Following months of intensive refurbishment and maintenance works, SportMalta has re-opened the National Pool Complex to the associations, clubs and clients.
Following 20 years of abandon the Government has fulfilled its electoral promise and returned to the Maltese people a newly restored facility of the highest national and international level.
Refurbishment works included:
Maintenance of both swimming pools, including a new floor for main pool
Non Slip tiles on deck;
Water proofing of deck floor to safeguard structure and tunnels around the pools
New Hand Rails on all Ramps on deck
Upgrade of ASA Store room
Double Gutter system all around the pool for sanitary reasons;
  Swimming Lines according to FINA rules
Both sides with non-slip tiles
 Electrical system (for Time Trials and Water Polo games) mainly all under the deck, so wiring above the floor limited which is 100% safe
An additional 8 new starting blocks
Water system all around the swimming pool under the deck which makes easier to clean deck on a daily basis
New partitions for all the offices at ground floor
Uplift of the whole deck area (plastering / painting / eliminated all eye sore cables etc.)
 Diving Structure was demolished (health hazard) so deck area has increased in size for the better use of swimmers and water polo players;
New stainless steel ladders
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