SportMalta conveys its condolences to the family of Lino Bugeja upon his demise today at the age of 86 years.
Lino Bugeja was an avid contributor in the journalistic field in particular in the areas of education, culture, sports and environmental protection.
Amongst his many attributes, Lino Bugeja has provided an invaluable contribution to the field of sports as he was a historic researcher on the Olympics and for many years lecturer at the Olympic Academy. Moreover he was one of the first athletes to represent Malta in the very first edition of the Mediterranean Games held in Alessandria in the 50s. Following this experience he became founding member of the Sports Education Centre and also Secretary of the Maltese Olympic Committee in the 70s. Recently Lino Bugejaâs name entered the Hall of Fame.After retiring as a football player for Vittoriosa Stars, he became coach for the Youth National Football Team. He also occupied the role of coach for the Hibernians FC
His long career has been recognized when in 2013 he received the medal for the Service to the Republic. Lino Bugeja has written numerous articles for international publications and was still contributing in the journalistic field. He will be remembered for his immense contribution in the field of historic research especially studies about his much loved town Vittoriosa. Lino Bugeja will be reminisced for his continuous support towards the environment through various writings and through the Ramblers Malta Club of which he was the founder.
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