The European Week of Sport is an initiative taken by the European Commission to promote sport and physical activity across Europe. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age, background and fitness level.
SportMalta is the national coordinating body of the European Week of Sport and in this regard, it is organising several meetings with various stakeholders to create a network through which it intends to promote sport and physical activity across the nation.
The first meeting took place on 16th May and several stakeholders were invited, namely SportMaltaâs registered sport organisations, organisations from the voluntary and the youth sectors and representatives from Local Councils. Those present for this meeting were presented with the background stating that a high percentage of the Maltese population does not practice any sport or do physical activity bringing about repercussions. Through all these different stakeholders, SportMalta managed to reach out to various strata of society.
General information about the European Week of Sport was circulated and all representatives from the various organisations were informed on how they can be part of this campaign. The marketing strategy was also communicated to these organisations for them to understand better their role in this initiative.
Future meetings will be organised amongst others, for journalists, school teachers and the Gozo region to get as many stakeholders on board as possible.
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