Category: Sport Updates

Weight Lifting Competition in Marsascala

SportMalta News September 15, 2023 0

The Malta Weightlifting Association, in collaboration with SportMalta and the Marsaskala Local Council, organized the Street Weightlifting event at Marsaskala Promenade on Friday 1st September 2023 at 18:00 as part of the European Week of Sport 2023. The event attracted a significant number of the general public who came to witness the competition. Many young athletes participated in a competition with a unique format where each athlete had 30 seconds to lift the maximum weight in the Snatch and another 30 seconds to lift the maximum weight in the Clean and Jerk. Mixed teams of 6 athletes each competed against each other using the Sinclair point system. The winning team was Pyro Force with 5073 points, followed by Thunder Titans with 4725 points and Iron Claw with 4707 points.

The Best Male Athlete award was earned by Rylee Borg, who lifted 1245 kg in 1 minute and scored 1505 points. Tenishia Thornton emerged as the Women’s category winner by lifting 789 kg in 1 minute and scoring 1042 points.

1st Pyro Force Team (Rodmar Pulis 1502pts, Tenishia Thornton 1042pts, Rheanna Briffa 723pts, Mariah Grima 740pts, Matthias Mifsud 641pts, Roberta Cassar 425pts)

2nd Thunder Titans Team (Rylee Borg 1505pts, Kim Camilleri Lagana 937pts, Nathan Mifsud 817pts, Aaliyah Gatt 734pts, Luca Said 371pts, Sheldon Briffa 360pts)

3rd Iron Claw Team (Vlad Baldacchino 1219pts, Luke Treeby Ward 1019pts, Kaya Curmi Inguanez 903pts, Mariah Bugeja 721pts, Nathan Balzan 473pts, Larson Galea 371pts)

Minister Clifton Grima visits the site of the first indoor swimming pool in Cottonera

SportMalta News January 7, 2023 0

The first indoor swimming pool project with an investment of ₮14 million will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. SportMalta’s project of the first indoor swimming pool of an international scale in the Cottonera Sports Complex, with an investment of ₮14 million, will be among the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean. The Minister for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation Clifton Grima, while visiting the ongoing works on this project said, “It is gratifying that this state-of-the-art indoor swimming pool will be an excellent opportunity for the aquatic sport sector in our country to continue to push forward and continue to contribute to more successes that have been achieved in recent years. This project is also promised in the electoral manifesto”. It was explained that works have been completed on the roof of the swimming pool which is specially made to complement the ramparts and is also intended to absorb external noise, so there is no sound discomfort for the surrounding neighbors . The construction works on the dressing rooms, offices, control rooms, and rooms for sanitary needs have also been completed. Part of the project included the construction of a plant room and a tunnel under the swimming pool, through which cars pass, part of the ring road of the complex.
The CEO of SportMalta Mark Cutajar said, “This project is part of a series of projects that SportMalta takes care of, and through it we will have one of the best sports complexes in the Mediterranean because the indoor swimming pool will complement the Pavilion facility, and has space for 400 spectators as well as a conference hall and a cafeteria”. With this pool, local athletes will no longer be disadvantaged compared to foreign athletes who used to train in an open pool but compete in an indoor pool. With this project the programs within SportMalta will grow and develop into more opportunities for athletes and school children.

Spinning Competition

sportmt September 3, 2018 0

SportMalta, MaltCo and Fitness 24/7 have teamed up together to organize the 1st Edition of the UBet Sport Challenge as part of the European Week of Sport 2018. This year the event will be held at Cottonera Sport Complex on Friday 7th September 2018 from 18.00hours onwards.

All participants must fill in the application form underneath. This will enable officials to determine results and classifications for the different categories. The form must be submitted to SportMalta before or on the day of the event. Failure to do so will result in nonparticipation.

Fitness 24/7 is providing 10 spinning machines. The challenge is to cover the distance in your category in the shortest time possible.

Download the Application

Call for Fitness Centres to Join this Year’s European Week of Sport

sportmt July 9, 2018 0

The European Week of Sport is an initiative taken by the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background and fitness level. SportMalta is the national coordinating body of the European Week of Sport and in this regard, we would like to invite you to take part in this year’s edition.

If you have any questions about this message please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an email to or 22036000.

150 student tas-sekondarja jsiru jafu aktar dwar il-professjoni tal-ÄĄurnaliÅžmu sportiv

sportmt May 24, 2018 0

Fuq inizjattiva tal-Għaqda Ġurnalisti Sport, matul din is-sena skolastika ingħata bidu għall-proĥett edukattiv bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti u bl-appoĥĥ tal-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni u x-xogħol.


