The aim of the ESSA-Sport project, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, was to establish a European Sector Skills Alliance covering the full breadth of the sport and physical activity sector across the European Union. The project was a direct response to the identified needs and challenges of the sport and physical activity sector.
The 3-year project, which began in October 2016, aimed to create a knowledge base and plan for action within the sector on the key issues of skills and workforce development which are central to helping the sector grow, to equip those working or volunteering with the right skills and to enable the sector to fulfil its potential as a social, health and economic driver. The overall ambition was to create an evidential basis for change and improvement, to create a major consultation on skills and to build a lasting consultation network at national and European level to take forward the conclusions and recommendations made in national and European Reports.
Documents about Malta can be downloaded here:
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