Minister for Inclusion and Quality of Life Julia Farrugia Portelli together with Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Voluntary Organisations Clifton Grima and SportMalta CEO  Mark Cutajar announced âŽ21,000 in financial assistance to Frame Football Malta,  to purchase 31 specialist frames for disabled children to be able to play football.
Frame Football is a suitable football game concept for children who need  a walking frame or crutches to play football. This investment is ensuring and ascertaining that every child who needs some kind of mobile help  and wants to play football like the rest of the children can do this.
This investment further confirms the government’s policy of having an inclusive society so that together, as one nation, we improve our abilities.
The Minister for Inclusion and Quality of Life Julia Farrugia Portelli said that the principle of inclusion contributes greatly to a better quality of life. This investment shows tangibly how the principle of inclusion is not only one on  paper. Inclusion in sport is one of the cornerstones of the national strategy for persons with disabilities. This will be launched in the coming weeks.Â
The Minister stressed the importance  of continuing to create an environment where disabled persons feel comfortable doing what others do, even if in different ways. The contribution of voluntary organisations, such as Frame Football Malta, strengthens our work in this direction.
 Parliamentary Secretary Clifton Grima said  that today is a historic day for inclusion in Maltese sport and for children with disabilities . “Sport unites us, but to be able to truly say that through sport everyone is included we need to keep investing in equipment, irrispective of a personâs ability. The Parliamentary Secretary said that the government’s mission is, that apart from achieving prestigious results, every individual should have access to practice and participate in sport.
Parliamentary Secretary Grima  added that this investment in frame football equipment, besides having an impact on children and young people with disabilities, will help them  improve their  social skills, communication and self-confidence . “These investments exemplifies the government’s message that it really is a government for the people. We are committed   to  create opportunities for each individual to improve,”  the Parliamentary Secretary concluded .
 SportMalta  CEO Mark Cutajar stressed that this investment is a fundamental part of SportMalta’s mission , which helps to  achieve  a stronger, more inclusive and successful society.
Frame Football Malta President Rita Darmanin Carbonaro said that the investment has provided a necessary tool for these children and young people to  further develop their love for the football game.  This puts us on an equal footing with clubs  abroad with whom they can participate and compete in tournaments and other sporting activities.
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