News – Page 17 – Sportmalta

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Local Councils encouraged to join this year’s European Week of Sport

sportmt July 9, 2018 0

The European Week of Sport is an initiative taken by the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background and fitness level. SportMalta is the national coordinating body of the European Week of Sport and in this regard, we would like to invite you to take part in this year’s edition where all Local Councils are encouraged to take part in a walk  all at once within their own locality, on 27th September between 18:00 and 19:00. Kindly send an email to to confirm your participation as a locality. #BeActive branded merchandise will be distributed to all participants.
If you have any questions about this message please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to or 22036000.

Call for Fitness Centres to Join this Year’s European Week of Sport

sportmt July 9, 2018 0

The European Week of Sport is an initiative taken by the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background and fitness level. SportMalta is the national coordinating body of the European Week of Sport and in this regard, we would like to invite you to take part in this year’s edition.

If you have any questions about this message please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to or 22036000.

SportMalta meet Physical Education Teachers to promote the European Week of Sport 2018.

sportmt June 25, 2018 0

SportMalta in its effort to promote the European Week of Sport 2018 and the Be Active campaign held the four dissemination meeting with all the Primary School and Secondary School Physical Education Teacher.

During this meeting information was given regarding all events during the week.  The flag ship event which is going to be help at the National Pool and the Cottonera Sport Complex, the night event on the 29th of September at the Kirkop Sport Complex and the European School Sports day on the 28th of September. 

The meeting was addressed By Dr Frank Fabri, Permanent Secretary MEDE who encouraged teachers to motivate students to take part in the campaign and schools to do their extra bit to have a successful event.

Mark Cutajar, Chief Executive Officer of SportMalta said that the turn out for this event is a sign of encouragement for the entity.  He said that the teachers should not only organise activities during the European School Sports day but also encourage them to participate in all the activities.

Parliamentary Secretary for Sport Hon Clifton Grima said that this is a very exciting moment for Sport with a number of activities being concentrated over a month.  He said that he looks forward for these events and told teachers that they play a vital role influencing kids to live a healthy life.

There were also interventions by Rose Marie Mercieca, National Coordinator on behalf of Sport Malta, Ruben Baldachino, Be Active Night Coordinator, Roberta Argento, ESSD and 3rd Party events Coordinator and Marvin Spiteri, Education Officer Physical of Education at the Department of Education.

SportMalta tippreżenta total ta’ madwar €1,200,000 f’għajnuniet finanzjarji lill-assoċjazzjonijiet sportivi u atleti.

sportmt June 19, 2018 0

Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għaż-Żgħażagħ, Sport u Għaqdiet tal-Volontarjat Clifton Grima saħaq li permezz tal-assistenzi minn SportMalta, qed naraw li l-assoċjazzjonijiet u klabbs qed ikunu proattivi u qed jieħdu inizzjattivi biex jiġġeneraw dħul. Dan kollu ma jkunx possibli mingħajr l-għajnuna li jagħti l-Gvern li jikkommetti ammont ta’ flus kull sena sabiex jingħataw dawn l-assistenzi, liema assistenzi żdiedu għaliex fl-2018 il-vot tal-assistenzi żdied għal 1.54 miljun ewro.

B’kollox kienu 151 atleta u assoċjazzjoni b’total ta’ madwar €2,000,000 li bbenefikaw minn assistenza finanzjarja matul l-2018. Dawn jinkludu il-ħlas ghall-iskema tal-assistenzi ta’ SportMalta għall-2017 li jinkludi assistenza finanzjarja għal proġetti, Youth Development Scheme, Flexi Training Scheme u ittri ta’ impenn għall-2018.

SportMalta torganizza erba’ ċerimonji sabiex l-assoċjazzjonijiet sportivi u l-atleti ma jkollhomx jistennew żmien twil għall-assistenza finanzjarja. Dawn huma parti mir-riforma ta’ SportMalta għall-benefiċċju tal-assoċjazzjonijiet u federazzjonijiet, biex b’hekk tagħtihom aktar ċertezza biex jippjanaw finanzjarjament.


European Week of Sport – Gozo dissemination meeting

sportmt June 14, 2018 0

The European Week of Sport goes to sister island, Gozo. SportMalta, the National Coordinating Body of this European Commission’s initiative, that of promoting sports and physical activity, organised yet another dissemination meeting with the intention of spreading further the message, that of engaging more in sports and physical activity towards a healthier lifestyle.

SportMalta together with other Member States embarked on this mission to promote sports and physical activity with the general public. This meeting was one within the series of similar meetings with different stakeholders within the sector. The meeting took place on 8th June in Victoria, Gozo, where a good number of Gozitan sports organisations showed their interest in partnering up with SportMalta towards this common goal. The representatives of these sport organisations shared their ideas and offered their commitment. Further discussions on the implementation of these ideas and on the way forward are underway.

