 5, 2019 0

SportMalta diġa’ħadet l-inizjattiva billi tħeġġeġ lill-ħaddiema tagħha sabiex jużaw it-taraġ minflok il-lift jew inkella joħorgu għal mixja waqt il-ħin tar-rikreazzjoni. SportMalta tħeġġeġ ukoll lill-ħaddiema tagħha biex jieħdu sehem f’inizjattivi fuq skala akbar, bħal parteċipazzjoni f’kompetizzjonijiet jew attivitajiet sportivi kemm fuq bażi individwali jew inkella bħala tim f’isem SportMalta nnfisha. Dan jgħin ukoll sabiex jibni aktar sintonija bejn il-ħaddiema infushom u jizdied l-ispirtu ta’ tim.

Kif qal is-Sur Mark Cutajar, Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ SportMalta, din l-istess entita’ wkoll torganizza kompetizzjonijiet fi sport varji għall-ħaddiema tagħha fejn dawn ikollhom l-opportunita’ jaghqdu it-timijiet u jieħdu sehem f’dawn l-attivitajiet. Fost il-kompetizzjonijiet li saru s’issa, insibu volleyball, handball, basketball, football, snookers u trekking. Barra minn hekk, il-ħaddiema ta’ SportMalta huma mħeġġa sabiex jghixu ħajja sana billi jieħdu sehem f’dawn l-attivitajiet u billi jieklu san, biex b’hekk ikunu jistgħu jagħtu d-demm għal kawża ġusta f’dati stipulati.

Kull post tax-xogħol li jiddeċiedi li jimxi fuq l-eżempju ta’ SportMalta billi jipparteċipa f’din l-inizjattiva jidħol ukoll biċ-ċans li jirbaħ il- #BeActive Workplace Award li SportMalta ser tkun qed tniehdi fi żmien li ġej.

Dawk kollha interessati jistgħu jikkuntatjaw lil SportMalta għal aktar tagħrif. Kunu parti minn din l-inizjattiva u agħtu l-kontribut tagħkom sabiex anke fuq il-post tax-xogħol inkunu aktar attivi.