Fi Åžjara li għamel waqt l-aħħar sessjoni ta’ din is-sena skolastika l-Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni u x-Xogħol Evarist Bartolo faħħar din l-inizjattiva li tikkumplimenta s-sistema tal-edukazzjoni prattika. Hu spjega li matul din is-sena skolastika saru b’kollox ħames Åžjarat fi skejjel imħallta bejn skejjel tal-Gvern, privati u anke tal-Knisja fejn ingħatat l-opportunita’ lill-istudenti li kienu jvarjaw mill-Form 3, 4 u 5 jesperjenzaw professjoni partikolari li forsi ftit li xejn tisemma’ bħala karriera possibbli li wieħed jista’ jimraħ fiiha.


Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għaÅž-ÅŧgħaÅžagħ, Sport u Għaqdiet tal-Volontarjat Clifton Grima inkoraÄĄixxa lill-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sports u lill-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti sabiex ikomplu jaħdmu flimkien b’ideat oħra wara s-suċċess ta’ dan il-proÄĄett. Hu tenna li f’dan il-proÄĄett l-istudenti qed jingħataw togħma tal-professjoni tal-ÄĄurnalist tal-Isport, jifhmu aħjar l-irwol ta’ min jaħdem f’dan ix-xogħol kemm bħala xandar, ÄĄurnalist fuq gazzetti, publikazzjonijiet, websites u social media li tant huma popolari fost din il-ÄĄenerazzjoni ÅžagħŞugħa.


Il-President tal-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sports Sandro Micallef rringrazzja lill-Ministeru tal-Edukazjoni tal-Koperazzjoni speċjalment lill-Education Officer tal-Edukazzjoni FiÅžika Kevin Azzopardi li mill-ewwel offra l-appoÄĄÄĄ tiegħu għal din l-inizjattiva. Hu rringrazzja wkoll għall-koperazzjoni lill-Kapijiet tal-Iskejjel li fihom saru Åž-Åžjarat preċedenti li kienu l-Iskola St Joseph Sliema, St Dorothy’s ÅŧebbuÄĄ, Middle School Birkirkara KulleÄĄÄĄ Sta TereÅža u St Martin’s College Swatar.


Micallef qal li l-Għaqda Ä uurnalisti Sports illum il-ÄĄurnata ħadet dimensjoni oħra fis-settur tal-isport f’pajjiÅžna fejn b’inizjattivi bħal dawn qed tkompli tikkonferma ruħha bħala waħda mill-istakeholders indispensabbli fl-iÅžvilupp tal-Isport u tal-ÄĄurnaliÅžmu f’pajjiÅžna.


Il-proÄĄett kellu ÅžewÄĄ għanijiet prinċipali: li studenti fl-iskejjel tas-sekondarja jingħataw esperejenza permezz ta’ tagħlim baÅžiku fil-qasam tal-ÄĄurnaliÅžmu sportiv u fl-istess ħin jsiru jafu aktar mill-viċin l-atleti Maltin billi jiltaqgħu magħhom u jsaqsuhom dwar il-karriera sportiva.


Il-proÄĄett kien imfassal b’mod li t-teorija ma tieħux il-maÄĄÄĄoranza tal-ħin f’dawn is-sessjonijiet hekk kif l-istudenti qed ikun mgħejjuna fost l-oħrajn jfasslu, l-mistoqsijiet tagħhom qabel ma’ jagħmlu intervista, jfasslu artiklu għal fuq gazzzetta jew website, jagħmlu kummentarju u saħansitra mgħallma kif jaqraw l-aħbarijiet sportivi quddiem camera tat-televiÅžjoni vera u proprja.


Il-proÄĄett kien ikkordinat minn ÅžewÄĄ għalliema tal-Edukazzjoni FiÅžika Joanna Camilleri u Charlene Attard li huma eks atleti u li llum il-ÄĄurnata huma ÄĄurnalisti tal-Isport. Barra minn hekk Joanna Camilleri hija membru fl-EÅžekuttiv tal-Għaqda Ä urnalisti Sports u Charlene Attard hija Direttur fi ħdan il-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti.

Annual Swim Meets for Students

sportmt April 26, 2018 0

On the 25th April, the National Pool at Tal Qroqq hosted the Annual Swim Meets for students attending State, Church and Independent Primary Schools.  This has been the culmination of a year during which students have experienced training sessions to improve their ability in basic swimming skills. 
The swimming programme for schools offered by SportMalta at Tal Qroqq National Pool, gives the opportunity to students to experience a sport which is not accessible in schools thus encouraging potentially talented students to develop their skills and pursue swimming at higher levels.
Participating schools were:  St Paul’s Bay, Verdala International School, Chiswick School, Paola B, Zejtun, Xaghjra, San Lawrenz Gozo and Rabat Gozo.
Students took part in events which measured their skills in the freestyle, back and breast stroke.  Assisted events were also included to encourage participation and cater for students of all abilities.
This event was sponsored by Go & Fun.