SportMalta appreciates such collaboration as through these partners, it can reach further towards the whole community. Sports organisations are on the field of play and can be precious contributors in promoting sports and physical activity for all.

#OnTheMove season finish off in style with another manifestation.

sportmt May 30, 2018 0

#OnTheMove programme reached its end for the 30th consecutive year. On Friday 25th May, Marsa grounds turned into a busy complex. Different sports stations were held to celebrate another successful year. Children filled up the red oval to participate in Athletics and Speedminton. Parents took part in Sportsfun with the younger children. As in previous years, gymnasts eagerly showed their parents their improvement in the last eight months and participants watching the BMX display were in awe of the acrobatic skills performed by our academy participants.

Teenagers made their way to the basketball courts and football grounds where friendly games were organised between the complexes. Auskick and baseball focused on introducing new participants to the sport and the taster sessions were a great success. Adults were not forgotten. A multi-level fitness session was conducted by our professional coaches and parents’ participation did not disappoint.

CoCo the Monkey, Kellogg’s mascot took part in different sports and gave cereals and bars to all those present. Hon. Dr. Clifton Grima, Parliamentary Secretary for Youths, Sports and Voluntary Organisations, visited the manifestation and handed out certificates of attendance to the participants of the programme. To wrap up the event, Dr Luciano Busuttil, chairperson of SportMalta together with Stefan Cassar of Kellogg’s Company drew the lottery and the three very happy winners headed home with a mountain bike and two bluetooth speakers.

Applications for #SummerOnTheMove 2018 are now open, Apply Here.

Badminton Organizzat Mil-Isport Promotion Unit.

sportmt May 29, 2018 0

Din is-sena, L-Isport Promotion Unit fi ħdan Sport Malta, bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Badminton Association, organizza sensiela ta’ sessjonijiet ta’ taħriġ ghall-iskejjel sekondarji u primarji. L-istudenti tħarrġu fil-Kumpless Sportiv ta’ Ħal- Kirkop, taħt it-tmexxija ta’ għalliema u kowċis esperti u speċjalizzati f’dan il-qasam.

Kemm l-għalliema kif ukoll l-istudenti kellhom l-opportunita’ jitgħallmu minn dawn is-sessjonijiet li jidhru li ħallew il-frott mixtieq, għaliex il-popolarita’ ta’ dan l-isport qieghed kull ma jmur jikber qalb     l-istudenti.

Nhar it-8 ta’ Mejju, iltqajna għall-aħħar sessjoni għal din is-sena fejn kellna parteċipazzjoni sodisfaċenti. Hawn, l-istudenti setgħu jiltaqgħu u jilagħbu kontra studenti ta’ skejjel oħra biex b’hekk jitgħallmu minn xulxin u jkabbru l-esperjenza tal-logħba tagħhom.

Fl-aħħar nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lill-għalliema kollha tal-interess li ħadu, lill-Badminton Association talli provdiet kowċis u lil kowċis kollha għad-dedikazzjoni li wrew u tal-għajnuna siewja tagħhom.

European Week of Sport Meeting with Sport Media

sportmt May 29, 2018 0

As part of the dissemination programme in preparation for the European Week of Sport 2018, SportMalta organised a focus group meeting together with Malta Sport Journalist Associations. Various SportMalta departments together with the Associations top officials, discussed the communication campaign in order to get Malta more active.

Mark Cutajar,  Sport Malta Chief Executive Officer whilst thanking the journalist for their participation, said that they have a vital role to spread the message to tackle inactivity in all strata of society. He said that since the European Week of Sport started being organised, the percentage of Maltese doing physical activity improved. It can be a coincidence, he said but it may be not and probably this week is serving as a catalyst for more people to be involved. Latest Eurobarometer study published in March 2018 showed a significant improvement in the number of Maltese citizens doing sport, with Malta no longer being in the last three. Cutajar also invited the Association to nominate two journalists to join the core team working on this year’s edition.

Sandro Micallef, President of the Association said that journalists are fully supportive of this initiative. He also thanked SportMalta for proposing to them to be official partners of the event.  Micallef said that they are really keen to work hand in hand with SportMalta employees not only to disseminate the message but also to lead by example in certain events. We are sure, Micallef concluded, that this partnership could pay dividends to the cause.

During the meeting there were a number of presentations of the plan towards this events, these included presentation of the flagship event which will be held at Cottonera, the BeActive night event in Kirkop and other third party events organised by SportMalta’s associated members and the schools.

