@SportMalta @EuSport @EOSE_skills EOSE President Thierry Zintz presents the vital role of volunteers in good governance leading sport pic.twitter.com/1VSnETxP07
— Stephen Studd (@StuddStephen) November 30, 2016
Seminar by @SportMalta and @EU2017MT about skillful sport volunteering. pic.twitter.com/nySXMaGzIr
— Warren Sammut (@warrensammut) November 30, 2016
@SportMalta @EuSport Mark Cutajar opens seminar on volunteering. Crucial issue to sport @EOSE_skills pic.twitter.com/N0wttrRkLD
— Stephen Studd (@StuddStephen) November 30, 2016
At 'Engaging skillful volunteers' seminar #MaltaEU2017 @SportMalta
— JacomineRavensbergen (@Jac_o_mine) November 30, 2016
Engaging Skillful Volunteers Seminar now @Malta @SportMalta @EuSport @EU2017MT pic.twitter.com/zf2aozSLLR
— Dermot Galea (@dermot_galea) November 30, 2016
Sport= 3%GDP in EU, led by 35 million volunteers. 'Professional voluntarism' in Sports is extremely important for EU @SportMalta @EU2017MT pic.twitter.com/Dhs9yVej0n
— JacomineRavensbergen (@Jac_o_mine) November 30, 2016
@SportMalta @EuSport @EOSE_skills volunteering in sport is the biggest civil society movement in EU 35m people @TASS_Director pic.twitter.com/kP6h1nOp0b
— Stephen Studd (@StuddStephen) November 30, 2016
Guy Taylor stresses the importance of the EU XG Recomm on Volunteering. It's about creating the right environment. @ENAS_sport @SportMalta pic.twitter.com/s83yQWLLmA
— Margo de Lange (@igot_officer) November 30, 2016
Our presidency starts today! #SportMalta @talwefi @cutajar_mark @SportMalta https://t.co/1tmThNGmo7
— Dr Luciano Busuttil (@busuttilluciano) November 30, 2016
@sportmalta @EU2017MT #skillfulvolunteeringinsports pic.twitter.com/MPfl4YV3H5
— Warren Sammut (@warrensammut) November 30, 2016
@SportMalta @maltaeu2017 pic.twitter.com/abzPDYb1D8
— Mark Cutajar (@cutajar_mark) November 30, 2016
@talwefi at Engaging Skillful Volunteers Seminar – 1st @eu2017mt sport event @SportMalta @cutajar_mark @dermot_galea @davidagiusmp pic.twitter.com/l1KbcjknrC
— pamela schembri (@SchembriPamela) November 30, 2016
#volunteers are the heartbeat of @SportMalta pic.twitter.com/yQ8VyDnMYO
— Mark Cutajar (@cutajar_mark) November 30, 2016
Sport is a people's business. It's PEOPLE who make sport happen. It's people we need to invest in. @ENAS_sport @SportMalta
— Margo de Lange (@igot_officer) November 30, 2016
@SportMalta seminar on engaging skillful volunteers in sport…..from peope to people
— tanya zahra (@tanyazahra2) November 30, 2016
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