Interschools’ Waterpolo Event by SportMalta

sportmt April 23, 2018 0

Sport Malta will be holding its annual waterpolo competitions for schools during which students, male and female, representing State, Independent and Church Schools will have the opportunity to get together in a socially inclusive environment which encourages respect, tolerance and nurtures schools’ ego and identity.
Following informative sessions held in schools by National Waterpolo coach Mr Karl Izzo and practical sessions held at Tal Qroqq National Pool under the guidance of professional coaches, during which, students were provided and prepared with the necessary   knowledge and skills for the upcoming competitions, the following teams will be representing their school: St Joseph School Sliema, St Francis School Sliema, St Monica Gzira, Naxxar MS, St Michael School, St Albert The Great, St Edward’s College, National Sports School, San Andrea School, De La Salle College and Mosta Secondary School.
The Waterpolo InterSchools’ Tournaments will be held at Tal Qroqq National Pool on the 26th (girls) and 30th (boys) April from 9.00 till 13.00.
This event is being sponsored by Go & Fun

Interschools’ Swimming Competition by SPU

sportmt April 20, 2018 0

On the 18th and 19th April, SportMalta held the annual swimming event for students attending   State, Private and Church Secondary schools.  Throughout the scholastic year, students have been encouraged to take part in the swimming programme for schools offered by SportMalta at Tal Qroqq National Pool.
A total of over hundred students took part in ten events during which they had the opportunity to demonstrate their skill ability in different swimming strokes acquired through long hours of hard training and sacrifice.  Participating schools were: Naxxar MS, National Sports School, Cospicua MS, De La Salle College, Verdala International School, St Dorothy’s School, St Francis Sliema, St Monica School B’Kara and St Monica School Gzira.
This event was aimed at bringing together students from all educational sectors thus encouraging social inclusion and fostering schools’ ego and identity.  It was also the ideal setting to identify skilled swimming athletes who could potentially develop their talent and thus pursue an athletic career.
This event was sponsored by Go & Fun.

Karl Izzo visiting schools ahead of the Interschool’s Swimming Event

sportmt April 19, 2018 0

Throughout the scholastic year, SportMalta has been committed towards the promotion of waterpolo amongst school children.  Students, male and female, from all State, Independent and Church Secondary Schools have been given the opportunity to take part in lead up activities aimed to introduce students to the game of water polo through an overview of the rules of the game, practical sessions and lived experiences by athletes and coaches. 
Mr Karl Izzo, Malta Water polo National Team Coach, has been visiting schools, delivering informative talks and sharing his experience, acquired from a long career in the water polo field, with students who in return have shown a keen interest in the sport which is fast growing in popularity.
Students have also been encouraged to take part in the practical sessions held at Tal Qroqq National Pool, where under the guidance of professional coaches, they go through the basic skills of the game and rules, in preparation for the upcoming tournament. 
The Waterpolo Inter Schools’ tournaments, aimed at consolidating the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the lead up sessions, will be held on the 26th (girls) and 30th (boys) April at Tal-Qroqq National pool.  This event is being sponsored by Go & Fun.


sportmt April 18, 2018 0

Scholastic Year 2017-2018 saw once more the organisation of the Volleyball Tournaments for all State, Church and Private schools in Malta. All events were held at the Cottonera Sports Complex and were organised by the Sport Promotion Unit within SportMalta in collaboration with the Malta Volleyball Association.

Form 5 students were in action in December. Two tournaments were held on December 1st (Boys) and 11th (Girls). In the boys’ category, Stella Maris College had the better of Savio College, while in the girls’ category SIC Handaq Secondary topped the table after playing against St Monica Birkirkara, SCC Pembroke Secondary and St Joseph Blata l-Bajda.

A month later it was the turn of the Form 3&4 students to be in action in the Qualifying phase. These games were held on the 11th (Boys) and 12th January (Girls). The Finals were held on the 13th of April. In the boys’ category Savio College had the better of St Aloysius College. On the other hand in the girls’ category, St Catherine School Pembroke emerged winners after preceding SCC Pembroke Secondary and St Monica Birkirkara in very tight and hard fought games.

The younger students in Form 1&2 were involved in a Festival which took place on the 12th of April. They played in a 3v3 format on six courts. The participating schools were MRC Naxxar MS, SMC Cospicua MS, St Monica Birkirkara and St Dorothy’s School Zebbug. A total of twenty-one teams were fielded, fifteen girls and six boys. For most of these players it was their first experience playing volleyball against our players from different schools. It was a pleasurable and fruitful experience for all of them.