This was the second dissemination meeting organised by the national entity for sport and national coordinating body SportMalta. Last week another meeting gathered all local clubs ad associations. Following are meetings with Sport Associations in Gozo, physical educations teachers and local councils.

The European week of sport will be celebrated across Europe in September.

SportMalta Supporting EOSE T2MIS

sportmt May 26, 2018 0

We, the T2MIS partners, invite all stakeholders to take the web by storm on 1st of June with video and messages using #T2MIS official hashtag: #MakeLearningMobilityARealityInSport.

Why the 1st of June 2018? Because we will officially launch the T2MIS online platform, a tool to help individuals and organisations active in their journey towards Learning Mobility.

More details : 


150 student tas-sekondarja jsiru jafu aktar dwar il-professjoni tal-ġurnaliżmu sportiv

sportmt May 24, 2018 0

Fuq inizjattiva tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport, matul din is-sena skolastika ingħata bidu għall-proġett edukattiv bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti u bl-appoġġ tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-xogħol.


Fi żjara li għamel waqt l-aħħar sessjoni ta’ din is-sena skolastika l-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol Evarist Bartolo faħħar din l-inizjattiva li tikkumplimenta s-sistema tal-edukazzjoni prattika. Hu spjega li matul din is-sena skolastika saru b’kollox ħames żjarat fi skejjel imħallta bejn skejjel tal-Gvern, privati u anke tal-Knisja fejn ingħatat l-opportunita’ lill-istudenti li kienu jvarjaw mill-Form 3, 4 u 5 jesperjenzaw professjoni partikolari li forsi ftit li xejn tisemma’ bħala karriera possibbli li wieħed jista’ jimraħ fiiha.


Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għaż-Żgħażagħ, Sport u Għaqdiet tal-Volontarjat Clifton Grima inkoraġixxa lill-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports u lill-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti sabiex ikomplu jaħdmu flimkien b’ideat oħra wara s-suċċess ta’ dan il-proġett. Hu tenna li f’dan il-proġett l-istudenti qed jingħataw togħma tal-professjoni tal-ġurnalist tal-Isport, jifhmu aħjar l-irwol ta’ min jaħdem f’dan ix-xogħol kemm bħala xandar, ġurnalist fuq gazzetti, publikazzjonijiet, websites u social media li tant huma popolari fost din il-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa.


Il-President tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports Sandro Micallef rringrazzja lill-Ministeru tal-Edukazjoni tal-Koperazzjoni speċjalment lill-Education Officer tal-Edukazzjoni Fiżika Kevin Azzopardi li mill-ewwel offra l-appoġġ tiegħu għal din l-inizjattiva. Hu rringrazzja wkoll għall-koperazzjoni lill-Kapijiet tal-Iskejjel li fihom saru ż-żjarat preċedenti li kienu l-Iskola St Joseph Sliema, St Dorothy’s Żebbuġ, Middle School Birkirkara Kulleġġ Sta Tereża u St Martin’s College Swatar.


Micallef qal li l-Għaqda Ġuurnalisti Sports illum il-ġurnata ħadet dimensjoni oħra fis-settur tal-isport f’pajjiżna fejn b’inizjattivi bħal dawn qed tkompli tikkonferma ruħha bħala waħda mill-istakeholders indispensabbli fl-iżvilupp tal-Isport u tal-ġurnaliżmu f’pajjiżna.


Il-proġett kellu żewġ għanijiet prinċipali: li studenti fl-iskejjel tas-sekondarja jingħataw esperejenza permezz ta’ tagħlim bażiku fil-qasam tal-ġurnaliżmu sportiv u fl-istess ħin jsiru jafu aktar mill-viċin l-atleti Maltin billi jiltaqgħu magħhom u jsaqsuhom dwar il-karriera sportiva.


Il-proġett kien imfassal b’mod li t-teorija ma tieħux il-maġġoranza tal-ħin f’dawn is-sessjonijiet hekk kif l-istudenti qed ikun mgħejjuna fost l-oħrajn jfasslu, l-mistoqsijiet tagħhom qabel ma’ jagħmlu intervista, jfasslu artiklu għal fuq gazzzetta jew website, jagħmlu kummentarju u saħansitra mgħallma kif jaqraw l-aħbarijiet sportivi quddiem camera tat-televiżjoni vera u proprja.


Il-proġett kien ikkordinat minn żewġ għalliema tal-Edukazzjoni Fiżika Joanna Camilleri u Charlene Attard li huma eks atleti u li llum il-ġurnata huma ġurnalisti tal-Isport. Barra minn hekk Joanna Camilleri hija membru fl-Eżekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sports u Charlene Attard hija Direttur fi ħdan il-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti.