In its efforts to further develop the European dimension of Sport, the European Commission has launched the European Week of Sport, an initiative to promote participation in sport and physical activity among European citizens. Looking back to the success of last year, more than 15.000 local events were organised with around 10 million participants across Europe.
This year will mark the third edition of the European Week of Sport. This growing initiative led by the European Commission will take place from 23 to 30 September.
To reach out to even more Europeans with a positive encouragement to be active all year long, the European Commission saw that the role of the National Sport Ambassadors is crucial. That is why a meeting was held today in Brussels between all European National Sport Ambassadors to establish as from this year a Network of #BeActive Ambassadors, which would include all ambassadors who wish to keep the #BeActive message alive (from the ones who started in 2015 to the ones who will join us as from 2017 edition).
Mr. Karl Izzo, National Team Waterpolo Coach, appointed by SportMalta in 2016 to be the National Sport Ambassador for the #BeActive Campaign, represented Malta in the first important meeting held in Brussels today. The Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella was also present for this activity.
In order to formally recognise and thank all Ambassadors for their key role in promoting the value of sport throughout the #BeActive campaign, the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Mr. Tibor Navracsics together with the European Commission took the opportunity today 21 June to meet and brief the National Sport Ambassadors with their role as a #BeActive Ambassador.
Sport Ambassador of the campaign and world champion for France 1998, Christian Karembeu said, âWe can use sport as a tool for education but also as a tool for integrationâ. This goes at par with the Maltese Presidency Priorities for Sport to act as a platform for social inclusion. A council conclusion in this regard was presented and approved by the council of ministers last May.
Advocacy for healthy active living is however needed more than ever to counter the challenges linked to citizensâ inactivity. In this context, the role of #BeActive Ambassadors is essential. To enhance the visibility and scope of the #BeActive message, we are establishing a Network of all #BeActive Ambassadors who would like to continue to be the champions of an active lifestyle for fellow citizens.
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