The survey is part of the ESSA-Sport project funded by the European Commission under Erasmus+ and coordinated by the European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE).
It is a transnational initiative for the whole of the EU with the involvement of 18 national partners and 5 European networks.
The projectâs full title is the European Sector Skills Alliance for Sport and Physical Activity (ESSA-Sport).
The aim of the project is to improve the supply of skills to the sector. The views of employers are vital to the success of the project and the survey results will be used to inform: > 28 national reports and skills action plans for the sports sector – one for each EU member state; > the first EU-wide analysis of employment and skills across the whole sector; > the first EU Skills Summit for the sport sector to be organised in 2019.
We aim to present employer views on the realities and challenges facing the sport sector which is growing, changing and becoming increasingly important to the social and economic future of Europe, and to make recommendations for future action.
By completing the questionnaire you will provide vital evidence from your country which will: > influence the provision of education and training to ensure the sector has the skilled workforce of professionals and volunteers it needs to succeed; > help shape employment and careers advice.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey.
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